Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Defeatocrats Still at It

This is why I will still be at it! Little lard ass Ted Kennedy really upset my stomach with his babble to the point that even the poor dogs outside started to howl! The noise he was making must have reached these poor creatures ears! Animals have good ears for listening and the best instincts. Do you suppose that the animal rights group can ban him from speaking again! Wouldn’t that be nice!

It was fun to just mimic every word he was spewing on Fox today! It’s scary how I knew what he was about to say next. So predictable the defeatocrats are! However if you were watching CNN they did have a bit of a different mention of the whole incident which by the way is no surprise.

Oh well the Defeatocrats can keep blowing steam. The more steam the bigger fools they will make of themselves! Just like the ACLU! Always are whining and complaining about something.

I don’t get it! I stayed pretty quiet till oh lets see 'I did blow up about the Monica case but all in all Clinton was the president. I was more worried about his power hungry wife then him! Guess who was telling him what to do!!! Seemed he was being lead by the nose and just along for the ride. I didn’t hear too much because we were all just rolling our eyes biting at the bit for that next election to come! As a republican I will probably still be stating my views! The defeatocrats have no views worth listening too. NOT after today’s performance at any rate! Or any other day!

I feel so much better now for breaking that Kennedy plate my family had when I was a child. They weren't to broken up about it either now that they are republicans too! However John was closer to a republican’s point of view. He was a whole different mold then his brother Ted. I think because he was probably the mailman's kid!

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