Saturday, June 09, 2007

Michelle versus Geraldo on the amnesty bill

Enforce the law! I agree Michelle.

Hey Geraldo! Michelle is of Oriental back ground so shut the f#@!% UP ALREADY!!!

Yes and Geraldo did avoid the question!


Indigo Red said...

Geraldo is an idiot. And a racist by not allowing that Michelle is Asian. Only Hispanics count.

Geraldo should be deported just for being an idiot.

dcat said...

Yeah Indigo I saw that too! :D

Tapline said...

evening,,, first time visitor. Excellent post. I concur with Ms. Michelle, something that ORiely did not say, If they entered the country illegally, they are already law breakers. Not breaking another law makes them ineligible to be here. They all should not be here. My Son-in-law is Polish, from the old country. He entered this country with a worker permit. Met and married my daughter. His parents could not come to the original wedding because it was communist territory and they couldn't get visas. They married which now made it easier for the parents to come over. They did and they then had a Church Wedding. He is now a citizen of the United States and the parents visit periodically.. Point being he did it legally, He didn't come in illegally across the border and he wasn't a citizen over night. He studied and passes the necessary paperwork to become an active partisipating member of our society, acquiring a bacholars and masters in Engineering and a masters from Poland in Engineering. That's essimilation.

dcat said...

Good for him Tapline!

I am a first generation from Poland! A lot of strong and good people are from there! :)

Mike's America said...

I can't stand Geraldo. I almost always change the channel when he is on. But Michelle took him on good!

dcat said...

Yes she did Mike!

The Griper said...

the idea of breaking up families is an emotional arguement not logical. and a poor one too. we break up families all the time. how many people are in jail who have families? if that is'nt breaking up families, what is?
how many families are broken up by divorce?
people make choices and if the choice is bad they pay the consequences and families have to accept those consequences also. that is a part of life.

we are either a nation of laws or we are not. our constitution declares that the government is to treat all equally. black people had to work long and hard for that right and so did women. why should we treat immigrants unequally?

dcat said...

Yes indeed Griper!

I moved away from my family.

I am the only one out in the wild west! I like it that way!

Indigo Red said...

Another thing Geraldo said that stuck in my craw, "I have two Hispanic-American sons..." Geraldos sons ARE NOT HISPANIC-AMERICANS! They are Americans.

The only way we are going to come to any agreement is to stop this damnable hyphonation of all Americans. There are no Afro-Americans; there are no Polish-Americans; there are no Hungarian-Americans. If the person is an American citizen they are AMERICANS!

I have nieces and nephews from Chile. They have taken the test and have been sworn in as US citizens. They are Americans; not Chilean-Americans, not Hispanic-Americans, just Americans.

This is the only, THE ONLY, country in the world in which nationality is based on an idea rather than some cockamaimy theory of blood and gene inheritence. I can get Japanese citizenship, but I will never BE Japanese. In France, dispite the fact they have been in the country for generations, Algerians are still Algerians no matter what the passport says. I work with folks from VietNam, came here as boatpeople. They are now Americans. They speak of "where I came from", not "in my country" because America IS their country and they're damned happy to be here.

One can be an American from somewhere else and maintain those traditions of the old country that are important to family tradition and even incorporate them into the larger American fabric, and I welcome that. But don't Balkanize us with hyphons and bi-lingual, tri-lingual, poly-lingual education. If someone wants to learn and speak a dozen languages as part of a linguistics education, then fine. Don't tell us we must pay for education in a language in other than English just because the family language is different. Learn English in school. After that, we can talk.

But first and foremost, come to America legally. Don't flout our laws and expect a free ride. I fully agree that entry to America is unnecessarily long and hard. That should change. We ouoght to make immigrataion easier and faster you won't feel compelled to break the law. If all you want is a job in the US, then do it legally as well, and maybe you'll choose to stay - legally. Oh, and I want your families to join you here - legally.

For the most part, I can say from experiance that the majority who do come to America either legally or illegally are, in fact, hard working folk who only want a better life. They are also the smater of their countrymen. Rather than suffer the known evils, they break with their comfort zone and make the jump into the unknown. These are the people America needs. However, we don't need law-breakers right out of the gates.

dcat said...

Yup and I agree! Thanks Indigo!

Anonymous said...

Indigo: You are spot on.....The US Govenment made this separation and they're keeping it that way. I'm Native American, but Im American first. Kids are not taught this in school anymore They have not patriotism. Minorities are the going thing. If everyone treated everyone as American and not pick up this mult-cultural, diversification, thing. just American.....First.....

The Griper said...

ohhh one more question talking about breaking up homes. how many of them have broken up homes in their country and came here illegally leaving families at home? it may tug on the heart but it doesn't make for good law nor is it good policy.

dcat said...

That is not a question griper! They start over... some with new wife...more kids...