"Like I said before RIGHT BACK AT YA ISLAM LOONS!"
Not while there is submission of women and honor killing HONEY!
Islam needs to prove more and extinguish the mullas that hide thugs that kill little girls and islam needs to start acting like Americans here in NOT FUCKING POINTING FINGERS AT AMERICANS OR MAKING CRAZY ASS CHANGES to suit THEMSELVES WHILE LIVING HERE!
Look at my post with Gabriela! She is the one that had enough sense to walk away from that sick CULT!
America was doing great what about the islam nut bags moving here full of hate for us just to get the foot in the door!? I am paying attention you know!
Stop fucking around calling Americans ignorant! The ignorant are the ones that don’t see what most of us do! What is ignorant ‘are the ones that think, their fucking religion is the best! I don’t want any part of the bullshit do you hear me!?
Most of the Americans have been lenient thus far! We are trying to bring democracy to the screwed up back ass Middle East! Islam is what needs CHANGE! NOT AMERICANS! You all want to be accepted? Then stop pushing your crap at us to change for you and trying to take us down all in one breath! (Hoping all along no one noticed!)
Don’t come here and call anyone ignorant that believes in the American dream hoping to help people along the way! FREEDOM! SWALLOW THAT ISLAM! You’re not going to dominate and that change is not going to happen! If islam try’s yes it will be meet with lots of resistance! Leave those that don’t want it alone! WHAT THE HELL IS IT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!? Otherwise your change is racist, arrogant and nothing more then a power struggle for dominance! It’s not gonna fly with most of us here in America!
An American doesn’t need a change! It is islam living in the Western world that needs the change!!! GOT THAT!
Damn you people are DENSE!
They best think again Gate Way Pundit!