Friday, September 08, 2023

Staying True To Myself

 While everything in the universe is being tested.  I'm living what life I have while speaking truth.  I guess some people hate that so much that they would like to silence me permanently.  Not happening commie!

I loved this comment.  This was from someone I knew the day he showed up on twit.  However I was always blocked for being blunt!  I can't pretend it's not my nature.  But yeah!

Naturally I had to reply!  I can't seem to let some things go!

People are funny.  Once you do say what's on your mind they change their tune.  I'm seeing it very clearly.  Those will be your control freaks and oh so jealous!  I don't get it.  I don't have the time to worry about it either.  I'm suppose to accept your bullshit, but the hell with what I think and how I live or think?  Thats the way you want it ok then.  I have your number!  Honey!  I love my freedom too much, to worry about you're crazy too! 

It amazes me how people can be.  If you aren't passive you will never make it with them.  Like I said before, I took basketweaving classes, like psychology and sociology.  I know communist, marxist, tyrants with just a glance!  Also soon as I am labeled too!  Deplorable?  Irredeemable?  Bible thumper?  By the way I am a God fearing woman and always praying, because I know I am a sinner.  Sorry you don't even know what the hell you are!  Not my business!  I am married to a MAN!  Deal with it you sinner too!

The more you recognize what you are doing to others the more you will see.  Unless of course you are that blind.  I'm just being truthful.  Truth does hurt.  

I'll tell you what doesn't hurt.  Growing things!  This made me very happy to see this morning!  I thought I was only going to have one container of delicious tomatoes.  I have another kind of seed I planted in the raised bed.  I also have the cherry tomatoes.  This morning I see a sprout!  I had one for a week now.  Then these other two started popping!  One in the middle is just barely above the soil now.

I have tried those grow disk things where you immerse in water.  I think I will just have them puff up and use the mixture next time in soil.

The herbs are coming along nicely and I am happy to see the growth!
All, in Gods time!  Not the thyme, chives, or oregano nor parsley's! 

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