Sunday, October 01, 2023

The Caller Showed Me How The Media Is The Culprit!

Obvious, Sharon is watching too much corrupt programs on TV, just like so many are.  These people have no common sense, nor do they think for themselves.  They rely on others lies and misconception's!  

Yeah Sharon, you like so many democrats are dumb.   This is why there are true conservative democrats out there.  Why they were democrats, is still a big question to me.   I know the dummies infiltrated the republican party now too!  Look at things like Chris Christie, for heaven sakes!  YIKES!!  

It's been going on for a long time!  Specially with FDR, stealing from hard working Americans, telling them that money will be there for them in their old age!  HA!  Oh wait a little longer and you get more....  Hello life expectancy!  Some never made it to collect!  That is what the government is banking on!  

My family put away for a rainy day!  My grandmother went around the house saying the politicians are corrupt!  She came from a commie country!  She saw no difference in our government then!  Never depend on government!  Always depend on God, and the work ethic he ingrained in his people.  At least that is how I was raised.  No money no funny, my grandmother used to say, too.

Government in school, was an eye opener for me.  I did pay close attention!  I learned then, how corrupt it can be if not in check!  Power and money are the root of all evil!


I keep my eye on all of them too!

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