Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Law enforcement in “TEXAS” is probably hopping the “HONOR” killing goes by the way side!

Scared! That’s right scared! They are scared of calling a killing an HONOR KILLING! They are calling it a murder by a father of these two girls! It’s called an “HONOR KILLING” PEOPLE! What in the hell is the law enforcement doing to solve this case?! Probably NOT A FUCKING THING!!!

This is not a hate blog if you don’t like the language go live in the Middle East! For those of you that are too fucking blond or you’re a leftard to be able to see the real picture!!! This is the reality of ISLAM!!! AND it happened HERE in the USA!!!

Oh isn’t it nice that they did a drug bust in Sammamish! Can they talk about “THIS STORY”!? How about on Opera!?

YES THIS WAS AN HONOR KILLING! YES THIS WAS AN HONOR KILLING IN TEXAS!!! THE U S A !!! There is a network for this THUG to have got away!!!

Thank you Atlas! Thank you for doing this!

We won't fail them in death. Islamic Barbarism will be eradicated from our shores. AMEN!


The Griper said...

the most appropriate form of justice for guys like this is no trial at all.

stake him over a red ant hill and just leave him there.

dcat said...

It would be fun to have him in our grip!

It's posse time!

Anonymous said...

Political correctness isn't helping this situation.

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"

dcat said...

Seeking middle east peace was a nice little read.

It seems the media here just loves distorting the news here and harping about the have nots and the war on the middle class!

I am a strong believer in hard work and if you want it bad enough you will work for it! That means not a change here in the USA but a change in the Middle East!

Mike H. said...

From what I understand the guy was part of al-Qaeda. He might still be here in the states, possibly in NY State where he and his brother have property.

dcat said...

Thanks for that tip!