Friday, July 18, 2008

I HAVE A PROBLEM HERE with the "N" word!!!


Nothing but EXCUSES after EXCUSES! YO BABIES! Move to Africa if you don't like it!!! DAMN!

I saw the video at Hot Air and blew a gasket!

You know I could dish up crap that happened to me when growing up! Like back then I know there was no place a child could go for help no matter the color!!! You were a child and no one would listen to you!

I also have a problem with people using crap from the past for a crutch! I can't stand excuses!

But since miss Whoopi Goldberg mentioned voting well here you dumb ass read about our past you dumb ass!!!

Don’t make me laugh! I’ll tell you about women's suffrage here in America in the time of 1850-1900’s! What about when my grandmother!?

Nothing was in my grandmothers language she learned English! Broken but at least she was able to talk to people get a job and make her life here!

I also resent pressing 1 for English!!! I shouldn't have to!!! I don't like seeing Chinese on my voters ballet! WTF!?!

God I can't stand fools!!! Those are the folks that will be holding our great country back!


Indigo Red said...

If Blacks want to say nigger in their own homes, that's fine. I choose not to use it in my home. However, as I told a black guy I once worked with who said nigger alot at work, but got upset when I did, if nigger is used in public in mixed company, then nigger or any other word is fair game.

Don't bring something into the commons and not let everyone use it. We all use or we all lose it.

dcat said...

It’s all stupid and not worth the discussion!

It’s a distraction!

Isn't that Obama’s favorite word!

Mike H. said...

Indigo, you've hit the head of that nail so hard that it looks like a pancake! I told my first wife that it couldn't be used in the house regardless of what she learned as a child.