Monday, February 21, 2005

The Train

The train is not gonna stop, out of the way Syria!!!

Very well said by Diane at ITM's comment section. The train is rolling!

I wonder what the liberals will do when things start to take off in the favor, of democracy. Will they continue to bash the Bush supporters, or embrace us doing the right thing with democracy in the Middle East?

It will catch on, because who will notice will be the other countries people, under the dictatorships in their home land. They will want to embrace the freedom too. It definitely will be a domino effect!

Now, I’m really concerned with the Liberals that will need to have massive counseling, for being wrong about the war on terror. Will they feel shameful for their selfless acts against freedom for all? Or will they say things like this was not, what we meant and we didn’t say that… and we still hate Bush…bla, bla, bla. Denial and story changing will be my prediction.

They will be a sorry lot indeed! Go ahead prove me wrong liberals!

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