Friday, April 15, 2005

Inheritance Tax

Let me tell you about this tax. It was crated by the loony left! It was to tax the “hard working” rich to help pay for the lower middle class. The ones that think life is giving them an unfair shake! Somehow this is a crock! I am a very generous person with the little I have. Now I think I and many others are being taken for granted. I feel all my hard work and money is being targeted by liberals!

Go ahead and keep taxing the rich and you will see what will happen to the community. Just like projects to protect a natural habitat by buying the land just to preserve. Land bought to make into parks! Running volunteer organizations or soup kitchens for the, poor. Just about anything else you can think of what philanthropists have done to fund equipment for colleges. Are you aware that Bill Gates mother Mary Gates donated to the University of Washington a cancer center?! So the loony left want to hurt the rich that will trickle down to just the things that help in providing, assistance to those that need it.

I don’t consider myself rich and I believe in doing my share in the work force, as well as the community. Now take someone that is sitting around whining about the rich. Am I supposed to feel sorry for this whining sniveling leftist? Not the least! What are they giving?!

I come from a hard working family background. My Uncle passed away and left three of us (two nephews and me the niece) a nice little inheritance. You think we got a good amount? Hell no!

So now I am claming losses probably for years to come! I will be dam if they will think I will forget about it! His wishes were for “his family” not strangers! It makes me not want to donate anymore!!! I’ll get it but it will take time. I plan to pass this on to my family and husband’s family after we are gone. Along with the money they might have had if we wouldn’t have been unfairly taxed on that inheritance money that by the way was taxed already once before!

If you want Havana go live in Havana! Thank you Mr. O’Reilly!

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