in which now that they have proper security we can now view the real video back on LIVE LINK! WHOO HOO UK!
Hey what do you want for someone that tied one over on St. Patty’s day!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX8zGsIDeXU ok thank to fuckers at warner here is the fucking link! Geese!!!
Wikipedia said: It became a feast day in the Roman Catholic Church due to the influence of the Waterford-born Franciscan scholar Luke Wadding[1] in the early part of the 17th century, and is a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics in Ireland. The date of the feast is occasionally moved by church authorities when March 17 falls during Holy Week; this happened in 1940 when Saint Patrick's Day was observed on 3 April in order to avoid it coinciding with Palm Sunday, and is happening again in 2008, being observed on 15 March (though the State holiday in Ireland is not affected).[2] March 17 will not fall during Holy Week again until 2160.[3]
Oh just give me the green beer! Um but I like Porter!?! OHHHHHH NOOOOOO! ^..^
Here are some of the ingrates: I loathe ass holes too!
Fucked up idiots organize. Huh organize? Do they know what for? Only the hoodlums will join this kind of organized antic!
I am sure that every generation will have to fight because the stupid thought of communism and worse of all “ISLAM” will take what you have away! I guess the ones that are for communism and Islam may have nothing to loose? I really don’t get it! There is no such thing as peace love dove with those idiots! Yet people are sticking up for them and not their country? I wish you all that don’t support the war efforts or anything else positive for humanity move the hell out of MY COUNTRY!
Thank you Troops for giving me that freedom to say what I just said!
Thank you Troops for fighting for others under such cruel dictator ship others had to suffer under!
Thank you TROOPS I appreciate you! And you are very necessary! Don’t let those losers bring you down! They are all idiots!
I’m glad we can still celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Lets all pay attention to what Google puts up on that day shall we.
The tongue in cheek humor by the bartender said it all! He played mostly bluegrass after that. They aren't all back ass at the coast here in Oregon!
Forged Mexican Passports?! Thanks Robert Spencer for the heads up!
Update: I enjoyed the new study too Robert! Thanks. I also liked the Hot Air take on the story!