Saturday, March 25, 2023

All In A Obama's Day In PJ's!

 Yes, I do check my stat on this blog.  I get lazy but all in all, I see what is taken down by the commies destroying the country from within!

Interesting how I can't seem to find all my information on the voting fraud that happened in 2004!  Huh!  I was very pro active on that issue!  Every voting session after that, in Washington State!  You see, my along with anyone else that voted, the votes never counted!  They just put in who the hell they wanted!  Just like that feral feeble little criminal trash administration right now! 0's 3rd term!

Happy to see Keri Lake is in the news!  However, I would love nothing more, than having her as VP with Trump.  But she wants that Arizona seat more.  I know why.  Governors have more power than the president.  It seems to me anyway.  That idiot that was placed didn't have the votes!  Who in their right mind would stick that RINO in!  She couldn't even debate with Keri! 

Ah well, so I updated one post from 2012.  I remember that horrible stupid time too!  I couldn't believe it got into office in 2008 either!  What dumbass would vote for someone that turned his back on the black community in Chicago!  Great organizer?  Hardly!  Now that we know who he is, have we learned anything yet you dumb people out there?  THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!  

One person I know does and sees the swamp creatures!  I knew but then you have to get into the swamp to see it totally.  Trump did that!  Sorry Ron!  You shot yourself in the political foot!  You will not have my vote for President!  I voted for you Ron to be governor!  Trump is my pick!  A business man.  Not a political lifer!  Trump was also a democrat!  Go figure!  I'll be watching him in Texas today!

On that post from 2012...  This is what the asshat commies do to you when trying to get the word out!  I should have wrote more on that subject, back then.  I feel more already know and some are still stupid, refusing to see the truth.  Thats fine we know who you are!  Not for the American way of life!  Certainly not for Making America Great Again!  Just stay in you stupor of disbelief.  If it is safe for you there.  Whatever!  Some will never see the light.  Satan has a strong hold on them.

This is again not only blocking me on every platform but this now...

I went and fixed it with words!  My proof that they are afraid and need to be!  "LINK"

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