Friday, January 07, 2005


Iraq the Model Seems to be doing better then what the media here is saying. For the information just click on- Iraq the Model, -I know I had some problems with the site in the past however I have since fixed the problem and now it works.

Well it seems now the radio station that I listen to is corrupt. Yes by all means let’s just get on with it. “The Governors race,” it is over and done with. Let’s move on, by all means! Never mind about the voting dead, because every vote counts, by gregwire here in Washington State! Does this mean I can vote for a president or Governor in the same year of my death? What about years after? I hear I can talk to someone over the TV or the computer after I die. They are finding evidence of this!

You know I think after I die, I think I want to be as far as I can from this planet! Why would I care who is president? Are they going to tax me there too?

Well gregwire you have it! Fine! One slip up and all of us will be here to really cause you problems. Maybe even some dead friends of mine! Have a nice term. Because it isn’t going to happen again! You won’t get away with it again!!!

I know that the democrats were angry about the presidential election, but now they are trying to manipulate the Governors race here in Washington State, and got away with it!

I remember distinctly too, that if you mess up your vote then it can be denied or thrown out. Did the democrats go dumpster diving? Now they are pissed that evidence was found and are denying it! Can you say CORRUPTION? I know you can.

The sick thing is the station played gary locks statement that nothing is proven… it was a clean race… it isn’t corrupt… lets just move on… I had to turn it off so I would not scare the person next to me at the light or get in a wreck!


dcat said...

Yes you bellowed?! What’s the matter cat’s got your tongue?! I don’t believe it is you anyway.

If you are taking office, I think you better get down to work trying to schmooze, others like you said you were going to do. After all you have a lot of ground to cover, say the entire State of Washington. Go ahead try to convince people especially over in Eastern Washington. This cat is ignoring you! However I will lick you in a comment or two, every chance I get! Especially when you go on to make dumb moves, while in office! Remember I’m one of many paying your wage! You work for me now and everyone else in the State of Washington! Do have a good day, and by all means enjoy your pathetic term.

You can think of me as evil Catbert's friend.

dcat said...

Sorry, just practicing when she does show up. I just saw the name and went ballistic! Oh I see it is a joke…well she is a joke!

In that case BWA,HA,HA,HA!

Again sorry, just me.

dcat said...

Media shit read all about it! Good liner for my cat box though.

dcat said...

In other words Roberto I only listen to what is at Iraq the model. I really don't have respect for the media. Tomorrow they will say something else. They fear the bloggers that deal with the here and now "the real People.