Wednesday, January 11, 2012

United in Hate - the Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror

Part one:

Part two:

Part three:

Part four:

UPDATE:  I love what Roger L Simon had to say:

Here is the link to my research!  So Wiki take a hike!
I have to admit I was not initially excited about reading Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. The subject was a bit exhausted for me – I had pretty much lived through it in many people’s writing, not to mention my own work – and his title seemed a little overstated into the bargain. I would have preferred “Seduced by Hate” or something like that.
I was wrong. Glazov’s book “cooks,” as we used to say in the hard bop era. And it has plenty of information even for a sated information junkie like me who has previously visited several of the centers of tyranny he describes – the Soviet Union, Cuba and the People’s Republic of China .
And he doesn’t finally overstate. Hate, and as he points out, with its bosom companion Thanatos, is the underlying emotion, the motivating factor, for much of the more radical left. I would submit envy and narcissism are there too in heavy doses, but, I must reluctantly agree with Glazov, hate rules the day.
I say reluctantly, because accusing people of hating is more difficult for me. I come from a very different background from Glazov. I am from the comfortable American bourgeoisie. He is the son of Soviet Dissidents who clearly walked-the-walk when it came to the heavier realities of left wing oppression. Through them, he has earned the right to say what he does.
Still, it took me a while to get over my ambivalence to his definitive statements, but get over it I did. I think it was midway through his chapter on the Sandinistas – the last of the Marxist left and the preamble to our era of Islamism. And speaking of Islamism, who in a time when the “War on Terror” is being branded an “Overseas Contingency Operation” could neglect this book? (hat tip: fred) Buy this book, if you haven’t already. Glazov, write more.


Mike's America said...

Hate is a very powerful emotion and the left uses it to control people. No question about it.

dcat said...

It also keeps me focused on the enemy and it won't let them get to me! Ever!