Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama you asshole!



Mike H. said...

dcat, but are you sure about that change thing? ;)

dcat said...

Yeah I am sure! He needs a change of address to the ME and a nuke up his ass!

Anyone that doesn't see the picture needs one as well! ^~~^

Mike H. said...

Hold on girl, remember that I have linux. I can't see any flash pictures if that's the picture that you're talkin' about.;)

Tom said...

A little scary, especially with BO and the Hildabeast in front of a poster with the murderous Che Guevara. Perfect backdrop for Leftist / Socialist leaning candidates...

Enjoyed the music, though...

dcat said...

Obama picked the guy that acts like me! LOL opens mouth before thinking! Heh! This will be good because he is going to say how wonderful McCain is. God ‘it was all about exposure for obaaaabaaa! Nothing more.

Ego trip exposure and no idea what the hell he is doing!

An egotistical child behind the wheel of our country oh joy! Gonna run right into that light poll real quick like!

Indigo Red said...

Powerful video, dcat. I've read some of Castro's speeches (well, parts of them...he goes on forever.) If specific time, place, and name references are removed or neutralized, Castro and Obama sound alike. Same with Hitler. He promised all the stuff Obama is saying, too.

The Griper said...

i'm with Indigo, here. great find, girl. says more than all the speeches to be made yet.