You’re letter “to whom it may concern” is just another
wake up call for America! CAIRIt’s time to rag on CAIR again because they just twist their way around the weak minded. I am here to say “COVER YOUR EARS! LISTEN TO THEM NOT!
CAIR Comes on sweet and the dull sward a-waits once it takes roots! It is going on in Europe now! Islam is a cancer! It is like the Moonies and every other crazy cult out there! They call folks like “Americans” extreme! Go ahead treat them well! They will only take you out last!
You’re so concerned that the idiot islamic jackass that killed his daughters in Texas got away! The mullahs did a fantastic job at getting him in a safe environment didn’t they! What do you have to say about that
CAIR!? You guys are all talk and say what people want to hear! YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THEN A CULT! You are trying desperately grasping at straws to take over! Once you get enough places then you will choke “the good people” from their life styles and freedom! I know exactly what you are playing at! You are all a cancer just like many other groups here in the USA are and need to be stopped!
I only hate people that are a threat and you people are a threat! I don’t like you!!! I don’t have to like you or put up with your BS either!!!
I like
Bridget Gabriel, because she had the guts to speak out about your sick cult! She got away! Just like I did in many ways in my life! We are independent women and you hate us so I think that that is just as racist! Eat shit and die CAIR!
I also am aware of who you people are rooting for
Presidency in our great country! Pull out of Iraq so that AQ can start in again and rebuild their destruction and mayhems on the Christen sect living their!