Saturday, January 12, 2008


Huge Success with surge! Hey left media! Go to because the loony left liberal media won’t bring this out.


Oh and in another Victory:

You got ID? Heh! It isn’t any problem for me I am a US Citizen what about you!? I think this is good and closing in on all the loop holes for little shit Matoves running loose! HURRAH!!!


Indigo Red said...

My California drivers license already IDs me in all 50 states and most countries, so I have no problm at all with a single nationally recognized ID.

However, this isn't a solution because anything the gov't comes up with to prove I am me can be quickly counterfitted by bad guys. Anything to make it harder is worth doing.

Mike's America said...

I've got a whole boat load of neat photos from Bush's trip. But I have been so busy with campaign stuff, I haven't had time to post them.

I will have one whopper of a post when i do.

dcat said...

Good I will have to pop over more often.

You do such a good job Mike. Glad you found time to come and visit. I think Bush did a fantastic job.

I also went to Hot Air and saw what memri had. Looks like the mulims are scared of us and they damn right better be!