Saturday, April 12, 2008

Liar, liar Obama’s Pants on Fire!


Indigo Red said...

Obama can't tell the truth to save his life ... we can only hope.

dcat said...

There sure is enough out there Indigo to end his career!

Hillbilly is right with him too! :D

Mike's America said...

That Obamasshole has been complaining all week how some in the news media distort what he says and he is still out there saying this crap? The guy is a LIAR!

And this isn't the only example.

dcat said...

Yeah he sure is Mike and you know I was happy to get this clip from Atlas Shrugs. I know I don't get many hits but I may get to some out there and every little bit of truth helps!

It's a good thing!

He and Hillary will be going down in flames. Enough is enough!