The Loony left and media are so sick it isn't even funny! They were never that funny to me! More pitiful and disgusting is more the norm!
I was mentioned at XOXO Pamela's site at the bottom of her post!
With Claws and what ever it takes!
Oh and a thank you email from Robert! I love those two! Good people will always stand with them!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Just call me Vodka Pundit
Or maybe it's wine or beer pundit! I have had both!
Ok it Friday and I like my happy hours!
I couldn’t help it ACT:
On July 14th, we emailed you a column by retired Admiral James Lyons, in which Lyons criticized the Army’s decision to grant conscientious objector status to a Muslim soldier who claimed he could not kill other Muslims.
We maintained in that email that conscientious objector status has historically been granted only to those with a sincerely held belief that killing ANYONE, not those of a particular group, was wrong.
We have since learned that this very soldier had made “radical” statements (reminiscent of the Ft. Hood jihadist), and yesterday he was arrested on suspicion of planning to kill fellow soldiers in a terrorism attack (see story below).
Obviously, rather than being a conscientious objector he is another jihadist in the military.
Thankfully, none of our soldiers were killed this time. Will the Army leadership now learn the lessons it didn’t learn after the Ft. Hood massacre?
We maintained in that email that conscientious objector status has historically been granted only to those with a sincerely held belief that killing ANYONE, not those of a particular group, was wrong.
We have since learned that this very soldier had made “radical” statements (reminiscent of the Ft. Hood jihadist), and yesterday he was arrested on suspicion of planning to kill fellow soldiers in a terrorism attack (see story below).
Obviously, rather than being a conscientious objector he is another jihadist in the military.
Thankfully, none of our soldiers were killed this time. Will the Army leadership now learn the lessons it didn’t learn after the Ft. Hood massacre?
Fort Hood Suspect Mentions al Qaeda Cleric Believed to Have Inspired Previous Attack, Official Says
Below we have the story and I want to know why this slug is still breathing!
Fort Hood Plot: AWOL Solider Arrested
July 28, 2011
A U.S. serviceman is in custody after he allegedly admitted he was planning an attack on his fellow servicemen at the U.S. Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, the same base where 13 people were killed in a 2009 terror attack.
U.S. officials told ABC News an AWOL soldier, identified by the FBI as a Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo, was arrested Wednesday after making a purchase at Guns Galore in Killeen, Texas, the same ammunition store where Maj. Nidal Hasan purchased the weapons he allegedly used to gun down 13 people and wound 32 others on Nov. 5, 2009. According to one senior official, Abdo has also mentioned the name of high profile al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki -- the same man investigators said inspired the previous Fort Hood attack along with other potentially deadly terror plots in the U.S. -- though no direct link between Abdo and Awlaki has been found.
Abdo, 21, allegedly told law enforcement he wanted to "get even" and was targeting Ft. Hood because of the previous attack there, according to law enforcement documents obtained by ABC News. The documents say he did not plan to attack the base itself, but instead planned to plant two bombs at a nearby restaurant popular with Ft. Hood personnel.
He hoped to detonate both at the target location before using a pistol to shoot survivors, according to the documents. Abdo had gone AWOL over the July 4 weekend from Fort Campbell's 101st Airborne Division in Kentucky over 800 miles away.

When he was arrested, Abdo was in possession of large quantities of ammunition, weapons and what appeared to be the makings of a bomb, according to early accounts from law enforcement. He had also apparently purchased an Army uniform with Fort Hood patches from a local surplus store.
Sources: Soldier Had Made 'Radical Statements'
Abdo, reportedly of Palestinian descent, was raised by his Muslim father and non-denominational Christian mother in Texas. In 2010 he told ABC News he was Muslim and should not have to participate in what he called an "unjust war" in the Middle East.
"Any Muslim who knows his religion or maybe takes into account what his religion says can find out very clearly why he should not participate in the U.S. military," Abdo said then.
Abdo said in 2010 he originally joined the military because he believed he would be fighting a "just" war that would help protect the freedoms of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Months later, however, Abdo said he realized he "wasn't supposed to be here."
READ: Devout Muslim Soldier Hopes to Avoid Deployment to Afghanistan
Abdo filed for conscientious objector status, which was approved by the Secretary of the Army, but his discharge was put on hold after Abdo was charged with having child pornography on his computer, an Army spokesperson told ABC News. Law enforcement sources said investigators began looking at Abdo's computer files due to "radical statements" he made after filing for discharge and only discovered the pornography then.
On a Facebook page apparently maintained by Abdo, he writes in the most recent post on June 22 that it was two days after the Secretary approved his discharge that he was charged with having 34 images of child pornography on the computer.
"As god says, 'The end is ultimately with the believers' Quran," the post says.
July 28, 2011
A U.S. serviceman is in custody after he allegedly admitted he was planning an attack on his fellow servicemen at the U.S. Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, the same base where 13 people were killed in a 2009 terror attack.
U.S. officials told ABC News an AWOL soldier, identified by the FBI as a Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo, was arrested Wednesday after making a purchase at Guns Galore in Killeen, Texas, the same ammunition store where Maj. Nidal Hasan purchased the weapons he allegedly used to gun down 13 people and wound 32 others on Nov. 5, 2009. According to one senior official, Abdo has also mentioned the name of high profile al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki -- the same man investigators said inspired the previous Fort Hood attack along with other potentially deadly terror plots in the U.S. -- though no direct link between Abdo and Awlaki has been found.
Abdo, 21, allegedly told law enforcement he wanted to "get even" and was targeting Ft. Hood because of the previous attack there, according to law enforcement documents obtained by ABC News. The documents say he did not plan to attack the base itself, but instead planned to plant two bombs at a nearby restaurant popular with Ft. Hood personnel.
He hoped to detonate both at the target location before using a pistol to shoot survivors, according to the documents. Abdo had gone AWOL over the July 4 weekend from Fort Campbell's 101st Airborne Division in Kentucky over 800 miles away.

When he was arrested, Abdo was in possession of large quantities of ammunition, weapons and what appeared to be the makings of a bomb, according to early accounts from law enforcement. He had also apparently purchased an Army uniform with Fort Hood patches from a local surplus store.
Sources: Soldier Had Made 'Radical Statements'
Abdo, reportedly of Palestinian descent, was raised by his Muslim father and non-denominational Christian mother in Texas. In 2010 he told ABC News he was Muslim and should not have to participate in what he called an "unjust war" in the Middle East.
"Any Muslim who knows his religion or maybe takes into account what his religion says can find out very clearly why he should not participate in the U.S. military," Abdo said then.
Abdo said in 2010 he originally joined the military because he believed he would be fighting a "just" war that would help protect the freedoms of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Months later, however, Abdo said he realized he "wasn't supposed to be here."
READ: Devout Muslim Soldier Hopes to Avoid Deployment to Afghanistan
Abdo filed for conscientious objector status, which was approved by the Secretary of the Army, but his discharge was put on hold after Abdo was charged with having child pornography on his computer, an Army spokesperson told ABC News. Law enforcement sources said investigators began looking at Abdo's computer files due to "radical statements" he made after filing for discharge and only discovered the pornography then.
On a Facebook page apparently maintained by Abdo, he writes in the most recent post on June 22 that it was two days after the Secretary approved his discharge that he was charged with having 34 images of child pornography on the computer.
"As god says, 'The end is ultimately with the believers' Quran," the post says.
No you piece of manuar! God isn’t with you Satan is damn it!!!
Oh and do you know that Zuhdi Jasser was in the Navy however did anyone ask if he took a pisslamic enemy down? NO and did you know he was in the medical field! Well then there you are we have cooks and we have the ones that defend. Spy comes to my mind! The cult has issues with the West sorry Zuhdi not buying!
Universal?! You bet I will question you and pisslam till the day I die! I will never go along with any of it! Too many nutcases for me! Leave my rights and my God alone! I will not reform! I don't have fear I don't like YOU Zuhdi! I don't like pisslam and I am upset that your people want to ruin MY WAY OF LIFE! GO AWAY! I will never respect a f-up cult like yours! SO LIVE WITH IT!!!
The ones picking on Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer must be Radical pisslamists!
Piss be upon them for making factual people that fight everyday to try and help the ones leaving that back ass cult, so they don’t get killed by family!
Or being the ones, getting a memorial for those that was honor killed by their family that refused to put up a marker on a grave!
The ones enlightening people to the truth of this cult backed with evidence and yet people still have their head so far up their butts! Amazing! Yellow journalism is running rampant! Does Rifq Berry ring a bell? Look her up!
Why else they be picking on Robert and Pamela because IMHO the radicals are getting shouted out and they mean to stop the information network on them! Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer unlike the PC left, ‘Robert and Pamela did their homework! This in turn pisses the terrorist off to start screaming: “We need to be protected because we feel threatened” type of bullshit! Hey you dumb fucks! We were the ones attacked on 9-11 and now you want to claim victory with that mega masque at Ground Zero! You sure as hell don’t care about us! History said why you are going on with that big task too! You piece of GARBAGE!
Normal everyday good doers felt pretty sick that this happened in Oslo! All those innocent folks now dead! The terrorist are now trying to go to the bank on this tragedy by condemning everyone that speaks out against pisslam! The information network! You know what it really did don’t you! Yep it is blowing up in their faces! You don’t have to have a degree to see what is transpiring!
Personally and I am up front with this fact I don’t like pislamists or any pislam things because they pray to a child molester sex offender and I don’t care much for how they treat women! I did have a fraction of delusion at one small point back when the statue of Hussein came down. I then saw what happened to the Christian Churches! They didn’t build any spa resorts and they didn’t have swim up bars put in after the dictator was taken down! It seemed to get worse! Then I slowly like Pamela and Robert started to read more. Finding they are still killing one another and not to mention verbally slapping folks on line asking questions about pisslam! This only got them angrier at me!
I still saw all the honor killings and read on Sharia law so um NO I don’t like them at all! They aren’t trying to fit in here they are trying to change our way of life that is pretty much already fair to a lot of folks except the ones that want socialism and communism! It’s too bad that these parasites exist however I personally am not going to blow up or kill anyone unless they are breaking into my home or threatening me hell yeah I’ll fight then!
What this little delusional thinker did in Oslo is unforgivable and needs to be put down like we do with poor vicious wild animals when they attack campers! This person or persons that do this are not human!
When my laws fail to protect me then I think I will not be the only one to fight, but I believe in the good of mankind to come forward and make sure to report these vicious delusional slim buckets! I wish someone would have paid attention to the fact he bought all that fertilizer! Were they afraid to say anything? I have a problem with those people too! Folks that don’t pay attention are helping the terrorists!
You see something say something!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Read what I got from ACT:
Rep. Peter King’s opening statement at today’s House Committee on Homeland Security hearing (highlights added) underscores why ACT! for America presented him our highest legislative award at this year’s National Conference and Legislative Briefing.
Make sure you scroll down to the end to read what he says about the New York Times.
King Opens Third Committee on Homeland Security Hearing on Radicalization, Focusing on al Shabaab
Washington, D.C. (Wednesday, July 27, 2011) – This morning, U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, convenes the hearing entitled “Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the Homeland.” The prepared opening statement of Chairman King follows:
“Good morning. Today, we hold the third in a series of hearings on radicalization in the Muslim-American community.
Our focus is the result of a lengthy investigation the Committee has conducted into the threat the U.S. homeland faces from al-Shabaab, the Somalia affiliate of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and Anwar al-Aulaqi’s al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
The Committee has been briefed by intelligence agencies and we have interviewed dozens of experts on al-Shabaab.
I welcome our distinguished panel of witnesses. They have some of the most extensive insights into the problems uncovered by our Committee’s investigation and we are grateful they are sharing their knowledge.
You will hear how al-Shabaab, who bin Laden called “One of the most important armies” of Islam, is engaged in an ongoing, successful effort to recruit and radicalize dozens of Muslim-American jihadis, who pose a direct threat to the U.S.
Some argue that al-Shabaab is only a Somali problem, and that the group will never strike outside of the Horn of Africa region.
That kind of thinking is a glaring example of what the 9/11 Commission called a failure of imagination.
With al-Shabaab’s large cadre of American jihadis and unquestionable ties to al-Qaeda, particularly its alliance with AQAP, we must face the reality that al-Shabaab is a growing threat to our homeland.
Our investigation into this threat has led to alarming findings: Notably, that al-Shabaab has successfully recruited and radicalized more than 40 Muslim-Americans and 20 Canadians, who have joined the terror group inside Somalia.
Of those, at least 15 Americans and 3 Canadians are believed to have been killed fighting with al-Shabaab, the Committee has learned.
Not al-Qaeda, nor any of its other affiliates, have come close to drawing so many Muslim-Americans and Westerners to jihad.
Three Muslim-Americans became suicide bombers, such as Shirwa Ahmed from Minneapolis -- the first confirmed American suicide bomber in our history.
There also are radicalized converts like al-Shabaab commander Omar Hammami who was raised a Baptist in Alabama, and who has repeatedly threatened the U.S. homeland.
Three American al-Shabaab fighters have been arrested after returning home and one was collared in the Netherlands.
Other radicalized Muslims have been arrested in the U.S. and Canada before they reached Somalia, which is now much easier to get to for jihad than Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan or Yemen.
But as many as two-dozen Muslim-Americans with al-Shabaab -- who in many cases were trained by top al-Qaeda leaders -- remain unaccounted for.
The Committee found that al-Shabaab-related federal prosecutions for funding, recruiting and attempting to join al-Shabaab are the largest number and most significant upward trend in homegrown terror cases filed by the Justice Department over the past two years.
At least 38 cases have been unsealed since 2009 in Minnesota, Ohio, California, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Missouri, Alabama, Virginia and Texas.
Al-Shabaab is recruiting inside American mosques in Somali communities like Minneapolis and San Diego, according to the Justice Department.
This month, an al-Shabaab recruiter pleaded guilty to recruiting a large group of Muslims in Minneapolis, “At mosques,” and without any known protest by mosque leaders. A top al-Shabaab leader in Somalia supervised this recruiting.
One Minnesotan recruited was suicide bomber Shirwa Ahmed whose 2008 attack in northern Somalia sent a shockwave of alarm through U.S. homeland security agencies, because of its implications.
Another would-be bomber from Minneapolis was shot and killed in Mogadishu by peacekeeping troops on May 30, moments before detonating his suicide vest.
When one cleric spoke out against al-Shabaab inside the Minneapolis mosque where many of the missing young Somali-American men had once worshipped, he was physically assaulted, according to police.
For those still skeptical that there are still jihadi sympathizers inside that community, it’s worth mentioning that the Committee learned of the mosque assault when an audiotape of the incident was posted on overseas jihadi Internet forums before authorities in Minneapolis even knew about the incident.
There is an enormous amount of travel by Somali-Americans between U.S. cities and East Africa. While most of this travel is legitimate senior U.S. counterterror officials have told the Committee they are very concerned about individuals they have not identified who have fallen in with al-Shabaab during trips to Somalia, who could return to the U.S. undetected.
They fear an al-Shabaab fighter operating under law enforcement’s radar – someone like a Zazi, a Shahzad, an Abdulmutallab – may attempt an attack here.
It is deeply troubling that from the very beginning, the Muslim-Americans in Somalia were trained by top al-Qaeda operatives, including several who were tied to Yemen’s al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is now generally considered our biggest homeland threat.
Al-Shabaab operative Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame was charged this month for doing weapons deals and explosives training with AQAP in Yemen, and to, “Provide AQAP with material support including... personnel.”
Al-Shabaab has long harbored top al-Qaeda leaders, such as the mastermind of the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa, who was gunned down this month in Somalia after a 13-year manhunt.
Al-Shabaab has paraded in Somalia in support of AQAP and sent fighters to battle the weakened Yemeni government this year -- as well as flying the battle flag of al-Qaeda-in-IRAQ.
Finally, an al-Shabaab bombing in neighboring Uganda one year ago that targeted Westerners killed 74 people including one American.
President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, has said the Administration remains, quote, “Vigilant that al-Shabaab may expand its focus from fighting to control Somalia to plotting to attack the U.S. homeland.”
That convinced me of the necessity to launch a careful examination of that threat.
Dozens of experts the Committee interviewed agreed this threat is real, and that al-Shabaab leaders’ public calls for attacks against America -- including in retaliation for killing bin Laden -- must be taken seriously.
With a large group of Muslim-Americans willing to die as “martyrs,” and a strong operational partnership with al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and in Yemen, al-Shabaab now has more capability than ever to strike the U.S. homeland.
We look forwarding to hearing more about the rising al-Shabaab threat from our exceptional witnesses, as well as the Minority’s distinguished witness.
Finally, I note that certain elements of the politically correct media—most egregiously the vacuous ideologues at the New York Times—are shamelessly attempting to exploit the horrific tragedy in Norway to cause me to refocus these hearings away from Muslim-American radicalization.
If they had even a semblance of intellectual honesty the Times and the others would know and admit that there is no equivalency in the threat to our homeland from a deranged gunman and the international terror apparatus of al-Qaeda and its affiliates who are recruiting people in this country and have murdered thousands of Americans in their jihad attacks.
Let me make this clear to the New York Times and their acolytes in the politically correct, moral equivalency media--I will not back down from holding these hearings. I will continue to hold these hearings so long as I am the Chairman of this Committee.
Apart from all the strategic and moral reasons why these hearings are vital to our security, they are liberating and empowering to the many Muslim-Americans who have been intimidated by leaders in their own communities and are now able to come forward.
I also owe it to all the friends, neighbors, and constituents I lost on September 11th. I will not back down.”
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Al O butthead said the world is watching
YES O Butthead we are watching you and we don't like what we see you doing!
Obama said the world is watching. Lip service isn't what we want and you are hurting this country!
It's obvious that al o butthead isn't compromising!
Obama said the world is watching. Lip service isn't what we want and you are hurting this country!
It's obvious that al o butthead isn't compromising!
He doesn’t want the GOP’s input because he plans to hurt America even more! I think he is trying to talk us all to death! His socialist Marxist idea is to hurt the working people and the ones that have put away for their future! That is his plan! The more he goes against the GOP the more I see that he is the eye of his father! I see a bit of his I hate America commie loving radical mother in him as well!
Oh lets get more money to those Mosque's! You bet I am angry you bet I am and I am angry that the American people are so damn BLIND! How much butts are we going to kiss up to! How many more thugs!
How many Americans need to be hurt for this sick pisslamic scociety! It's so damn obviouse what happend over in Iraq they are still killing eachother! THAT IS WHAT THE SICK CULT pislam DOES BEST!
Our economy is hurting and the pislamics are crying for more! They are unable to show the world that they are humanitarians! Oh and the loony left aren’t helping by saying that it was a radical Right wing that shot everyone up in Oslo! What a shady hypotheses view with NO supporting data from the left! Nothing new there!
Al O butthead you’re showing and yeah the world is watching how you plan to try and take America down. I say let them watch because then you will see America build right back up soon as your sorry ass is out of office!
Compromise obama!? I know it’s to hurt not to help! Stop helping your thug friends!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Congressman Trent Franks
Can we still win this?
Yep and this is what we do!
I know I stand with Israel! They know that true Americans do!
Like one mullah said: Americans are so damn stubborn!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Muslim Brotherhood hates strong women!
islamic morons best not even talk an American woman down unless he needs a bitch slapping! This one does!
Monday, July 11, 2011
ACT is the most knowledgeable Organization America has fighting the ideology of Islam.
That is probably why ACT is the most hated by anti American groups like CAIR! If there is slander against this organization it is because they are right on the money! ACT does have all the necessary information to fight this group called the brotherhood of islam! Anyone that opposes the Western Culture in America is against America that is plain and simple why else would they be attacking something that knowledgeable about the enemy!? You would think that good little muslims came here to get away from the back ass ways of islamic murder and repression? So like why all the fuss with these islamic people? Do they hate The Constitution of the United States? Does the islamic brotherhood not like our laws and Amendments? Then I will say this: “If you are not with us you are against us and you need to leave our great nation, because you sure are not helping us!” You feel slighted then LEAVE! NO I DON’T RESPECT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON’T RESPECT ME! So go smoke that in your bong!
Read more “HERE”
Go ahead, try just try and call me a bigot! The one calling me one may be YOU!
Tennessee News needs to be informed ‘not to tell lies!
Oh really so like where are the facts Tennessee News?
I have more information on how well the organization is running. More and more members everyday!So it seems the islamic front wants to shut folks up and tell them
not to question or fight terror. Who all works for this paper and
did they know that islamic muslims can be very charming? Oh yes
and then when they have the chance they will take you down with
that dull blade knife they have behind their back!
I have more on islam here at Atlas Shrugs and here at JihadWatch.
Sure give the thugs enough press and mark my words they will hang themselves. Look at what someone said that left that cult: Just read: “I was born and raised as Muslim. My name is Abdul Rahman. My whole family is still Muslim. I know the Islamic brain very well. I have lived and breathed with them. I am an insider. I left Islam when I understood Islam is a sick and evil religion. Muslims can fool the gullible West but can’t fool us, the ex-Muslims. On this basis I write the following.
Fighting terrorism is easier than fighting the evil teachings of Islam. These evil teachings are already inside the West. Muslims do not need Osama Bin Laden or Zarqawi to lead them. Their inspiration for violence comes directly from the Quran and from Islamic history. One small independent group of Muslims in the West can create havoc.”
Fighting terrorism is easier than fighting the evil teachings of Islam. These evil teachings are already inside the West. Muslims do not need Osama Bin Laden or Zarqawi to lead them. Their inspiration for violence comes directly from the Quran and from Islamic history. One small independent group of Muslims in the West can create havoc.”
Oh and if you desire more here you go CLICK HERE!
So Tennessee News go blow sunshine up your own butt!
Yesterday, The Tennessean newspaper ran a story by Bob Smietana that is so laced with lies, fabrications and distortions we determined we had no choice but to respond to it.
You can read the “yellow journalism” smear piece for yourself here.
Space does not allow us to respond to every fabrication or distortion in the story, so we will focus on the most egregious. At the end of this email we ask you to take action!
Item #1: Distortion
Smietana opens the story with this:
You can read the “yellow journalism” smear piece for yourself here.
Space does not allow us to respond to every fabrication or distortion in the story, so we will focus on the most egregious. At the end of this email we ask you to take action!
Item #1: Distortion
Smietana opens the story with this:
<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
“ACT! for America sums up its mission in four words: “They must be stopped.” “The “they” in question are Muslims…” |
Smietana takes the name of Brigitte Gabriel’s best-selling book to claim that this means ACT! for America’s mission is to “stop” Muslims, bluntly implying that we believe all Muslims are engaged in a “stealthy jihad” and thus that all Muslims must be stopped.
<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
FACT: The subtitle of Brigitte’s book states what “they” is referring to, “Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It.” FACT: ACT! for America does not believe, nor advocate, that all Muslims are engaged in stealth jihad. ACT! for America does not believe, nor advocate, that all Muslims “must be stopped.” The truth is that ACT! for America works with and helps promote the efforts of reformist Muslims, such as Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, and others. Dr. Hamid, a guest on the ACT! for America TV show, has praised the work of ACT! for America and provided us a quote for our website. The mission of ACT! for America is to combat the ideology of radical Islam and those who advocate it. |
Item #2: Lie
Later in the piece Smietana writes:
<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
“Critics say ACT distorts the nature of Islam and labels law-abiding Muslims as terrorists.” |
There is no other way to respond to this than to call this a lie.
<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
FACT: ACT! for America does not “label law-abiding Muslims as terrorists.” This is a classic smear technique used in yellow journalism, to refer to some unnamed “critics” who make some unsubstantiated accusations, in order to smear the organization without Smietana directly saying it himself. |
Item #3: Lie
In a lengthy section about Brigitte’s personal life, Smietana writes:
<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
“She married a co-worker named Charles Tudor, a former cameraman for Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker’s Praise the Lord television show.” |
This is a lie.
<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
FACT: Brigitte’s husband has never worked for Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker’s Praise the Lord television show. |
Item #4: Fabrication
Smietana writes:
<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
“Page Brooks, assistant professor of theology and Islamic studies at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, said ACT! For America confuses radical Islam with the more moderate mainstream version of the faith” |
This is intended to reinforce the distortion noted in Item #1 and the lie noted in Item #2.
<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
FACT: If what Brooks was saying was true, why would ACT! for America work with and promote the efforts of reformist Muslims and repeatedly acknowledge that many Muslims do not support jihad and the imposition of sharia law? On several occasions over the past 18 months we have emailed articles to our national list by reformist Muslims such as Dr. Hamid and Dr. Jasser. It is clear Smietana closely follows what we do, so surely he knows this—so he would know that the statement by Brooks is a fabrication. |
As egregious as these lies, fabrications and distortions are, Smietana goes further and exposes Brigitte Gabriel’s real name, names her husband, and identifies the city in which they live. In fact, he uses her actual last name no fewer than six times in the piece, instead of referring to her by her nationally known pseudonym. How was exposing Brigitte like this relevant to this story?
There is a simple reason why Brigitte uses a pseudonym: the board of ACT voted in 2003 to require her to do so in order that she would enjoy some level of protection. This is not a misplaced concern. She has received death threats. We know that al Qaeda has written about Brigitte several different times on its website. Surely Smietana must know that al Qaeda has done this. Surely Smietana must know that Theo van Gogh was killed by a jihadist in the Netherlands.
Today, al Jazeerah picked up a press release posted by CAIR which refers to the story—so now the entire Muslim world that has access to the radical al Jazeerah “media outlet” will know the details about Brigitte’s real name and city of residence.
Surely Smietana must have known something like this would happen. We are thus compelled to ask, is he so driven by an agenda other than journalism that he would expose Brigitte’s name and city deliberately to expose her to danger? Only he knows the answer to that question.
Bob Smietana has written a string of articles over the past many months that have clearly revealed his reporting is, to put it charitably, “factually challenged.” It is difficult not to conclude that Smietana sees his “reporting” on this issue, not as journalism seeking to uncover the truth and report facts, but as a mission to smear, silence and even recklessly endanger those who would dare to speak out against the threat of radical Islam.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
islam if I didn't know this already!
Live from the horses ass mouth:
Warning to the west:
The following is an email we received from a former Muslim. We are reprinting it with his permission:
I was born and raised as Muslim. My name is Abdul Rahman. My whole family is still Muslim. I know the Islamic brain very well. I have lived and breathed with them. I am an insider. I left Islam when I understood Islam is a sick and evil religion. Muslims can fool the gullible West but can’t fool us, the ex-Muslims. On this basis I write the following.
Fighting terrorism is easier than fighting the evil teachings of Islam. These evil teachings are already inside the West. Muslims do not need Osama Bin Laden or Zarqawi to lead them. Their inspiration for violence comes directly from the Quran and from Islamic history. One small independent group of Muslims in the West can create havoc.
Ali Sina, of, thinks he can bring down this 1400 years old religion in his lifetime. Is he dreaming? How can you defeat an enemy who has the following agenda? Also remember that the greatest strength of Muslims is that they do not read any site or books that talk against Islam. Most Muslims do not even read the Quran in their own language.
Who will tell you the truth about Islam? Muslims? Of course not. Muslims can’t even see the evil in Islam. The West? The gullible West has no clue. Then who? Ex-Muslims and ex-Muslims only can expose Islam to the West.
Muslims believe Islam will rule the world, very soon. They are committed to it. The constitution for the new Islamic Republic of EU and USA is under construction. Welcome to the 21st Century Islamic Warfare. To the infidels of the West, Muslims say: We will fight the infidel to death. And they mean it.
Meanwhile, Muslims are able to say with complete confidence:
The rules of war and intelligence-gathering that the world has evolved over the last 100 years count on some fundamental laws of humanity. For example there is some Geneva conventions even for the battlefield. For example, even in the battlefield you give enemy a chance to surrender. You do not take random hostages, behead them, videorecord it, and post it on the internet. Generally, a mother will try to save her babies and children — they won’t sacrifice her own babies for her religion. These are basics of morality for the human race and have been for a very long time, even before religions came along.
Modern Islamic warfare did away with all of the above morality. The equation of war has changed. One major mistake the West has made is to believe terrorists need a structural hiarchical power structure to fight an enemy. Islamic teachings prepare Muslims from childhood to act on their own wherever they can — even without the authorization from his/her superiors. No wonder you are seeing so many independent Muslim terrorists all over the world. These are entrepreneur terrorists.
These sleeper cells go beyond national origin, language, race, or citizenship. Terrorists could be British born-and-raised citizens, or American Taliban. There is only one thread that binds them together that is "ISLAM."
My, our (ex-Muslims'), message to the West is until the West identifies, names, and warns the public who the real enemy is, the West won’t have chance to win this war. The real enemy is "Islam." As long as Mr. Bush, Blair, and the other world leaders are afraid to call a spade a spade, and as long as they keep saying in public the blatant lie that “Islam is a religion of peace” — we run the risk losing our freedom.
Our freedom already is curtailed. No major newspapers, magazines, or TV reproduced the Mohammad cartoons in America. They were afraid. So, in effect, 6 million Muslims in America and 1.2 billion Muslims around the globe severely restricted our freedom of expression without officially legislating their Sharia laws that prohibits Mohammad’s caricature. We now have unwritten partial Sharia laws in practice in the USA.
Remember ex-Muslims like me are the insiders. We are exposing Islam to the West so we can enjoy Western freedom. Our websites are:, and
Qur’an 8:67 “It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughter in the land.”
Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”
The author of the above is Abdul Rahman, who goes by an alias to protect himself from Islamic extremists. The Quran is very explicit in its treatment of apostates (people who leave the Muslim faith). The penalty for leaving Islam is death. Once you're in, you're in for good. Read what other apostates have written.
Read more: The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex
Read still more: The Life Of Muhammad
Warning to the west:
The following is an email we received from a former Muslim. We are reprinting it with his permission:
I was born and raised as Muslim. My name is Abdul Rahman. My whole family is still Muslim. I know the Islamic brain very well. I have lived and breathed with them. I am an insider. I left Islam when I understood Islam is a sick and evil religion. Muslims can fool the gullible West but can’t fool us, the ex-Muslims. On this basis I write the following.
Fighting terrorism is easier than fighting the evil teachings of Islam. These evil teachings are already inside the West. Muslims do not need Osama Bin Laden or Zarqawi to lead them. Their inspiration for violence comes directly from the Quran and from Islamic history. One small independent group of Muslims in the West can create havoc.
Ali Sina, of, thinks he can bring down this 1400 years old religion in his lifetime. Is he dreaming? How can you defeat an enemy who has the following agenda? Also remember that the greatest strength of Muslims is that they do not read any site or books that talk against Islam. Most Muslims do not even read the Quran in their own language.
Who will tell you the truth about Islam? Muslims? Of course not. Muslims can’t even see the evil in Islam. The West? The gullible West has no clue. Then who? Ex-Muslims and ex-Muslims only can expose Islam to the West.
Muslims believe Islam will rule the world, very soon. They are committed to it. The constitution for the new Islamic Republic of EU and USA is under construction. Welcome to the 21st Century Islamic Warfare. To the infidels of the West, Muslims say: We will fight the infidel to death. And they mean it.
Meanwhile, Muslims are able to say with complete confidence:
American laws will protect us.
Democrats and Leftist will support us.
The UNO will legitimize us.
CAIR and MAB will incubate us.
The ACLU will support us.
Western Universities will educate us.
Mosques in the West will shelter us.
OPEC will finance us.
Moderate Muslims will fertilize us.
Hollywood will love us.
Koffi Annan will publish the politically correct sympathetic statements for Jihadists.
We will use your (West) welfare system.
We will take advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion. When time comes, we will stab America in the back as we did on 9/11 and 7/7, the Islamic way. We will say one thing on the camera (Islam is the religion of peace) and teach another thing (Quran 8:12 Terrorize and behead the infidels wherever you find them) to our children at home.
We will teach our children Islamic supremacy from their earliest childhood. We will take over Europe first and then the U.S. will be the next. We already have a solid ground in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and now in the U.S.
Who are we? We are the “sleeper cells” next door.
At the time of the real fight we will hold our own children as our armor – this is the Islamic way. When American or Israeli troops shoot at us the world will be watching. Imagine, just imagine the news in the world: “Death of Muslim babies by infidels”.
We say to the West: Keep your Nukes in your curio cabinets. Keep your aircraft carriers and high-tech weaponry in the showcase. You can't use them against us because of your own higher moral standard. We will take the advantage of your (Western) higher moral standard and use it against you. We won’t hesitate to use our children as suicide bombers against you.
The West manufactures their tanks in the factory. We Muslims will manufacture our military force by natural means — by producing more babies. It is cheaper that way. You infidels cannot defeat us. We are 1.2 billion strong and we will double our population again.
Using the Western legal system we will assert our Sharia Laws, slowly but surely.
Moderate Muslims will say there is no link between Islam and terrorism and the West will believe it because the West is so gullible. Moderate Muslims all over the world will inadvertently incubate Jihadists by defending Islam as a religion of peace, by telling this to their children and the world.
There will be more 9/11s in Europe and in America. We will say, “We do not support terrorism but America got what it deserved.”
We will recite the Quran and say Allah-Hu-Akbar before beheading infidels, as we have been doing it. We will videotape those and send them to infidels to watch. The infidels will surrender — ISLAM means surrender.
Islam is the fastest growing religion among convicts in prison all over the word. 30% of French prison inmates are already converted to Islam.
We will use your (Western) own values of kindness against you. You (the West) are destined to lose.
Must be very depressing for you (the West). Isn’t it?
Allah-Hu-Akbar (as we like to say just before beheading you; it means God is Great).
The rules of war and intelligence-gathering that the world has evolved over the last 100 years count on some fundamental laws of humanity. For example there is some Geneva conventions even for the battlefield. For example, even in the battlefield you give enemy a chance to surrender. You do not take random hostages, behead them, videorecord it, and post it on the internet. Generally, a mother will try to save her babies and children — they won’t sacrifice her own babies for her religion. These are basics of morality for the human race and have been for a very long time, even before religions came along.
Modern Islamic warfare did away with all of the above morality. The equation of war has changed. One major mistake the West has made is to believe terrorists need a structural hiarchical power structure to fight an enemy. Islamic teachings prepare Muslims from childhood to act on their own wherever they can — even without the authorization from his/her superiors. No wonder you are seeing so many independent Muslim terrorists all over the world. These are entrepreneur terrorists.
These sleeper cells go beyond national origin, language, race, or citizenship. Terrorists could be British born-and-raised citizens, or American Taliban. There is only one thread that binds them together that is "ISLAM."
My, our (ex-Muslims'), message to the West is until the West identifies, names, and warns the public who the real enemy is, the West won’t have chance to win this war. The real enemy is "Islam." As long as Mr. Bush, Blair, and the other world leaders are afraid to call a spade a spade, and as long as they keep saying in public the blatant lie that “Islam is a religion of peace” — we run the risk losing our freedom.
Our freedom already is curtailed. No major newspapers, magazines, or TV reproduced the Mohammad cartoons in America. They were afraid. So, in effect, 6 million Muslims in America and 1.2 billion Muslims around the globe severely restricted our freedom of expression without officially legislating their Sharia laws that prohibits Mohammad’s caricature. We now have unwritten partial Sharia laws in practice in the USA.
Remember ex-Muslims like me are the insiders. We are exposing Islam to the West so we can enjoy Western freedom. Our websites are:, and
Qur’an 8:67 “It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughter in the land.”
Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”
The author of the above is Abdul Rahman, who goes by an alias to protect himself from Islamic extremists. The Quran is very explicit in its treatment of apostates (people who leave the Muslim faith). The penalty for leaving Islam is death. Once you're in, you're in for good. Read what other apostates have written.
Read more: The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex
Read still more: The Life Of Muhammad
Friday, July 01, 2011
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