Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
From Pope Paul ll in 1994

Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -by the Divine Power of God -cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Message to Bin Laden…
Al Qaeda Network in Iraq DESTROYED! With more to go in the coming year! We will find your little cave of idiots and then you will be buried!
Yes I am for chasing them back to their caves! I also wouldn't mind blowing it up after that!
I myself have no room for a sympathizer of extremists! Read about this pathetic little wimpy aide resigning.
Click here for the latest bin ass wipe message. Common binny boy! You are scared just admit it!
You and your group will be in a pool of blood because Israel won’t put up with you little butt heads for long! They will blow you out of existence! So keep it up cause your cave will be your tomb! We won't put up with it either!
Friday, December 28, 2007
BWA HA HA HA Ron Paul...If Ron Paul was sane he would have quit already!
I still think he has a good hair dresser sort of name. :D :D :D... ^..^
Osama is Gone? GOOD!
More of his group should be too in the near future I hope!
I also loved the video on the woman who knew too much. That is what I thought of Joan of Arch. That is why they killed her too.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Flying Imams will Lose Law Suit!

Click on the URL below to watch the video on another wonderful group:
Charity group trains terrorists in Pakistan.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Why can’t we be friends… I’LL TELL YOU WHY!

What the hell planet are you on Ann!?
I don’t submit to no one on this planet! I have a very good lifestyle and it is with respect and you really have to earn that with me.
I hate the word submission and it is no way in my lifestyle and it never will be!
You all are just blessed with my presence and that is it! That is all you will get from me You got that!?! ERRRRRRR!!! ^..^
Well Ann I agree with you on Huckleberry but submission?! He is a real asshole idiot!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Choose Your Form of Torture
The Spirit Of Christmas
I think I would choose waterboarding over Al-Qaeda Style any day!
I think I would choose waterboarding over Al-Q’s style if I were you.
Come on you wimps out there! Get a strong stomach! We are fighting terror and they would do a hell of a lot more to you if they were treated differently and let off easy!
Didn’t you hear the terror plots that were stopped because of waterboarding? Or did the media leave that part out or did you happen to fall asleep on that couch?!
If you all think torture is cruel you should see what would have happened if the school your kid was going to or the mall where your family shops at …blows up! The shooting incidents lately would be nothing compared to what Al-Qaeda could do!
Complaining about torture to criminals that would not think twice to blow you away!?
You need a good slap across that face of yours if you think it’s wrong! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY YA ASSHOLE SYMPATHIZERS!
We just had another sweat child of 16 killed by this sort of crap heads that want to take your life as well! Father kills his daughter ... read this click here! And just last year: Father shoots 17 year old daughter... click here! Ok you fuckers want to talk more about torturing these kinds of things running around!? YOU ARE SICK PEOPLE to not realize what is going on and what is at stake!
I want to see the young girls and boys of this Islamic culture defy their family their parents more! Just like these brave girls did! I see this kind of action and more! These kids can lead their cruel parents to extinction with defiance!
I ask God to release this on the world now! In the name of our lord Jesus Christ!
Kids you don’t have to honor your parents if they are sick murderous thugs! Know the difference and get away from them and turn them into the authorities!
Let the Islamic clowns have as many children as they wish because they will never own their childs will! Only God can do this! And they will not go around killing folks because of differences they know this is not God's law to do this!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Muslims Have To Do Better

You’re not doing enough to support the great nation you live in! Your trying your dam nest to get those foot bathes in at airports but you are not working toward improving our way of life just your own! So I don’t trust any of you and I have a right not to! You may fool some of my soft hearted friends but you won’t get to me till I see that you have truly become American! And then I still want a microscope on you all!
And while we're at it, why are the networks allowing CAIR plants to ask questions during presidential debates? The CNN featuring of "Yasmin from Huntsville, Ala." without identifying her link with CAIR seems especially fishy.
Yeah this I got from Jihad Watch! That alone is enough for me to watch my back! You just never know who is being pressured out there do you.
I believe in tough measures!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
NOW Afraid of Big Bad ASS Islamic Muslim jihad Jackasses!!!
The woman’s movement is all about politics and that is why NOW is not saying anything!
All these women should be ashamed of themselves! Every young woman needs to know the difference!
NOW is throwing women under moving busses!
To every young woman out there: You are woman let me hear you roar! You can be a humanitarian to try and stop all the injustice that is happening to women all over the globe! It is about human life for God SAKES!!!
DON’T GIVE IN AND DON’T BE QUIET! YOU HAVE SUPPORT AGAINST THE PRICKS OUT THERE! The pricks are the Islamic Muslim men! Their women are brainwashed! Positive strokes are given to the women who up hold Muslim Islamic ways! OPEN YOUR EYES!
Click here and pay special attention to the part about brutality to women.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Yo Muslim Islamic Jackasses! Teddy Bear Already Had A Name!

The nerve of taking a good name like Teddy and giving it a muslim name! UGH!
I bet Teddy is rolling in his grave about this teacher degrading the Teddy Bear to a muslim name! THE NERVE!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Christmas Tree of 2007
I just had to put this one up too along with the tree.
Let us all keep this in mind too! Click here and read ACT.
Monday, November 19, 2007
I Give Thanks To Our Troops!
Who is Timmy you ask? Timmy is a candy ass that tried to post a comment at my blog. Good thing that I moderate. I’m sure he is not from our country and it was all about him and the hell with everyone else!
If you think having your own thoughts is free will, you are grossly mistaken. Your too old for this to affect you, but when I get drafted and im in some shit country ducking in bunkers while muslims pick off my peers with machine guns and homemade grenades, i will need much more than the comfort of my own thoughts on how much it sucks, in order to quench my desire for "free will".

DCAT, I don't know where you got this, but it's impressive. Thanks! [I just read it as I've been out-of-town and am catching up on e-mails.] I'm forwarding this 'cause my daughter's fiancé [in the Army Reserves] recently learned he's likely to be deployed to Iraq in the next several months - -even tho' he already served there a year [after graduating from college] and even tho' he graduated from JAG school in May. The reason for his probable deployment is that the Reserves have too many lawyers and not enough fighters. So their wedding plans are on hold... again, and they're both so upset they don't want to talk about it any more. Their experiences have made this e-mail all the more meaningful. The freedom we enjoy is taken for granted by many, but freedom is definitely not free. It comes at a huge cost, personally, financially, and more. At this time of thanks-giving, I hope more people thank and appreciate those who sacrifice so much - - even their all - - to preserve freedom for the rest of us. Nancy
I hear you Nancy loud and clear. It’s our first week back from Jamaica. My heart goes out to
Monday, November 12, 2007
My Veterans Day Weekend 2007

Just for our Veterans I would like to share what happened on a Delta flight 1627 on this day the 11/11/07. Hubby and I came from a fabulous trip, one not always available for others. I feel very fortunate, fortunate that I felt safe enough to go on this trip. The air lines were top notch and when another security personal didn’t catch a bag not checked others did. I bet they had fun giving the officials hell for it too. I also hope that every one of the folks working for the airline industry keep on with the visual watch and make sure to be very much a part of keeping an eye out for their fellow worker that might miss something. That is team work! That is what I saw.
On this flight 1627 I got to notice military personal. Not for the uniform but listening. I found people behind me involved with the military and their kids serving. I also noticed across the isle there sat in full leather and a freedom fighter patch. “He was a patriot guard.” I was excited to hear him talk to another guy that wasn’t too knowledgeable about the Baptist morons that want to crash funerals for our soldiers. The patriot guard did a fine job of telling this guy the details. I sat there with a grin on my face. Not that I just won a game of trivia but how this guy just got all quiet once told by the Patriot Guard the details right down to the jail time for the leader of this Baptist group!
Then to add injury to the morons against our troops if any on this flight I was on. Because when the flight personal said to enjoy the Veterans Day weekend and how about a hand for our troops… The plane went nuts with applause and cheers mine being so loud that the woman next to me just about fell on the floor of the plane. I didn’t care for the long stair at me from a dark skinned Indian, Arab whatever sitting over by a window glaring at me. I didn’t much give a shit because there was nothing that was going to take that pride from me and I know that Patriot Guard felt the same as I got a nod. GO TROOPS YEAH MON!
This by the way this was a flight from Georgia to Seattle. We got in about 8:45PM 11:45 Jamaica time. ^..^
“We’re gathered today, just as we have gathered before, to remember those who served, those who fought, those still missing, and those who gave their last full measure of devotion for our country... One of those who fell wrote, shortly before his death, these words: ‘Take what they have left and what they have taught you with their dying and keep it with your own. And take one moment to embrace those gentle heroes you left behind.’ Well, today, Veterans Day, as we do every year, we take that moment to embrace the gentle heroes of Vietnam and of all our wars. We remember those who were called upon to give all a person can give, and we remember those who were prepared to make that sacrifice if it were demanded of them in the line of duty, though it never was. Most of all, we remember the devotion and gallantry with which all of them ennobled their nation as they became champions of a noble cause... Our liberties, our values, all for which America stands is safe today because brave men and women have been ready to face the fire at freedom’s front. And we thank God for them.” —Ronald Reagan
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Ayaan Hirsi Ali ‘You go Girl!
Even though I am a Spiritualist and God does exist and helps me daily, I must say I love what is being said here. Man made laws have no power over me and never will. I will fight against any religion that puts women or men in any kind of horrible submission! That goes for dysfunctional drama jackasses. I just don’t have the time for it in MY life.
This is freedom for those of you that just don’t get it.
Hell does exist and Satan is working against us. BTW he will lose!
I would go to the military mode for my own personal safety!
I never was a real groupie type and have always been independent with my own life. Politically I tend to go to Republican. That will never change at any time soon.
Common sense is to arm yourself and be smarter then the enemy.
Ayaan has been through a lot and I can see why she turned her back on religion. It was hateful. It all reminds me of the good ole Salem witch trials, always after a good ole witch hunt. Never mind the skeletons in their own closets!
Since it is almost Halloween I thought this to be a nice little reminder of Sarah Good…
Good was executed on July 19. She failed to yield to judicial pressure to confess, and showed no remorse at her execution. In fact, in response to an attempt by Minister Nicholas Noyes to elicit a confession, Good called out from the scaffolding, "You are a liar. I am no more a witch than you are a wizard, and if you take away my life God will give you blood to drink." Her curse seems to have come true. Noyes died of internal hemorrhage, bleeding profusely at the mouth.
Thee has been warned! ^..^
The truth about Muslim brotherhood.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Teaching Kids to Kill
http://www.investigativeproject.org/article/516 Twisted asshole Muslims!!! UGH!
Christians shouldn’t be idiots! I don’t plan to give in! So I don’t plan to be an idiot!
Idiots are people that go along with the flow of evil because of fear! People are idiots when they think others freedom of “LIFE AND LIVING” are ok with Muslim groups!
I find any religion that wants other people dead just because of power and intimidation should be wiped off the face of the earth!
Islamic Jihadists around the world have declared war on America, Israel and the West and have made clear that:
The goal of the Islamo-Fascist jihad is world domination
The Islamo-Fasacist Jihad demands the suppression of all Infidels
The Islamo-Fascist Jihad is a war against Women
The Islamo-Fascist Jihad is a war against Gays
The Islamo-Fascist Jihad is a war against Christians
The Islamo-Fascist Jihad is a war against Jews
The Islamo-Fasacist Jihad is a war against non-religious people
In opposition to this, we affirm four key principles denied by the jihadists and threatened by them:
The right of all people to live in freedom and dignity
The freedom of the individual conscience: to change religions or have no religion at all
The equality of dignity of women and men
The right of all people to live free from violence, intimidation, and coercion
We call upon all campus political, cultural, ethnic and religious groups to stand with us in opposing all forms of religious supremacism, violence and intimidation.
However these asswipes “Muslims” don’t make bargains unless it is for their favor!!! If the Christians are that stupid to believe that these goons have a chance at peace then we deserve what we get!!!
I will remind you all I will fight!
The thugs need to be wiped off the face of the earth for good!!!
Nothing politically correct here unless you want to be 6 feet under by jihads pretending to play nice!
Oh and the criminal jihad becoming Christian now in prison…I say BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA right! LOL! Hang em high! He ain't getting off at any time folks!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
General Wesley Clark Screws with The Wrong Soldiers!
Consider your ass grass General!
Now you can take that to your grave WESLEY!
Alright first things first! I want to spew a bit before letting you in on the ill mannered unorganized dedication to our military soldiers by General Wesley Clark. My soldier friends are Republicans. They were going in with an open mind and low and behold you have this head in the ass General dismissing you soldiers as mere commoners! Ah but this is typical for a democrat! Cause that is what he is and out of touch for I had him pegged as a nut from day one! I will tell you what he is, my good people and that is ‘he is a minor player and a washed up General!
Picture this, two soldiers that spent time in Albania fighting for the cause. With one of them even losing a leg! Now giving up an exercise work out only to be turned away by the General that they fought with and under! They wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. ‘To give a chance and open mind, to this loon of a General.
Well I say well done soldiers! And thank you for serving! You’re still serving by opening up the eyes of others that bought his book. "Especially the Albanians." If they only knew the true heroes are you two and not him! I bet they would have had pictures taken with you if you were to have waited and told them who you were. You could have stolen the show! But I understand the shock that you went through believe me! Hind site if we only would hold out and think at the time. LOL
I will tell you now you are better then this has been General and you will shine on while he will just turn to dust, in many of mind and blow away! You have a sweet little girl that is our future! And “A” is for an angle! For she will, bring guidance through you both in the world of the future.
As a human resource person you are still working with people. Just, think this person this General is still trying to sell his worthless goods! I mean really what else does he have before his last hurrah? Not a damn thing! Remember you are worth more because you care more! And I love you for it! Hubby and I look forward to a hug from you and your husband when we all go to the dinner in Seattle and the opera this week! You have probably more friends then that General will ever have! Oh sure he will be surrounded by people however for their own favoritism and that is fake! So turn your back on him my friends because he is not a patriot and he does not have the same golden values that you posses. You are free! Because of you many more are also free so remember that and know that the General never learned true values such as you did. He with his thought will never be!
May this memory of this dreaded day be erased and keep you from despair and enlighten others here:
I was too shocked and disappointed at Third Place Books last night in Seattle to speak up. I waited in line for the book signing. When it was our turn, we told him that we were honored to serve with him in Albania. He thanked us for our service and shook our hands. Immediately afterwards, I felt it would be special to have General Clark General Clark personalize our book to CPT and LT *****. I got back into line. A group of Albanians were in front of me and were able to get multiple photos with the General. When it was my turn again, I said it would mean a lot to us if he could personalize our book. He said I was “holding up the line” and his assistant told me that they weren't doing that tonight. I think he should conduct an After Action Review on this one. It was four extra words to write for two veterans.
I know you were upset Soldier! I had to correct a word for you “mean”. I know he was very mean and down right rude! I know how much of a perfectionist you are and everything you do is perfect at work. My lord you were upset! May all this melt from your heart and give you joy that others do support you! Thank you and your husband for serving!
Love to you both from Mr. and Mrs. dcat ^..^ (I can't wait till the opera! See you Monday! ;)
I will remind people that this soldier’s husband lost his leg in that Albanian conflict. And this is the way they were treated! Shame on General Wesley Clark! It shows it doesn’t matter how decorated you are you still just don’t have any class at all! You should loose all your decorations just for that move you made on these two fellow soldiers! Husband and wife that served for you! Sheesh! Don’t buy his book unless you throw it at him! Or hey! Better yet FLUSH it with the karan in a toilet!!! There ya go! ^..^
Friday, October 05, 2007
Let's get the thugs out! I don't think losing this war is a good thing! HOW DARE YOU EVEN SAY THAT!!! YOU CAN JUST GO LIVE IN THE MIDDLE EAST THAN! Benedict Arnolds!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!
Political Correctness On Display In Washington As U.S. House Passes First-Ever Resolution Honoring Islam and Ramadan
An Important Message from Brigitte Gabriel
Dear dcat,
For the first time ever, the U.S. House of Representatives, on a 376 – 0 vote, passed a resolution honoring the Islamic holiday Ramadan and commending Muslims for their faith.
Congressman Tom Tancredo, one of 42 voting “present,” in a press release after the vote cited the resolution as "an example of the degree to which political correctness has captured the political and media elite" in America. He further stated: “I am not opposed to commending any religion for their faith. The problem is that any attempt to do so for Jews or Christians is immediately condemned as ’breaching’ the non-existent line between Church and State by the same elite.”
Congressman Scott Garrett commented that in his five years in Congress he could not remember a resolution honoring Christmas or Easter. As of this morning, a search by the ACT for America staff had not uncovered any resolution in the past 20 years honoring a Jewish holiday.
Other Members of Congress expressed being “troubled” by the resolution. Yet it passed without a single “no” vote. Why? And why the special treatment of an Islamic holiday?
Because politically correct treatment of Islam is growing, and the pressures in Washington to knuckle under to this political correctness have become extremely intense. I heard this loud and clear from Members of Congress when I spoke on Capitol Hill on September 10th. We know there are Members up there who are deeply concerned, and deeply troubled, by the growing and glowing affirmation of Islam, given Islam’s past and current history of violence, brutality, terrorism and intolerance. These congressmen and women need to know that there are millions of Americans who share their concerns. These congressmen and women need to know that there are millions of Americans who understand that Islam, especially militant Islam, has not been a religion of peace, and is, in fact, the major threat to peace and liberty in the world today.
This is why building ACT for America’s citizen action network is so immensely important. That’s why we need the help of every concerned citizen. As we build our chapter network, as we add tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then millions of concerned Americans to this grassroots network, elected officials everywhere will know that there is another voice in this great country, a voice of the people who will not be intimidated by, nor bow to, political correctness. Our allies in the Congress and the state legislatures will know it. So will those who put their finger in the wind to determine which way they vote!
With over 220 people volunteering to lead chapters in nearly 40 states and four foreign countries, we’ve gotten off to a great start.
ACTION ITEM #1: I’m asking everyone reading this to get involved in the ACT for America chapter network by clicking here.
ACTION ITEM #2: Then, forward this email to every person you know and urge them to join us.
ACTION ITEM #3: And finally, Contact your Member of Congress about this resolution and let him/her know how you feel about their vote. While you’re at it, please ask them:
Will you offer a congressional resolution calling on American Muslim Imams to issue fatwas against Hamas, Al-Qaida, Hezbollah and the rest of the barbaric organizations killing innocent people in the name of Islam?
Will you offer a congressional resolution calling for the closing of the mosques and Islamic organizations in America that teach children that Christians and Jews are apes and pigs…that teach children to hate for Allah’s sake...that teach children it is the religious duty of every Muslim to overthrow America’s constitutional government and replace it with Islamic government under sharia law...that teach children that in order to fulfill the sacred obligation of Jihad they must invade the Western heartland and struggle to overcome it until all the world shouts by the name of the prophet Mohammad?
Will you offer a congressional resolution calling for the closure of Islamic paramilitary camps that exist on American soil, compounds where militants are being trained in the tactics of armed Jihad?
Together, we must rise in defense of America,
Brigitte Gabriel
ACT for America P.O. Box 6884 Virginia Beach, VA 23456
ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam.
HOW CAN I TELL OTHERS ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION?Send a personalized version of this message to your friends.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Oh only Muslims!
Ok I got ya! I understand! Boy, do I ever!!!
Even if they worked with us now I would still be suspicious! Common Robert I don’t think so! It’s my right to be skeptical! Your right about islamaphobia not going away! Not with me at any rate! EVER!!!
They change their religion and it won’t matter to me! CAIR is doing a bit of brain washing again and I refuse to listen to their spewing lies! Let the loony left take it all in. They seem to not listen to anyone else but soon as terrorists speak they are ready to bare their children of murderous thugs! I don’t get it!
I am not about to cheer for the enimy anytime soon! However the traitor witch below will!
Political correctness does not count in war!!! GOOD JOB TROOPS!!! THAT GENERAL practicing treason? I think so!!!! Thanks Bill! And that is a memo
You may have to click on it twice seems the stations don’t want you to see this one!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The New Dhimmy Drug for Election 08!
This has been a message from a very concerned neighbor! Thanks Nancy! :D
it’s all true you know the dhimmys really need to keep convincing themselves heaven forbid they would actually come to their senses!
Some out there even think that America isn’t the supper power. Well yes China has capitalism and socialism going for them. Maybe that is what Hilary wants to do to us? Oh lets have more government control starting with health care! Sarcasm off!
Ok the cost of the war vs Islam taking over our lives… hmmmm let me think! I HOPE THE HELL NOT!!!
What’s really on Bill Clinton’s mind?
You do get what you paid for and freedom is not cheap by any means! Neither is the brave men and women’s life fighting to up hold that freedom for all! Unfortunately that does mean freedom for the loons out there too!
Life is precious! And it is what you do with that life even when it comes to sacrificing for the good of all mankind! Let’s show our armed forces some respect! The respect should be given especially from the politicians along with other supporters against the war, that want to drag this nation down even more by subjecting to thugs!!!
“Oh well they aren’t stoning people here so lets not worry about it!” Why should we care or stick our noses in to their business…” We really do need a high dose of drug for these folks! A huge reality drug should be given to those that say stuff like this. Talk about a selfish lot! Those that say stuff like this really are!!! They show little regard for the future!
(Oh and they aren't going away quietly!)
If that kind of humanitarian way of thinking wins it will be a sad world to live in!
Update: The Mudville Gazette Thank you bg for bringing this to my attention!
There you go dhimmys of the new world order! From our brave men and women fighting for the USA and couldn’t even get a visit! Shame full completely and utterly shameful!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Ahmadinejad is a THUG!
Ok it works now :)
They dare not ban this one below!
Thanks bg for this link! She does remind me of me! ;D
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Iranian THUG Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Look what I just saw at LGF! "Several Arabic-speaking readers have emailed to let me know that the slogan in Arabic script, Down with USA/Israel," actually says "DEATH to USA/Israel.
Michelle had this to say: TAKE YOUR WREATH AND SHOVE IT!
Here Michelle let me finish that for you: “Ahmadinejad You can take that wreath and shove it UP YOUR ASS!!! It’s probably so full of shit already it probably won’t fit!!! We are all onto you and may you have a horrible flight!
I hope our fighter jets take him out by accident maybe ;)
Keep Away From Runaround Hsu
And this: For you Suzie homemakers
I don't have kids but yet I want to fight for this country's future! I will not give up as a citizen of this great nation UNDER GOD!
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Columbia students organize
We don’t need to hear the thug! Most of us already know all about him and the groups here!!! UGH!!!
Ok everyone listen up…
You need to see the link my Iranian friend sent me… http://iranpoliticsclub.net/islam/islam-danger1/ . May I remind you all she is a dear friend of mine she is an Iranian that is struggling to stay here and never go back or bring any part of the sick culture she left behind “is how she put it” here! She feels that the fools with their sick “religion of peace should just move back to Iran and take some so called Americans that believe CAIR with them!
My Iranian friend paid me a visit at work with a hug that was stronger then a bear hug. She asked me to do something! Don’t let the killer thugs into this country!!! DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN!!!
“Ok I guess I will have to conjure up a spell of some sort there my Iranian friend.”
It’s not like I have that kind of power but the power of good people will prevail and justice will prevail. I told her that the sick loons will have no power here and that it will go nowhere fast. I believe this and I hold true to that fact! Americans ‘I don’t care if they are democrat or republican will not allow this to happen! The ones that do are the ones that are from there and live here or just don’t understand much.
“There are exceptions like folks such as my Iranian friend of course.” They fled that tyrant and don’t want nothing to do with that way of life ever again! Its back ass and medieval! By the way my Iranian friend said this.
Read what she sent me:
Damn CAIR.
Read this article.
Love you from bottom of my heart
“Damn CAIR”. That is what she thinks of the organization. Yes I do believe her because I have put her threw some tests without her realizing it and she passed. Her eyes don’t lie.
Ok does anyone want to join me for the dinner coming up by CAIR? This will be in Kirkland. Or for those in Bellevue I will do both. Ok now people the ball is in your court I will wait for a comment or a sign up sheet from you and we will organize. My Iranian friend said this would be a good thing for us to do. To show them! She is still afraid because she isn’t an American citizen yet. If she was to go back to Iran she would be arrested.
About that dinner… *Click Here for Story and info.* or email me if interested.
Michelle Malkin really does a great job!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
CAIR to Try and Schmooze Locals and Authorities
Just in case the PI pulls the link above even in the PI. I thought I would share my favorites out of the article:
"I personally feel violated when they go through my car and my backpack," said Bukhari, a Muslim. "We're painted against these crazy, angry guys living on the fringe."
Oh and please kissing up to the border patrol?! Come on, we all are being violated! You think I enjoy getting put through the ringer of a long wait because of your family members that went jihad on us!? Oh don’t you remember the ones caught at our borders with explosives on the way to LAX? You people just like the loony left here in the USA need reminding all the F***ing time! The border patrol will not be going easy on you or me no matter how many dinners you serve! THANK GOD!!!
Here is another part of the article that stung me like a bee:
“Bukhari's sentiments come at a time of growing fear in the community of Arab-Americans, Muslim-Americans and people of South Asian heritage. That fear was stoked even more last month when federal authorities released photographs of two men, apparently of Middle Eastern descent, who authorities said were acting suspiciously aboard Washington State Ferries.”
“Now members of the community are fighting back -- with politeness.”
SO WILL, I CAIR! Others will too! We will still be assessing you!
Fear is not an option! It is being cautious with people around you. It’s called being aware of ones surroundings. SO DON’T CALL IT FEAR! It’s you people that have fear! Maybe even paranoia. There is medication for that if you need it! What you are doing is called conditioning. Why I found that the enemies will even drink a beer with you as long as you can take someone down according to the writings of Allah in the Koran. Robert Spencer can interpret just about as well as you people can. I have been reading the Koran. I don’t like what I am reading and I am not influenced by cults. Thanks, be to GOD!
You will serve the dinners the FBI will say thank you very much and it will be business as usual. Oh and watch your back because they will be watching you all that much more! You can count on that! Not a threat but a promise to keep us safe from the extremist amongst you CAIR. I’m sure you have very nice people in your group and you probably have some nastier ones too. I will stay alert to that fact and so will many, many good American citizens. I’m always on watch and I am enjoying life in the freedom lane.
So CAIR thanks but no thanks! Here go to the article on this dude! We will stay on watch CAIR!
I just had to post this twice just for you CAIR!
Who said this?
(2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few, and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
(3) "(We) can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
(4) "We have to build a political consensus, and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."
(5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
(6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy - that they are being watched."
Now you might think these were the famous words of the Father of
communism, Karl Marx.
And you would be on the right track in thinking so.
But you would be wrong.
These pearls of socialist/Marxist wisdom are from non other than
our very own, home-grown Marxist. . . .

Thursday, September 13, 2007
New Jihad Mug Shot AGAIN!

He was Hunting WHAT!?! There are no two legged squirrels!
Jihad watch.
Another one found! Nice job!
New Jihad Mug Shot

He was Hunting WHAT!?! There are no two legged squirrels!
Jihad watch.
Another one found! Nice job!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Anti Jihad Federation
Massive Federation Forms to Confront Radical IslamTuesday September 11, 3:20 pm ETWASHINGTON DC, Sept. 11 /PRNewswire/ --
Today on the anniversary of the September 11th terror attacks, a massive federation to combat radical Islam has been officially declared. The Anti-Jihad Federation, as it is being called, is coming to be the name known for any and every organization involved in confronting the threat from Islamic Jihadists. Leading Federation organizers are stressing that the Anti-Jihad Federation is a non-entity, has no charter, and is not an organization or group, but is comprised of any and all organizations and groups resisting the Jihadist threat which faces the West. Although there are many organizations involved in confronting the Jihad, and each have varying views, beliefs, and methods, the Federation is being called a uniting movement with the hopes to add and aid cohesion and communication between organizations currently working to defeat Jihadi threats and supporters. It is being said by many that the establishment of the Federation demonstrates the importance of unity against such threats.
Leading elements within the Federation include many organizations which take part in grassroots activism to confront the threat from radical Islam and to protect the Western world for generations to come. There are many organizations around the globe who are actively involved in confronting Jihad; such organizations include JihadWatch, United American Committee, Vigilant Freedom Group, American Congress for Truth, America's Truth Forum, as well as hundreds of other organizations which are constantly growing as the powerful movement against radical Islam builds. Such organizations comprise an integral part of the growing Federation against the enemies of the Western world. The Federation also includes individuals spanning all ages, ethnicities, religions, and countries, who may not be affiliated with any organization yet who are united in opposing Jihadists.
Though not every organization may be right for everyone, everyone who is against Jihad can find the organization that is right for them through the Federation. Such research can be conducted through the website Federation Movement which lists various organizations involved in the Anti-Jihad Federation. This site also offers resources for individuals wishing to participate in protecting this generation, and the future from Islamic totalitarianism for generations to come.
Monday, September 10, 2007
911! What? Me Forget!?! NEVER!!!
You have pissed us off! Not scared us so get that straight!

Oh yes during the Clinton administration this is what was planed and happened right after Bush took office! I remember what Clinton said: “I told you about …)
We are not going to get fooled again and we don’t need a Ron Paul in office or dumb idiot followers of the far left to hold us back! Oh but only a hand full. Fox news sure chewed Ron Paul up and spit him out fast!
Ron Paul sounds like a, gosh darn hair dresser that I went to once at a solon. He missed his calling! He could be making big bucks cutting Clintons and Edwards’s hair! On the other hand can he even be trusted with scissors?

Get ready because we are on watch and will take your sorry little nothing ass out!!! Try something stupid and the Middle East gets turned into one kitty litter box!
Bottom line: Al Qaeda doesn’t care about human life!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A Ron Paul Loser Documentary
His cronies are nothing but losers and socialists! Can't fool me RON! You sir are a libratarian! That is worse then the four letter word!
Update: "The nut patrol is out! The PAULITES are out of the cages!"
Ok I'm done now forever! Good bye Paulites... Ya losers! Heh!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Ron Paul a New Candidate Wanna Be
Putting security first would eliminate the need for a fence that can be cut with wire cutters. We have technology that can be put to a greater watch! We have people starting to notice and calling attention to the unusual. They are contacting ICE or being part of TSC. The eyes of America are watching. We will make companies comply with this.
I also noticed like a lot of other blogs that the libertarians are having a field day with stuffing the polls. Oh and the idiot followers will just go along with it instead of reading how twisted and extreme that group is! There is no balance there! “Duh huh well look see Mildred all the people are voting for this guy he must be good duh huh!” NOT!
It definitely is a philosophy! The doctrine of free will is already with most of us! As the blonds flip their hair back um yes even the air heads. They have a free will to be misguided and controlled. But hey they won’t know the difference so there is that freedom.
I think (there is that free thought of mine again) that libertarians are more promiscuous liberal then tolerant! I use the word promiscuous with an enemy and the economy all at the same time. They will go to bed with the enemy and they sure will bring our economy down with high taxes to the so called rich! They are running in so many directions that they have no idea what is UP!
Why do I keep thinking of Ralph Nader? I know there is a difference. Or is this more of the same! Yep and that will be in my mind KOOKS every last one of them!!!
Update: Press release: FBI announces over 350 arrests in multi-agency operation clean sweep'
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Brian DePalma the Unpatriotic Hollywood
I will probably not see the move degrading of our soldiers! Nobody but liberals will see this move. It is nothing but a downer!
It’s funny how I don’t pay attention to actors anyway. If I see a movie it is for entertainment and I don’t give a crap who is in it so don’t ask me. As for this movie coming out I will agree with Roger L. Simon . I’m not seeing it either!
Nice one there Roger on Edwards health care quickie too! You are really spot on!
Maybe they will give Edwards a brain! He really needs one really, really bad! (A quickie: “I loved that!... bwahahahaha) Roger how about the brain in the abbey normal container? Oh wait he has that one already. Then we can declare him NUTS!
1984 isn’t going to happen!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A, Hunting We Will GO!
The MQ-9
This is a good thing!
I know why they took a six month vacation! ;)They can halt all they want to! But we will be there when they are back at it!
Just Say NO to Shari’a
I am NOT intimidated CAIR! Neither was Oregon’s paper heh! Everyone is on to your little slimy existence!
I will poke fun just to push buttons! That is my freedom!
Yup little by little these clowns of the shari’a law WILL NOT take over!
Liberal Oregon had the cartoons in the Sunday paper when I was at Cannon Beach Oregon this past Sunday. And I say ‘good for them!
Shari'a is a creep in! And we will be a stomping!
If I have insulted you GOOD!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
How Terror Grows at Home

Seattle loons and a few others need to look at this with eyes wide open! It’s in the works and yeah in your back yard! It’s going to take John Doe’s to take them down!
I do believe we have our work cut out for us! Stay vigilant! If you see something report, report; report it just like what these people did 'yes "in Washington State!"

Suspicious Ferry Passengers
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
It’s an abomination! That is it I am summoning mother earth to get you!
“Netherlands Catholic bishop: Let’s ease religious tensions — by calling God “Allah”
I R-e-f-u-s-e!
You all just want me to say FUCK again don’t you!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
We Need Team Players!
Yeah, I think he is right however I don’t want it to happen! I believe it will unfortunately because the Islamic fascist Middle East Loons are not going away till we take every last one off of this planet! What we need are team players! Not sympathizers! I would think that the people of this great country can be team players!
Yesterday there was a threat of a dirty bomb! The blogs were alive with the sound of a possible attack. Glad to see that they took it seriously and every little, chatter should step up the beat!
Let’s not have the lame blame game when it does happen, folks. Let’s just pull together and whoop their asses! No it’s not Bush’s fault! It’s our life style’s fault! Our freedom and what we have!
Those loons didn’t win last time in war and they will fail this time! That is war and we need to keep it up and help the people under such horrible conditions! BTW: I heard that the democrats really don’t intend on leaving Iraq. HEH! Oh yes it will take years!
Omar this may be too deep for some to grasp...
First Arab countries fear that Iran would control much of Iraq and they have come to realize that the only way to prevent this from happening is by allowing Iraq to become a stable state with which they can build good relations. Second their relations with America are already much better than Iran's which is seen as a common threat to them and to Iraq's stability. Add this to recent pledges with military aid in the billions and-I assume-guarantees that democracy in Iraq is not going to be a threat to their interests and we have a good package of incentives and disincentives.This must have convinced them that they will lose if they keep putting their money on the insurgency as a way to stop the Iranian expansion.This doesn't mean Saudi Arabia is doing all they can. After all it's the ideology they teach in their schools and mosques that keeps breeding terrorism and until they do something about that Saudi Arabia will always be responsible for creating new generations of terrorists who could strike in Iraq and elsewhere.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Robert Spencer dares The Council on American –Islamic Relations - CAIR So now for the reality… IT’S CALLED BILL OF RIGHTS ‘cair
Well Robert looks like CAIR is working overtime with
And More on GOOGLE Oh they are working sooo damn hard now! Hehehehe
Now I know I can't trust them!
I loved the speech!
YES FUCKING REAL! As one student yelled out! HEHEHEHEHEHE
The Speech
If the video gives you problems then let it play out and move the bar to start again while it finishes downloading. It's a high volume show is why the poor quality and that is a good thing!
Terrorists do want us divided!
Pajamas Media
Posted at Hot Air