Friday, March 03, 2006

Max Friedman's: The betrayal of America

This column is a rant, not a soft, cuddly piece of fluff opinion. It is going to tell the truth like you have never heard it before. To quote Jack Nicholson from the movie "A Few Good Men" - "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth" - but I'm going to give it to you anyway.

So, as your mother used to do to those of you readers who are old enough to remember, hold your nose and take your medicine, because the doctor is in, and he's operating with a chainsaw.

After 35 years in the news/journalism business, from D.C. to Vietnam, I can honestly say that most of the leading Democratic Party politicians and their far-left support groups are traitors to this country. Besides the few who are deceased or out of office, today's DP is loaded with leaders who have sold out this country to the communists, to the Islamofascists and to their egos. Others are just plain stupid, addle-brained and knee-jerk jerks.

(I'll get to the Republicans in a minute). Here is the link: Nice find Mike H!

For the link just clicky, clicky here!


Anonymous said...

There has always been a left and a right in this country, and for that matter in most democracies. The right calls the left communists and the left calls the right fascists. It's a fact of life that these accusations will be made, and it's also a fact of life that they are exagerated rhetoric.

The US is nowhere close to being a communist nation, and even socialism is not the evil conservatives make it out to be. Take the example of Sweden: they are socialist and yet we don't hear to many horror stories about how bad life is in Sweden. Why? Because life is great in Sweden.

Another thing is that Americans have gotten very smug about "our freedom". Fact is that over a hundred nations in the world have freedom and free speech, etc. It's pretty pathetic to hear US politicians and country music singers brag that "at least we know we're free".

dcat said...

We are free anon!

I know Fitna wasn't shown in London. Get your fucking facts strait before you come here and see the movie Fitna while you are at it! Why is it that country's will not show it?

Hey Anon,
Are you like from Switzerland? Then I suggest you stay there to enjoy the fruits you think you have. If you live here then maybe you should move to Switzerland!

"Social justice" with communism is this, what you think? Are you an anti-capitalism type of fool? Or are you for wealth redistribution and government-managed economies as the keys to achieving this "social justice."?

Honey child anon,
The government is suppose to work for the people not against the people!

Those that work hard for what they have should not have to pay for their neighbors bad choices in life!

Where in the hell are jobs going to come from if not for corporations and the rich!?

Do you want to go to school for 8 years get a doctorate and then find that some garbage collector is making the same as you? Yet you can’t afford to have a nice home for all your work.

Do you feel that the garbage man should be on the same financial level as the doctor or professor? You are an idiot!

Tell me, where is the incentive in that!? MORON!

Don’t come back to my blog anon your too damn dumb! And I will delete your sorry stupid ass!

dcat said...

Here anon

Anonymous said...


in the US, we have a mixed socialist-capitalist system. Even Republicans dare not suggest we eliminate social security, college loans, college grants, the dept of education, medicare, food stamps, etc. Also, Bush was the one who started the process to privatize the banks and who tried to legalize illegal immigrants, so I wouldn't get so sanctimonious about the left if I were you.

I'm an American and I'm from NJ. I'm not from Sweden, but I know that Sweden has a financial system similar to ours. Believe it or not, even if you raise the marginal tax rate from 30% to 40%, doctors still make a lot more than garbage men. In fact the US's top bracket tax rate has been as high as 80%(during WWII).

Also, I'm ok with a massive tax cut. We can just cut defense spending in half and that will save the tax payers a lot of money. I doubt the founders intended for us to spend more on defense than the rest of the world combined.

You can delete my post. It's your blog. But don't you think you should try and have a real debate for once and not just debate yourself? Do you also play chess against yourself and then brag that you always win?

dcat said...

Many of the left thought it was good to legalize aliens. Hell he was doing what the left wanted. Everyone sane screamed about it and no one listened!

Just like some of the crap obama is saying but not doing. Going on Jay’s program was a big mistake!

Instead of appointing the rest of the people he is on a program looking like a jackass cracking jokes!

He is a joke! Did you see all the thugs he elected to offices!? Or did you miss that one? TAX DODGERS!

The thing they are trying to do is nationalizing the banks. The banks were the same for years!

The big shake up was before the depression with JP Morgan.

Freddy Mac Fanny May opened in 1968 was a “Government sponsored” “a little more government controlled” stock open to the public to buy.

Opening all those mortgage loans to people living beyond their means was the biggest mistake ever!

People in power got greedy!

We need our defense system and cutting that now would be very grave for our country! (Seems you want that to happen)

When I play chest I usually play against a liberal and win! I think you are Sweden but an arab! I don’t trust muzzies! They cheat all the damn time!

Good bye!

dcat said...

New Jersey aye? ;)

Honolulu, Hawaii left via from "Razor Sharp Claws: Max Friedman's: The betrayal of America"
02:10:33 -- 10 hours 12 mins ago

Honolulu, Hawaii arrived from on "Razor Sharp Claws: Max Friedman's: The betrayal of America" by searching for "Max Friedman".
00:44:45 -- 11 hours 38 mins ago

Honolulu, Hawaii arrived from on "Razor Sharp Claws: Max Friedman's: The betrayal of America" by searching for "Max Friedman". 23:41:14 -- 12 hours 45 mins ago

dcat said...

WW11? A yeah... repeat...

Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it?

Read this slowly and fully - interesting to say the least.

I was born in one country, raised in another.

My father was born in another country.

I was not his only child.

He fathered several children with numerous women.

I became very close to my mother, as my father showed no
interest in me.
My mother died at an early age from cancer. Later in
questions arose over my real name.

My birth records were sketchy and no one was able to
produce a legitimate, reliable birth certificate.

I grew up practicing one faith but converted to
Christianity, as it waswidely accepted in my country, but I practiced non-
traditional beliefs & didn't follow Christianity, except in the public eye under

I worked and lived among lower-class people as a young
adult, disguising myself as someone who really cared about them.

That was before I decided it was time to get serious about
my life and I embarked on a new career.

I wrote a book about my struggles growing up.

It was clear to those who read my memoirs that I had
difficulties accepting that my father abandoned me as a child.

I became active in local politics in my 30's then with
help behind the scenes, I literally burst onto the scene as a
candidate for national office in my 40s. They said I had a gold tongue and could talk to anyone and motivate them. That reinforced my conceit. I had a
virtually non-existent resume, little work history, and no experience in leading a
single organization.

Yet I was a powerful speaker and citizens were drawn to me
as though I were a magnet and they were small roofing tacks.

I drew large crowds during my public appearances.

This bolstered my ego.

At first, my political campaign focused on my country's
foreign policy then on change.

I was very criti cal of my country in the war and seized
every opportunity to bash my country.

But what launched my rise to national prominence were my
views on the country's economy and the need for change. I
pretended to have a really good plan on how we could do better and every poor person would be fed & housed for free.

I knew which group was responsible for getting us into
this mess. It was the free market, banks & corporations.

I decided to start making citizens hate these institutions and if they were envious of others who did well, the plan was clinched

I called mine "A People's Campaign" and that sounded good
to people.

I was 20the surprise candidate. I emerged from outside the
traditional path of politics & was able to gain widespread popular
support. I knew that, if I merely offered the people 'hope' ,
together we could change our country.

So, I started t o make my speeches sound like they were on
behalf of the downtrodden, poor, ignorant to include "persecuted

My true views were not widely known & I kept
them unknown, until after I became my nation's leader.

I had to carefully guard reality, as anybody could have easily found
out what I really believed, if they had simply read my writings
and examined those people I associated with. I'm glad they didn't as I became the most powerful man in the world. And the world learned the truth.

Who am I?

Got someone in mind from the last 100 years?




dcat said...

Remember when Bill Clinton accused conservative talk radio of fomenting hate? What does he have to say about his colleagues in the Obama administration and the Democratic Party? (via King Banaian)

Oh the shit keeps on flying!

dcat said...

Hey anon,
Ok now I know... LOL You must be family. LOL...

Washington, District of Columbia arrived from on "Razor Sharp Claws: Max Friedman's: The betrayal of America" by searching for max friedman. 06:58:21 -- 2 days 12 hours ago

dcat said...

You want a fucking debate anon:

MALMO, Sweden — Swedish authorities in the southern city of Malmo (search) have been busy with a sudden influx of Muslim immigrants — 90 percent of whom are unemployed and many who are angry and taking it out on the country that took them in.

dcat said...

Malmö, Sweden: Growing Muslim Influence

Is that enough for you! You little SHIT!

Anonymous said...
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