Thursday, February 03, 2005

The State of the Union

I think that, the speech went well. I think the President, had everything thought out, and I felt, that he covered the fears, of the public. The, social security, issue, is a sore point, with a lot of people. Thinking the system, will bottom out in the future, is a reality. It’s not that the Government, spent it, it’s because people are living longer and there isn’t as many, paying into it as there once, was. The baby, boomers are a large amount of people that will be retiring. They will be draining the system, so it needs to be addressed, now before funds, do disappear. At least the president, had, a fix. I also feel we will have a better system down, then people, think.

I have been in the stock market, for a long time. I started an IRA, when I was 21. Don’t you think, that people, should take responsibility, for their, own future? I happen to know people, that are offered 401K’s at work, but decline it. Scream, about taking a gamble, with social security, then turn around and go to the nearest casino! Go figure?

I was aware, at the democrats, tearing down, everything that the president, threw out there. He also asked; “if you have any other ideas, I’m willing to listen”.

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