Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
muslims react!?
Did they all react at 9-11?
In case they pull the story like my link on the Christian woman went poof so I found it again. Here is the Seattle story:
"SEATTLE - The faithful come for daily prayers at Seattle's Idriss Mosque.
Abdul Karim says he worries the flames of anti-Islam extremism may spread to Seattle after the arson at a Corvallis mosque overnight.
"Some people crazy," he says. "They want to give bad name to Islam."
Believers at Idriss have felt the burn of hatred before. Two days after Sept. 11 a man shot at two worshipers and tried to set fire to a car in the mosque parking lot. But despite an undercurrent of concern, there is still a belief by most at the mosque in the goodness of their neighbors.
"Really the American people are above that level of hatred," says Khalid Mohamed. "The majority of American people are really kindhearted and generous."
As part of an ongoing effort to improve relations between Muslim America and the rest of the country, local Muslim leaders are using the holiest time in the Christian year to make their point."
Wait in line!
What a bunch of whiny babies! They had a bad name already in my book! Soon as I heard about that culture of crap back in the early 70's! I don't respect it and I won't!
There were other chruches hit in my area and in others and they were not masques! I feel they are still trying to in flicked fear in Americans lives! It ain't gonna work muhamudes of the cult!
This church was burned and they rebuilt. Now do the Catholics or other churches make such a fuss? You can click here for the story. We get a moron that wants to kill people at a tree lighting ceremony that just happens to be muslim, and the muslims start to change the issue! "We need protection". Never mind the folks at the tree lighting ceremony! Did I hear them bad mouth that bomber? No! Why? Because he is muslim and they can't seem to do that to their own! mohamoud forbids it. :p
We have needed protection from muslims since 9-11!!! How about that! Not to mention that the muslim faith is increasing and slowly taking over communities with shariah law starting in Europe "freedom of speech" now a hate crime, truth is the new hate crime. Asking for this Protection is just the start to take the heart strings of the bleeding hearts and soon they own the police. As for the bleeding hearts, 'they become the useful idiots! Yes they get used by this group and the bleeding hearts just get killed last is all.
They scream racist while the rest of us get a butt probe at the airport! They are telling the TSA people that they only get scanned above the neck, or we need a private place...where are our foot baths...why is there a manorah, why a Christmas tree, what is that manger doing there...on and on and on! Where are the true Americans to fight for our rights and keep them!? We don't need to bend over for these people!
Another thing muslims are doing is good stuff in the community. That is nice I'm all for that but is it just for show? A big show till they take charge? I think we need to keep this group under a microscope to the end. Every generation needs to be warned so that we can go on with freedom and not ever face something like this: "Read Here". Yes where is the humanity police when you need them! See how they just took over this village. Whats to say they won't do this in your home town!
I don't hate anyone but I'll tell you what! I hate anyone that is trying to incorporate dictatorship, and tyranny or kill Innocent people! I hate bad people! I say what goes around WILL come around! I hate because this group of thugs are deceitful and the koran said to do that! I HATE DECEIT!
I HATE what I read today about this poor Christian woman! I hate that this or any religion thinks they are above all! Well those that think that God will set them strait. I know he will!
Yes RG I see this happening too:
"WARNING: The Stockholm Syndrome seen in liberal New York City with all officials supporting the Islamic Victory Mosque will now creep into the liberal mind set of Oregon.
The more attacks or attempted attacks by the Mohammedans with America will continue to push the left into an alliance with Islamists out of fear."
I will die first!
This makes me angry too:
Ground Zero Mosque seeking tax dollars!
Dear Dcat,
The “bridge builders” behind the Ground Zero Mosque have elevated their insensitivity to the point of sticking their thumb in the eyes of the 9/11 families and the 70% of Americans who oppose building a mosque at Ground Zero.
According to the CNN story below, “…the developer behind the controversial Islamic community center and mosque…has requested federal funding…”
For years St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, destroyed on 9/11, has been trying without success to rebuild. According to various news stories the church has been stymied by New York City bureaucrats. This is a travesty.
It’s bad enough that St. Nicholas continues to struggle to rebuild and that Imam Rauf and his backers continue to push their mosque on an unwilling America. But for the Ground Zero Mosque developer to seek an estimated $5,000,000 from us taxpayers to build it—that’s just over the top.
Islamic community center developer seeks federal funding
By Allan Chernoff, CNN Senior Correspondent
New York (CNN) -- The developer behind the controversial Islamic community center and mosque planned for Lower Manhattan has requested federal funding through the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation to support the project known as Park51.
The funding would come from money the Department of Housing and Urban Development allocated to help rebuild the neighborhood after the 9/11 attacks.
"Park51 has applied for a Lower Manhattan Development Corporation grant," said Sharif El-Gamal, CEO of SOHO Properties, the developer behind the Islamic center. In a statement, El-Gamal said the money would "in part fund social service programs such as domestic violence programs, Arabic and other foreign language classes, programs and services for homeless veterans, two multi-cultural art exhibits and immigration services."
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation received more than 265 applications seeking more than $175 million for community and cultural programs, though the LMDC has only $17 million of federal funding to allocate.
"We are now turning to the challenging but important task of sorting through the applications to identify those that address long-standing community and cultural needs," said Avi Schick, chairman of LMDC.
The grants will range from $100,000 to $1 million, according to Julie Menin, chair of Community Board 1 and a member of the LMDC board. Among the criteria used to judge applications, Menin said, are financial viability, job creation, revitalizing the community and a track record of service in Lower Manhattan.
"We have funded museums, public schools, programs to help small businesses hurt after 9/11," said Menin.
An online report said Park51 had requested $5 million, but neither the developer nor LMDC board members would confirm that amount.
The LMDC plans to decide how to allocate the $17 million "towards the end of the first quarter of next year," said Menin.
Park51 has yet to raise significant funds for the community center located two blocks north of Ground Zero, a project that could cost $100-million.
"Park51 has not launched a formal fundraising program and is currently in the process of expanding its Board of Directors to plan, manage and oversee such efforts," said El-Gamal, adding that the project has not yet applied for federal tax-exempt status, but plans to do so "in the coming weeks."
Find this article at:
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I'm not the only skeptic here! This was just one other blog that I happen to follow only because she does the foot work that I already feel. She gets the evidence and the truth.
Fire investigators do the job for the insurance company. I remember that fire in Everett very well. I live in Washington State. Funny until now I find they were muslim owned. I did however figure arson. Now I also learn the origin of the owner and think now it figures! The bias news covers the political correct stooges CAIR once again!
Read all of it "Here"
"CAIR cites the July 9, 2004 case of apparent arson at a Muslim-owned grocery store in Everett, Washington. But investigators quickly determined that Mirza Akram, the store's operator, staged the arson to avoid meeting his scheduled payments and to collect on an insurance policy. Although Akram's antics were long ago exposed as a fraud, CAIR continues to list this case as an anti-Muslim hate crime. "
We do find out eventually! I suppose if I were to go to the neighborhood myself I would have found out the "muslim" origin too. Nice job to the ones that wrote to Pamela at Atlas Shrugs so she could add it to the list and post it for all to see. Sweet!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Follow the money
I’m all for capitalism too! This posted at Hot Air Warren put all you money where your mouth is. Made me look to the share your wealth crap! NO I DON’T WANT TO YOU SOCIALIST SCUMB BAGS!!!
I will struggle through life and make it one way or another. I don’t hold things of this nature too serious because God knows me well. Greed is a terrible thing and so is theft of those that worked for it! Power is wrong if it harms the ones that are making a big difference for others on their own. The family businesses of the world are Americas BEST! Don’t hurt them! What comes around goes around if you do harm them! I assure you!
I liked what Ann Coulter had to say about a year ago.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Turkeys do get it in the end you know!
A great alternative to body scanners at airports
The Israelis are developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners at the airports.
It's a booth you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on you. They see this as a win-win for everyone, with none of the whining about racial profiling. It also would eliminate the costs of long and expensive trials. Justice would be swift. Case closed!
You're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system:
"Attention standby passengers — we now have a seat available on flight number 123. Shalom."
And the hat tip for this lovely goes to Gail! Nice and thanks I needed this! :D :D :D Happy Thanksgiving everyone and may God Bless!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
TSA in the USA take notes
Who gives a grass ass about what the palestinian islamic thugs want! CAIR can go shove off with their “against our religion” crap!
If they don’t like it they can go someplace else! They can all go fly a camel as far as I’m concerned and I am not concerned about them!
As a law abiding American Citizen I deserve to have the best security for my safety!
Thank you ACT for America for all you do!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Christmas is just around the corner...
Hey first FAT President! He will do better then what we got now!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Shining A Light On Shariah Creep
Shining A Light On Shariah Creep
Posted 07:14 PM ET November 10, 2010
Islamofascism: The Council on American-Islamic Relations may wish it never sued to overturn an Oklahoma ban on Shariah law. Now the entire nation will get to see it and other Islamists' true anti-American colors.
CAIR is thumping its chest over persuading a Clinton-appointed federal judge to temporarily block Oklahoma from enacting a state constitutional amendment that prohibits state courts from considering Islamic law when deciding cases. Fully 70% of Oklahoma voters passed the landmark measure.
But CAIR has ignited a legal firestorm that will likely rage all the way to the Supreme Court. Thanks to CAIR's latest bit of lawfare, Americans will get to hear a long overdue debate not just about the constitutionality of such bans on Shariah law but about the constitutionality of Shariah law itself.
This is not a debate CAIR wants to have, since it ultimately will have to defend the indefensible. It claims in a press release that Shariah law is "a dynamic legal framework" derived from Islamic scripture "and analytical reasoning." In fact, there's nothing reasoned about it. It's a medieval legal code that administers cruel and unusual punishments such as stonings, amputations and honor killings. Think the Taliban.
Shariah can be seen in action this week with Pakistan's death sentence on a Christian woman for blasphemy. Between 1986 and 2009, at least 974 people have been charged for defiling the Quran or insulting the Muslim Prophet Muhammad.
CAIR, which thinks free speech is a one-way street, is working with the Organization of the Islamic Conference on an international blasphemy law that would criminalize "Islamophobia," according to the book, "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."
Shariah also permits wife-beating, something CAIR also knows about. Its sister organization, the Islamic Society of North America, condones it in its fatwas (or religious rulings) for Muslim Americans. More, CAIR distributes a book, "The Meaning of the Holy Quran," which authorizes men to hit their wives.
CAIR says it's just a "civil rights advocacy group." But the Justice Department says it's a front group for Hamas and its parent, the radical Muslim Brotherhood, a worldwide jihadist movement that has a secret plan to impose Shariah law on the U.S.
"From its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Kromberg in a recent court filing.
U.S. prosecutors in 2007 named CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal scheme led by the Holy Land Foundation to funnel millions to Hamas suicide bombers and their families.
"CAIR has been identified by the government at trial as a participant in an ongoing and ultimately unlawful conspiracy to support a designated terrorist organization, a conspiracy from which CAIR never withdrew," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Jim Jacks, who recently won an award from Attorney General Eric Holder for convicting the Holy Land terrorists.
Federal courts found "ample evidence" linking CAIR to the conspiracy and are expected to unseal the dossier in coming weeks.
The Holy Land revelations prompted the FBI to sever ties with CAIR until it can demonstrate it's not a terror front. "Until we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and Hamas, the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner," advised Assistant FBI Director Richard Powers in a 2009 letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
CAIR's leaders don't want a ban on Shariah law, because they have a secret agenda to institutionalize Shariah law in America.
"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future," CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper let it slip out to a Minneapolis Star-Tribune reporter in 1993, before CAIR was formed.
CAIR's founding chairman, Omar Ahmad, wants Shariah law to replace the Constitution. "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant," he told a Muslim audience in Fremont, Calif., in 1998. "The Quran should be the highest authority in America."
CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad is an Islamic supremacist who thinks Muslims should run Washington: "Who better can lead America than Muslims?"
Islamizing America also happens to be the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood the radical, Cairo-based outlaw group the government says CAIR is fronting for. The founding archives of its U.S. branch, seized in an FBI raid and introduced as evidence in the Holy Land trial, reveal a "strategic goal" of "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house ... so that Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions." The Brotherhood calls its plan a "grand jihad." CAIR argues in its suit that "the Shariah ban's purpose is to stigmatize, denigrate and segregate plaintiff's faith in the public's mind as something foreign and to be feared."
No, the goal is to make sure no Oklahoma judge considers Shariah law in rulings on domestic violence, family law, probate, free speech, contracts and other matters, as judges have in other states, to a wider degree in Canada and now on a routine basis in Britain. The ban is to prevent courts from legitimizing a religious legal system antithetical to the U.S. Constitution in the areas of freedom of speech, equality and humane punishment, among other bedrock Western principles.
Thanks to CAIR's lawsuit, all this can now be aired out for the public.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thank you "Pamela" Now let DCAT handle some of this piss ass group of weenies!
I bet they are the ones sending dumb links like this one: click here!
This group sending shit like this on the net are over the top! They have no clue how useful of idiots they really are! It's the mambie pambie crowd!
People look deeper! It is more then that feel good granola=crapola. It's all of us being schooled AGAIN to accept socialism and sharia life styles!
They are putting these useful idiots out there to destroy our country and the lame left is blind to it all. They were already put into a pot of warm water. The temp going up ever so slowly so not to notice the boiling point of the end... Get the butter!
Let's face it folks the ADL's brains and islam have melted together to form that glob that ate NYC!
Yes little Jimmy they really are out to get you! STUPID!
Oh and Malery I agree with you on this:
"Ya, I call this type of person Oblivions (also known for their support of Obutthead). They're smart and educated in a particular discipline, usually some science or medical field type, but they're no smarter than your basic grade school teacher (or student for that matter) when it comes to political intelligence. They spout some platitudinous feel good BS about how the whole world would be a wonderful happy utopia if people would just do this or just do that (or redistribute your wealth). 'Envision world peace', or 'Co-exist' with flags of islam and Israel next to each other. This is a great utopian goal but it is totally idiotic with the world in it's current state.
This will only happen in reality when Christ returns and destroys islam and sets up his reign here on earth. Everything else is BS and in the mean time we should do everything in our power to eradicate islam and the dark forces of the communist democratic party here and abroad."
Happy Birthday US Marines.
So you were trained to kill. I say GOOD FOR YOU because of you America will have the freedom you killed for!
As a citizen I will fight to defend you from the radicals of pot heads that don't understand that freedom!
Rest in peace Daniel! Your little sister.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
islamic muslims want to school us?
Hey we got all the schooling we need right here on 9/11 and the masque to be built at a site that islam refuses to see "why not". Insensitive pricks that they are!!!
They don't give a shit! They want to have a trophy of a win! So don't bother trying to school us you islamic pieces of shit!
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer not to mention even more blogs out to bring the fact of a failed power like islam!
Prove us wrong and we will find the twist of a new angle that islam will try on the USA! We will find that too! So give up assholes!
All lawyers in this country that support this two-bit organization CAIR and any other slime islamic club should be disbarred from practice! Folks should be tried for treason for even supporting these morons!!!
Friday, November 05, 2010
CAIR’s real agenda revealed
Omar Ahmad, CAIR co-founder, quoted in the San Ramon Valley Herald,
July 4, 1998
Oh boy another letter from ACT:
Dear dcat,
As the National Journal story reports below, the Oklahoma chapter of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) has filed suit to block implementation of State Question 755, known as the “Save Our State” amendment.
SQ 755 prohibits Oklahoma courts from using sharia law when judging cases. The amendment was overwhelmingly approved by Oklahoma voters, garnering over 70% support.
ACT! for America played a key role in educating the voters about SQ 755, including two weeks of statewide radio advertising, 600,000 automated phone calls with a message recorded by former CIA director James Woolsey, editorials and letters to the editor, and radio interviews.
Prior to the vote CAIR’s Oklahoma director had argued SQ 755 was unnecessary because there was no chance sharia was coming to Oklahoma.
The CAIR lawsuit now confirms what CAIR leaders have said in the past—CAIR’s real agenda is the importation of sharia law to America.
Consider Omar Ahmad’s quote above. What is he actually saying? That sharia law should govern America.
Consider this 1993 quote from Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s current communications director, who told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”
What is Hooper saying? That sharia law should govern America.
Not surprisingly, in recent years CAIR has been quiet about this agenda, but now that agenda has been smoked out by SQ 755, a measure which is not discriminatory nor inhibits the practice of religious Islam, but protects non-Muslims and Muslims alike from the tyranny of sharia law.
Muslim Group Sues Oklahoma Over Sharia Amendment
By Althea Fung
Friday, November 5, 2010 8:06 a.m.
A Muslim advocacy group is suing to stop a measure approved by Oklahoma voters on Tuesday that would ban judges in the state from considering Islamic law in court proceedings.
About 70 percent of voters approved State Question 755, which says “the courts shall not consider international law or Sharia Law.”
Muneer Awad, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations's Oklahoma chapter, filed the suit in U.S. District Court to block officials from certifying the measure. Awad told the Wall Street Journal the measure violates the First Amendment right to practice religion without government intervention.
CAIR legal adviser Gadeir Abbas said SQ755 was "designed to stigmatize Muslims, to turn the Constitution of Oklahoma into a vehicle for oppressing a minority that is currently unpopular."
The "Save Our State Amendment" was proposed by Republican state Sen. Anthony Sykes, who said the amendment isn’t about persecuting Muslims but keeping the Oklahoma judiciary system from “sliding down a slippery slope.”
Former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, who worked to get the amendment passed, said on Fox and Friends this morning that it's about not allowing criminals to use religious code to circumvent the system when they're "prosecuted for beating or assaulting their wives or daughters."
“What we really need to do is make sure people can’t void the impact of criminal law by citing their religious beliefs,” he said.
In New Jersey, a judge declined to place a restraining order on a Moroccan man who forced his wife to have sex. The ruling was later overturned.
A hearing is set for Monday.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Monday, November 01, 2010
Washington State liquor “big gov”
Don't forget their big fear of big brother. Unbelievable idiots that they are!
Listen up the liquor stores need to be free of government bureaucracy! Those of you that think your kids are safer are NUTS!
Why with cell phones and meeting at different locations to buy from 21 year olds is happening. Oh and I guess that wonderful person growing “medical marijuana” in your neighborhood is just fine with you! WHAT A BUNCH OF F-UPS YOU ALL ARE!
Oh and did you also know this is going on: ""New York’s Republican Candidate for Senate is a Lobbyist for Terror"
Thank you Pamela for bringing this up. I just wonder if they are smart enough to see what is happening. I’m betting they all still have their heads up their anus.