Monday, March 20, 2023

I Think The Pink Pussy Hats Are Terrorists!

You dipshits on the left commie regime have NO right, to tell me anything about protest!  You nutcases thought the BLM/ANTIFA criminals burning down cities was just fine?  Yeah go screw yourself!  

If I choose to gather peacefully with like minds, in the street, I am free from harassment from the nazi commie left then!  You are the criminal if you harass a peaceful protest!  We don't want your bullshit so stay away!

Pussy hat idiots were pretty pathetic too!  Disgusting actually!  Made me ashamed to be a woman!  I was happy to stay away from y'all!  These whore type of women/confused men, just showed the world, how pathetic and dumb they all are!  I would never have a friendship/relationship with anyone that stupid!

It's MY God GIVEN RIGHT to protest!  You people, that want to do harm, put fear into people that disagree with your idiotic dumb crap, disgust me!  Tell me something, why in the hell do you care what I do in my life?  Are you that f'n miserable, because you have no life?  It sure shows me!

I'm having a party and you aren't invited!  We aren't like you loser commie leftist!  We don't cover our face!  Oh FYI!  We have cell phones!  We plan to prosecute you right back!  You are to blame!  You will be challenged with constitutional laws!  Not with some dumbass that can't tell you what a woman is!  

Tea Party time!  Blue states are not part of America and it shows!

Dan Bongino your show was very good today!  LINK!  You Too CAT & JEWELS!  LINK

Another wonderful day at my happy place with a friend!  I have many!   This place has way more than what little they had, in commie Washington State!  To think they gave me a hard time, when I needed plants for my hanging baskets to make my deck look festive while trying to sell!  I will NEVER FORGET!  I had some seeds and I was able to grow 4 full baskets and some of the plants made it from the other year!  Thank you God!  Yes true story!  It was AMAZING!

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