Sunday, October 06, 2024

That Was The Best Rally!

 You, know it was a hit job last time!  No one was on that roof accept for that killer sniper!  This time...

An innocent man "Cory Comperatore" died, two others injured!  President Donald J. Trump, by the grace of God wasn't killed!  

I have no respect for you people out there with all the hate!  The horrible nasty posts and X's, going to our rallies on Rumble and badmouthing?  Why?  You know what?  Yer all mental!  Get help!  

You said to us, if you don't like it get your own platform.  We did!  Rumble, Truth, and now X!  You assholes still, aren't happy!  Many of us are sick of your shit and your commie Marxists one sided news!  

I disliked 0bama, and never cared to watch him or any of the liars destroying this country.  Can't help but to call it for what it is!  Too bad you have such weak minds and can't seem to comprehend anything, or see!  

I came here with what I researched and posted.  Yes, I did name call!  Too bad for you, I want you to know how stupid you are!  Only because you people seem to think it's just fine to go after us God fearing conservatives!  We are basically sick of you!  I have been a very long time now!  

I do mean it, when they cast out illegals, that you all go with them!  You don't want us armed, because you plan to do us harm!  We got your f'n number you assholes!  Being nice to you people, is only going to give you a chance, for that knife in the back!  I'm on to you!  Consider yourselves domestic enemies of the people, here in the USA!  

Can't win so y'all cheat and try to control with fear!  Y'all best be fearing God!  He is putting people in place, to take care of you commie Marxist tyrannical little assholes!  God spared President Donald J. Trump, just like he did with David from Saul!  Others can pray for your dark ugly souls!  God knows I'm done with you!  He maybe as well!  "KILLING HIS CHILDREN?" It's his creation not yours!  You choose unwisely!

If you think this whore cares about you?  WRONG!  I was so amazed about this belt that I looked it up!  Americans a suffering, yet there she is with all her glory!

I never spent that much on anything!  Yup looked it up!  In your face!

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