Monday, August 11, 2008

It’s time for Islamic followers to leave that cult!

I am not here to win a popularity contest! Especially not with Islam!!! When I read stuff like daughters in “Islam” being raped and the family seeking justice, I wonder well duh ‘you are the one in a screwed up cult! Now you want justice because “now” it is your “kid”!? Islam will eat their young for peat sake! People need to leave the cult and get with the modern world! There are so many ways to serve God! Even an atheist can do it!

I am so sick of Islam and its followers that I can just throw up! There is no concern left in me anymore! To me it is a cult of screwed up people just like in the left field here in the USA!

I can’t feel bad for them anymore however I would like to see them out of commission! That cult “Islam” needs to be taken down for good! That would be a good thing! Oh but the Islamic claim they will rule the world! I hope my time will be long over on this planet before that happens!!! I have no love loss for screwed up folks!

When injustice happens in an Islamic family maybe then more followers will see the light! DUH!

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