Monday, July 11, 2011

ACT is the most knowledgeable Organization America has fighting the ideology of Islam.

That is probably why ACT is the most hated by anti American groups like CAIR!  If there is slander against this organization it is because they are right on the money!  ACT does have all the necessary information to fight this group called the brotherhood of islam!  Anyone that opposes the Western Culture in America is against America that is plain and simple why else would they be attacking something that knowledgeable about the enemy!?  You would think that good little muslims came here to get away from the back ass ways of islamic murder and repression?  So like why all the fuss with these islamic people?  Do they hate The Constitution of the United States?  Does the islamic brotherhood not like our laws and Amendments?  Then I will say this:  “If you are not with us you are against us and you need to leave our great nation, because you sure are not helping us!”  You feel slighted then LEAVE!  NO I DON’T RESPECT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON’T RESPECT ME!  So go smoke that in your bong! 

Read more “HERE

Go ahead, try just try and call me a bigot!  The one calling me one may be YOU!

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