Thursday, April 03, 2008

Rev Michael Pfleger Supporting religious dictatorship!

Boy am I glad I left the Church a long, long time ago! The followers are going NUT'S!!! I'm hopping this will hurt Oboma even more! These kinds of people are truly deplorable of thought!

This was the video found at Hot Air. Hot Air


nanc said...

i've put up a post on evangelist, bill keller, being threatened by islam for the movie fitna.



dcat said...


And I don’t want anything to do with churches anymore! I know what is happening and will not have any part of it!

These idiots are militant to the max!

^oo^ Those people are nuts! So are the left tards!

God really does need to come down here AND NOW!

nanc said...

your vid is missing!

go to always on watch to get one that's still up.

you heard that the m.e. is blocking youtube as long as they leave the fitna movie up?


dcat said...

Yeah nanc,
That is why I have the link here to: hot air

I could care less if they are cut off from the rest of the world. They will never know freedom!

Indigo Red said...

My, my! Now I know why there is so much space between the pulpit and the pews. Any closer and the folks in the first row would drown in flying spit.

Mike's America said...

You know what the problem is with that Pfleger nut?

He has white liberal guilt syndrome.

It's a common disease of white liberals who feel guilty for white prejudice and historic oppression of blacks even if their ancestors had nothing to do with it.

And they also think this country is evil.

They've flipped the meanings of good and evil to the point where they don't know the difference.

This priest could have played a part in the Omen movies. He's being used by the devil.

dcat said...

Yes and you know that Catholic priest supported him!

That is the only reason the muzzie religion of islam is a head!

I'm sure many, many more felt the same way I did about that priest and are really taking a second look at the Catholic and other religions and the followers!

I left the church a long time ago and when I thought I would give them a second chance and saw how things have changed. I know I made the right move! People are really becoming NUTS!