Saturday, December 18, 2004

The Big City...

Our trip to the big Seattle city today was like “freak show! Get your eye full here”! Don’t get me wrong the city was well decorated and it was a fun day. However some have ruined it for me thank you very much! (A pox on all their houses)!!!

I’m political as it is and would have liked to forget about it all for just one day! But no! With bible thumpers on one corner and the anti war people on the next, I found the only thing worth watching and enjoying was the Peruvian group playing. I wasn’t able to because of the town criers! Then there were the “here take these flyers we are handing out”! I couldn’t resist… “You can go wipe your ass with that flyer”! Then if that wasn’t enough, there was one I had to threaten with; “if you don’t get the hell out of my face I will hurt you”! As Tom pulled me away, saying I was kidding. “No I’m not”! I yelled! …

Alas we ended up going to the brewery at the one mall. The Pacific place I think is the name of the mall. After sitting for a while and enjoying a brew, I began to chant in my mind. Please Lord, make those people go away, make it so cold for them that they leave the streets. It worked because when we went out they were gone! The rest of our evening was most enjoyable. So God wanted me to have a nice day and made this possible! Now that is a miracle! My type “A” personality finally got to relax and enjoy the day.

We are now safe in our cozy little home with the wonderful critters. I’m happy to have enjoyed the Sound (the water way “Puget Sound” with the Olympic Mountains in the back ground, not the sound of the town criers!)

Now I come home to look at the blog of choice Iraq the Model and see Ali is threatening to quit writing!!! What the hell is this all about? !!! I think it is the blog criers on different political views. They are finally getting to him. I’m hoping that he thinks it over and just ignores them. Please, Ali, reconsider. I hope you come here and read this.

1 comment:

dcat said...

Ah what else would I expect from &^%# little islamists! That is what they are you know!