Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin! YES!!!


What a good choice!


And the Democrats go ape shit with comments like: “It’s a slap in women’s faces!”

I say no you dumb bitch maybe yours and obama!

Her résumé is not thin you morons! Obamas is!

She is a member of the NRA too!!!

I hope to see her have a debate with dipshit obama!


Oh and I loved this add:


Joanne said...

I like her. I've been to Alaska a number of times.....caught myself a huge halibut and salmon - I had some help getting them into the boat though. Alaska is beautiful, rugged, and vast.

I'm quite giddy about her being McCain's VP, and I am looking forward to watching her debate the issues.

dcat said...

Giddy Joanne :D

Mr and I are toasting them both!

Lack of experience isn’t going to fly!

Hey Joanne,
Did you notice that all conservative women are foxes! Heh!

Democrats have a lot to be jealous about now don’t they!


The Griper said...

now this is a matchup. lol
republicans- experience + inexperience (democrats claim)
democrats- inexperience(republican claim) + experience.

what Palin brings to the ticket is not so much her conservative viewpoint but the fact she is an example for the kids to look up too in regards to social issues especially in regards to the issue of abortion.

The Griper said...

foxes huh? yup and each of them are tigresses too when confronted. a very sharp tongue on each of them along with the claws to back themselves up. lol.

Mike's America said...

I'm so glad that McCain picked someone who IS a conservative. And doubly so that it's a new fresh face and a choice that has given us all a reason to vote FOR McCain and not just against Obama.

She's going to be a great addition to the ticket and it's just so stupid for Obama to attack her for not having experience when SHE has more than HE does!

Anonymous said...

I knew her years ago when she was the mayor of Wasilla. She got in a beef with afriend of who was the chief of police. She is tough and no nonsense. She kicked my friend out the door and made it stick. I can't remember the original problem now but I do remember thinking she was nobody to mess with.

Mike H. said...

Anon. I'm waiting to find out. One thing is for certain, stuff like this police thing will be the prog's method of attack from here on out.

She's more of a threat to them than McCain. She'll draw votes that McCain can't, just because people will see a new era.

"The Change From McCain." "Yes he can, (and he will.)"

BTW, start looking for the dead voters and misplaced ballots.

Anonymous said...

I'd love McCain to use the words from the title of your blog...'This is Change I believe in'

I don't know if you saw this or not, but on MSNBC - Keith Overbite's Coutndown to No Ratings (thanks Mark Levine for that), I saw BHO give a response to the announcement of Palin's VP nod and Biden was standing behind him. The look on BHO's face was priceless - they both looked absolutely stunned. And of course, the monkey behind the organ grinder had just as hapless a look at BHO had. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

All the sane blogger up here are noticing the MSM meltdown and are seeing it as a good sign.
The louder they squeal the more obvious it is!
Watched clips from cnn, and the yappers were just about crying on air, too funny!
Considering how they had the ketchup king as POS before 10pm our time and yet the next day it was BUSH. Now how'd that happen?

May have an election up here this fall as well, since the fiberal leader is a die hard greenie and want's to save the world on our over taxed backs of course, we need a conservative majority this time.