Monday, October 14, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Gotta Love Me Some JP!

 This is so true!   ENJOY!

Yeah, YOU BITCHES! A Blue Checkmark!

 I have freedom, once again!  I got back on X after what Twit and the commie Marxists flunkies did to me!  Thanks Elon!  


The little commie Marxists tried to silence many!  This is not 1940 Germany you little crap heads!  NOT HAPPENING WITHOUT A FIGHT!  SICK OF YOUR SHIT!

Anyway, I was posting, like I always do... then huh?  

Yet the little jerks posting hateful things about Trump BTW all untrue, aren't blocked at all on FACEBOOK!  

I would come on saying positive things that were happening when Trump was in office and BOOM Gone for a month.  Had enough of that crap!  Besides real friends and family have my email phone number...  You find out then, how much you matter to them.  Some are gone for good, only because they were toxic to my health!

People need to start seeing, what is being done to them, by the corrupted POS out there!  It's not going to be good if you let that organization back in!  Don't believe that news!  Look at the opposite they say!  Watch how they copy something that was said and how they redact, in a lie.  

Remember, what they did to the German people.  They had no clue what was going on till shown bodies of Jews and Poles.  They locked up anyone that spoke against them...  Sound familiar?  Freedom of speech be damed, even if you have the proof!  That is why you democrats and RINO's were never blocked!  Now watch how they start name calling all of us that know their plan!  

I'm sure when things start to happen you will say... Oh, they were right!  I believe in God and I pray, I know who to trust, I know I will be fine what ever happens.  BTW, they hate that too!  Satan has a short time on Earth.

Meanwhile I am doing memes... Thank you Grok...  Greatest President of all times, to that liar that can't even talk!  

Now for that movie you need to pay attention to... Enjoy!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Such Energy! TRUMP 2024!


President Trump in Aurora, CO

 Rumble ROCKS!  ENJOY!

Rumble Is The Best!

 I'm slowly going to get folks I really like, from Rumble.  Partly because many like with Fakebook, have dropped youtube.  Time to tell them all to take a hike!  Tired of the censoring and messing with video's not playing.  There is my proof when coming here.  You have to take the topic and do a search on youtube or click on watch at youtube.  Sometimes they won't give you that option.  Then you just have to go to the creator of the video.  Oh well then you can see their full library...If youtube didn't scrub it.

Here's today's "In The Litter Box"  Very good!  All the shows are!  


Eric Trump and Clay Clark Join Amanda Grace: Discussing the Nation and W...

Thursday, October 10, 2024

After The Storm.

 We had a thump in the night...  The gardenia and the rainbow tree hit the ground.  Yes I need to power wash...  Our door used to be on the painted square.  We had it changed.  They were so dumb, to put the door by the ladder, to the pool!  Not thinking I guess.  Both pots are now up right again.  I'm now thinking it will be time to be putting them in the ground in February too!

Another part of our damage was my giant milkweed.  I did cut it back.  Still part of it was damaged by the wind.  I need to get my little chainsaw out and cut that this afternoon.  

Do you think I can get that messily 750 from FEMA? 😂  I hear they are making people take it out as a lone?  How typical of the biden/kamala socialist commie Marxist regime!  I'm betting the illegals aren't having to do that!  They got a hell of a lot more!  Yet dumbass Americans out there are still voting for these mongrels!  Those that do just best stay the hell away from me!  Don't want nothing to do with you losers!  You're DUMB!

Our water gauge was filled to the brim!  Thank heavens the pool has an overflow.  We also have a drainage pond at the end of our property.  The forested area did fine.

Still praying for the ones down south.  St. Pete got slammed, so did many other places.  I'm sure they don't want to hear how we did our homework before moving here.  Wind can still find you no matter where you live.  Even tornadoes kill.  I read that there were 19 touchdowns of tornadoes here in Florida.  But they exist in many places.  I know I grew up in Indiana.  That wasn't all that wonderful either.  Then, when taking owl pictures in Washington state.  I got to be stuck in Mt. St. Helens blowing up!   May 18, 1980!  Glad we weren't climbing that day!  It was a consideration.  

I also was in a 4.0 earthquake.  That is worse!  However so is everything else when in a disaster.  It's always the worse!

We have our doors open now and thinking of taking a dip in the pool!

After cutting up that milkweed branch that fell!  If it wasn't for all the tropical stuff planted.  Those pine trees remind me of Eastern Washington!  Without the mountains of course!  Ice cream bananas will be going in the ground in February!

We weathered one storm the next will be to get our country BACK!  The Republic and our democracy is on the line!  
TRUMP 2024!

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

LIVE: President Trump in Scranton, PA

As The Hurricane Comes...

 It's always peaceful before the storm.  I love these kind of days!  My banana trees were trimmed up this last week.  I'm planning on sticking them in the ground in February, when I know the frost season is over.  We do get cold weather, for a few days.  One day I had a half inch slab of ice, in the bird bath!  It only lasted till noon though.  I guess that is why the plumeria is still doing well and the bird of paradise, here in zone 9.  

All the weeds are now gone in front of the lanai.  We won't have to put water in the pool for a while.  Salt was just added a week ago.  The fountains are scheduled to turn on soon, for a few hours.  I'm sitting in the lounge area, enjoying a blueberry roll I baked.  Smooth jazz in the background.  AHHHHH!  Thank you God, even though the winds are picking up.  I don't have any control.  I can only pray.

The fountains kicked on now....

We are at 116ft in elevation.

First Lady Melania Trump Joins The Five

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Four more years? Umm no!

Prayers for Florida 🙏

Thank You Seminal Indians For Prayers.

 The Lord loves the Seminal Indians.  I do too!  The greatest prayer chain!

Oh and Gov. DeSantis, saw what you did there 👍  You are right!  We don't have time playing patty cake with that witch, they are trying to put in the White House!  President Donald J. Trump is exposing more.  They might wake up.  However as time goes on they become more dangerous to others.  That is all they know is hurting others when they don't get their wicked criminal way!  Glad to see you learned your lesson Ron!    

Big shift... Still praying for all in the South now!  

In Loving Memory of Max Evan @MaxEvansUMP

I know what youtube is doing just click on the corner of the video that won't play here.  Take the title go to Diamond and Silk the title should take you to the video.  Check out all of her stuff, she is a true Patriot!  

BTW I'm not suicidal either!

I Got A Call This Morning.

 It's going to be Gods people that save others!  Not the worthless FEMA!

Had a nice long talk with a wonderful woman cooking, helping others there at the church.  I posted on X and on Truth social.  I'm very upset with people that are still so stupid and can't see!  God Bless all the people that pulled together helped and gave!  For the American People not illegals!  The government gave them all our wealth!  They all can go choke on it!  You really do find out who your friends are.  

Meanwhile we have dumb asses in D Sleaze chanting to the river and the sea... I say let's send them there to Palestine and see how long they last!  They don't serve the American people and don't care!

There is a lot of shaking going on.  God isn't finished yet, just getting started I wager.  I have always been interested in following weather patterns.  People are saying they are messing with the weather.  It just might be God himself too.  Ever think about that?  

That bullet was averted!  Sorry you don't know everything.  Just saying!  Y'all best be on your knees praying to God!  I may be the biggest sinner, but I know this much is true!

Before I went to bed yesterday the hurricane showed a bit north of Tampa, then it was right over Tampa.  Now it seems it is skirting south of Tampa.  I like the first satellite shot here.

Flood zone is all along the coast. They say 50ml an hour gust where we live.  We have a weather station hooked up to, cameras and all.  

Shows at a cat 4.  It's still a crapshoot.  The winds will be strong.  Rain has saturated trees, so oh boy!  Pine trees just snap in half.  The oaks will be the ones uprooted.

This one is a cheap version but not too far off.  It still could be a cat 3 instead of a 4


Sunday, October 06, 2024


 2024!  LETS GO!

Starts @ 3PM ET.

PROGRESS by John Rich

"I'm Offended!"

Big & Rich - Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy] (Video)

That Was The Best Rally!

 You, know it was a hit job last time!  No one was on that roof accept for that killer sniper!  This time...

An innocent man "Cory Comperatore" died, two others injured!  President Donald J. Trump, by the grace of God wasn't killed!  

I have no respect for you people out there with all the hate!  The horrible nasty posts and X's, going to our rallies on Rumble and badmouthing?  Why?  You know what?  Yer all mental!  Get help!  

You said to us, if you don't like it get your own platform.  We did!  Rumble, Truth, and now X!  You assholes still, aren't happy!  Many of us are sick of your shit and your commie Marxists one sided news!  

I disliked 0bama, and never cared to watch him or any of the liars destroying this country.  Can't help but to call it for what it is!  Too bad you have such weak minds and can't seem to comprehend anything, or see!  

I came here with what I researched and posted.  Yes, I did name call!  Too bad for you, I want you to know how stupid you are!  Only because you people seem to think it's just fine to go after us God fearing conservatives!  We are basically sick of you!  I have been a very long time now!  

I do mean it, when they cast out illegals, that you all go with them!  You don't want us armed, because you plan to do us harm!  We got your f'n number you assholes!  Being nice to you people, is only going to give you a chance, for that knife in the back!  I'm on to you!  Consider yourselves domestic enemies of the people, here in the USA!  

Can't win so y'all cheat and try to control with fear!  Y'all best be fearing God!  He is putting people in place, to take care of you commie Marxist tyrannical little assholes!  God spared President Donald J. Trump, just like he did with David from Saul!  Others can pray for your dark ugly souls!  God knows I'm done with you!  He maybe as well!  "KILLING HIS CHILDREN?" It's his creation not yours!  You choose unwisely!

If you think this whore cares about you?  WRONG!  I was so amazed about this belt that I looked it up!  Americans a suffering, yet there she is with all her glory!

I never spent that much on anything!  Yup looked it up!  In your face!

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking is live! Mountain City...

There’s ONLY ONE Outcome As Attacks Continue to RAGE Against Israel | Hu...

Iranian Crisis

Pre-Election Black Swan Event?

The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking is live! On the way to...

Hurricane relief

Prophecy Fulfilled: Israel Under Fire is World War 3 About To Breakout?

IMHO Iran just committed suicide.  

I said what I said

I agree with you Ted.  These little liars don't care really about real hard working Americans!  Look what they are doing to us and there are still the dumb as rocks with scales on their eyes.  The vermin will be getting more dangerous just watch them!  

They are making it so bad out there because they know when President DJT gets in, it will be a big mess!  They don't give two shits about America and it shows!

Live Reaction: Vice-Presidential Debate

Yes, my favorite was when JD said you have a hard job Tim, when it comes to Kamala and the economy.  JD: It's like playing wack a mole with Kamala.... 😂😂😂  Now I keep seeing her head popping up and Walz hitting away....  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

JD kept it good, with comebacks after comebacks, I agree.  But he isn't President Donald J. Trump.  It would have been interesting with him.  Still remember "or you would be in jail!"  To Clinton, it was a hard smack of TRUTH!  

They are afraid though... are you going to question the outcome of the election?  

This time, it will be looked at!  The people know what happened in 2020!  I really don't think this is going to end well for them this time!  We had enough of their BS!  

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Lawyer VOWS to Release ALL Names On Diddy 'Client List' as Obama NAMED |...

LIVE: President Trump in Milwaukee, WI

Wow, City In Florida Bans Gun & Ammo Sales Before Hurricane Helene

Don't come to my door!  I don't waste my time on warning shots!!!  I am going to fight if I have to!  

Colin, we have dumbasses living here from blue states!  They think they can change the laws!  They move here and still vote for dumb and dummer, like for that slut and tampon Timmy!  

My hood knows what they are and maybe need to move the hell back to their f'n blue shit hole state, before they hurt themselves!

LIVE: President Trump in Waunakee, WI

JD, Whoop His ASS Tonight!

 I know JD will win this!  All Tim knows is to put tampons in boys restrooms and have lock downs shooting paintballs at the people on their own porches!  That should about close his crap down in a hurry!

JD Just do it!


The Gulf Of Mexico

 While donating praying and seeing everyone is accounted for...  President Donald J.Trump went to the areas affected!  He brought with him, supplies.  What did they "the ones supposed to be in charge working for the people do?"

"When Biden was asked about going or Kamala, the answer was "they didn't ask."  The photo shoot of Kamala on the border was a joke!  This will be too, she doesn't care about the people suffering from the storm!  Sure she will go now that President Donald J. Trump made his appearance now.  Too late for that Kamala!  You can't talk and you don't care!

Ok if you still are on the stupid train you are no longer human! 

Love What Cat had to say this morning!

Unbelievable but believable!  Yet, there are people still voting for Kamala and Tim...  Crazy!  But tonight JD will be showing more intelligence than Tampon Timmy.  There are people still watching the paid off fake news stories, that will mangle truth once again.  I just hope JD brings up the fact no one was allowed even to be on their porch during COVID!  The video is out there I have seen it!  Marching through the streets shooting people with paint balls!  They could have put someone's eye out!  It reminded me of the tales of Hitler and Stalin, or a 3rd world shit hole!  Well that is what Walz did to Minnesota!

What they did to President Donald J.Trump, should have been bells and whistles going off in one's head.  That there is definitely corruption in our government, to do what they did to President Donald J. Trump!  But no, sadly people are still stupid!  

I can't help but to remind myself, liberal people, that I worked with back when, had mental illness, running in their family.  I could see it.  Some appeared smart, but really stupid!  I'm not a scholar, but, I have this other gift.  Maybe, having God in my life has a lot to do with it.  

I was praying feverishly during that storm for others and not for us.  I felt we would be ok and we were.  In the Bible it said to build your house on a rock.  We must be on something more than sand.  We are up in elevation.  I'll tell that story once again!

"My husband and I just sold our house in Kirkland WA.  I was looking and doing research like crazy, on where to live in Florida.  We decided that Arizona was too much of a desert and Texas well no for other reasons $$$ for land.   I looked at houses with odd color schemes and ugly rugs.  I actually feel carpets are filthy, we would have to have them ripped out!  Then houses too close together like cracker boxes...  Nope!  I was past the delusion of grander of being on the beach.  I found the perfect house!  One zone up from an 8 for planting!  Zone 9 up north!  Ten miles from the Gulf and up in elevation, with land!  Drainage fields too!  It has a pool and a huge building for garden supplies, boat, ...that was made of steel!   The house, NO CARPETS OR WILD COLORS!  I said to my husband "I found it!"  He said first look at this one I found!  God is great!  It was this house!  I put him on a plane and got him to put a down payment on it, flew back and we only waited two days for the signing when we got here.  Everything went like clockwork!  Our stuff showed up the next day!"

We have been here for three years now.  Loving every minute!  We actually had our huge glass doors slid open for an open air feel that evening of the storm.  Finishing our wine after dinner and listening to the wind whipping around with the rain.  We were sheltered.  However many were not.  

My brother now lives near by from Colorado.  It's their first year.  He has a boat now.  From being a pilot for United, having a plane of his own, to now owning a boat.  I thought oh nice a little fishing boat....  This thing is a yacht!  But just small enough to take out of the water and store it on his property.  They got lucky too!  

Here is a picture of a place we like to eat at.  It looks like it made it ok.  People were in it and I saw all the outdoor table and chairs were stored in the restaurant.  They seemed to be stocking the bar area again.  Gotta have that bar area done first, you know!  The dock was still there!  This was in the morning hours.

The rest was beautiful!

The wild side of Florida!