Yes it’s a Christmas tree you crazy people in Olympia Washington! If you can’t call it a Christmas tree then DON’T PUT IT UP! I’ll just ignore you like I always do and give you my favorite gesture in return!I vow this year to remind idiots with their “happy holidays” with its; "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME YOU MORON!" Just try and stop me! I plan to drive those "PC" people nuts like I just love doing all year long! 
So there!
Oh and Happy Thanksgiving!
A reminder I will post here from my love of my life Mr. Dcat:
The Pillars of Thanksgiving
An inhospitable environment wasn't the only obstacle to the Pilgrims' success at Plymouth Plantation. Until 1623, the Pilgrims were victims of their own bad policies. As Governor William Bradford explained in his memoir of 1647, the community suffered food shortages because its system of communal property rights had sundered reward and effort.
Once families were allowed to keep the fruits of their labor, the food shortages vanished. In short, the Pilgrims learned that prosperity requires individual effort, and individual effort requires individual reward. And we are the beneficiaries of that lesson.
"It is customary in many families to 'give thanks to the hands that prepared this feast' during the Thanksgiving dinner blessing," writes Independent Institute Research Fellow Benjamin Powell. "Perhaps we should also be thankful for the millions of other hands that helped get the dinner to the table: the grocer who sold us the turkey, the truck driver who delivered it to the store, and the farmer who raised it all contributed to our Thanksgiving dinner because our economic system rewards them. That's the real lesson of Thanksgiving. The economic incentives provided by private competitive markets where people are left free to make their own choices make bountiful feasts possible."