Saturday, November 08, 2008

Is Al Qaida going to Test the new Administration?

You bet your sweet ass they will!!! See some of this info. here

I didn’t see Charles Swab listed there in the institutions for Shariah thugs. In time maybe good ole Charles Swab will be listed too!

Muslims against Shariah had no right to blast me! I am listening and I don’t tolerate ANY Religious group! Yes I was on the other side of life! So eat shit and die! You are ALL in for a real eye opening experience you morons that seem to think that you are holier then THOU!!!

And if you don’t start cleaning up your pathetic lives even the holiest “that think that they are” will end up in HELL!

Man has been losing it for a long time now and there are those of us that can see it without claiming a CULT! I am ready and have received my God and am here for a reason. I don’t give a FUCK if you don’t believe me or not either! (Yes I have to use language like this to get through to your thick addle brains! God knows who I am and so do I so you don't have to!)

Anyone who thinks Obama is the one for change will soon be disappointed! You think he said all those wonderful things for you? Because he did, say it for everyone. The truth is he is a politician! He said all he could to win votes! I can’t wait till that time comes where he disappoints the far left loons!

I think OB will be pushed into a corner and forced to displease the far left at one point or else! MOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :+:

Sort of like the Bush border crap granting amnesty pissed most of us Right wingers!

BO thinks he is a comedian! When he said about getting that puppy for his kids: I would go to the pound to get a dog. But then it would be a mutt like me." (Still claiming the white side of the brain are we!) That alone should scare some of you left loons and full black with no white blood!

My family wasn’t here during that time of slavery they had to work too damn hard in Europe for the little they had (did the same here) and dodge the Nazis! Now it looks like the “Nazis” are all back! They are called something else and are in AMERICA! It will be my generation to dodge them! Or hopefully do them in is my sure bet!

Well let me tell you I am not good at dodging so if confronted it will be their sorry loss!


NO MORE RACE CARDS PLEASE! People when, are you going to WAKE THE HELL UP!?! Either you see it and work together to keep our Constitution of the USA or else you will be the enemy!!!

I just read this from a fellow blogger: Last night Mike Savage was out for two of his three hour radio show and Breit Bart sat in for him and shared some interesting perspectives.

Bret Bart lives in the Hollywood area and said that there are numerous CONSERVATIVE actors in Hollywood who do not let people know of their conservatism in fear of a back lash by the "Hollywood Elite". He is organizing them and he also put out a call for conservative young people to come to Hollywood to "work any job they can find in the movie industry, even in the mail room" and then work their way up in an effort to take over Hollywood.

He also spoke of conservative African Americans who are "Reagon" African Americans who have to keep their views to themselves. I was a bit skeptical however, shortly several called the show and it was amazing hearing them speak. He wants to find a way to organize them. He referred those callers to other people.

Bret Bart seems to have a natural ability to organize. (Conservative community organizer HAHAHAHA, take THAT Obama)

I only wish he would have left a link for this. Maybe if someone else heard about this you can post it in a comment section. Thanks.

I am not planning to work my ass off for dead beats here in this country either!!!

"Oh and did you know the State of Washington is spending $10,000.00 per sex offender in prison!? Yeah! "Claiming" it works and setting them back into our society!

I sure as hell don’t think it is cost effective! Make their relatives pay for it! NOT WITH MY TAX DOLLARS!!! What about the VICTIMS!!!

Just keep the creeps away from me, because they will need a BODY BAG!!!

Oh and every one seems to have gone to school to be a freaking counselor in this state! Does that tell you anything!? I got all A’s in that class when I was "forced" to take it! I’m saying it was a (basket weaving class) BS class like taking ART!!!"


Indigo Red said...

Many people are recognizing the dangers inherent in Sharia finance and are acting to stop it from developing fully here. However, the bad guys have got a huge headstart on us. In 2002, the Harvard Gazette published an article on Islamic finance 101.

That's right. 2002 Harvard. Barack Obama's alma mater. Guess who doesn't see anything wrong or dangerous in Sharia finance. Yep, our very own president-elect!

I feel changed already.

Mike's America said...

That's a good idea to get young conservatives to move to Hollywood and start infiltating the movie industry.

I'd do it myself but I'm no longer young and I'd shoot off my mouth at the libs too much and likely get fired for being a conservative.

And you can't sue for getting fired for that. You can though if you are one of the approved victim groups.

dcat said...

A lot more has to happen and the financial system isn’t going to roll over into something else over night. You have interest, dividend to consider and a lot of people aren’t sympathetic to the Shiaiah crapola!

We already have socialism!

It's called:
“Welfare, Social Security...

Yeah the degrees of it can go up but hopefully not in our lifetime.

Maybe the swing will come with the next generation? Once they find out...Oh this isn’t good! It will be too late and just have to work a bit harder to fight it!

dcat said...

LOL Mike!

You and me both!

The Griper said...

hey i'm already here. where do i sign up? lol