Sunday, January 06, 2013

Disarm a US Citizen?! Are YOU NUTS!?

I call it treasonous and against the Constitution of the United States of America!  I’ll say it again then!  Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!  Leave and take your cronies with you we don’t want you here and lets bring back the death penalty for thugs!!!  Liberals are why we have more crime!!!    
Coming from a true Patriarch and on my Facebook page!  Someone that fought for our rights and freedom!  If you are not on my Facebook page or can’t look me up.  You need to look in the mirror and see why you’re not part of my world or MY freedom!  You are one of the thugs runing amuck!  You side with the thugs!
Read what this fine Patriarch has to say and I am proud to have this person on my side: 

I just sent this to my two Democrat Senators, and my Democrat Congressman. I suspect I just put myself squarely in the crosshairs of the Government watch list, but sitting idly by and letting America die just isn't in me.

"Subject: Usurpation of Constitutional Rights
Let's see now ... what is the progression here. President runs on populist position of redistribution of wealth (socialism). Puts government into business (fascism). Wants to disarm the populace "for our own safety" (tyranny). His party submits bills to Congress for disarmament of the people, while spending trillions to take control of the economy, then sells weapons to our enemies, then submits a House resolution to repeal term limits on the President. The EPA and Agenda 21 working to destroy the personal ownership and contr...
ol of personal property. I see this and I think of Castro, Chavez, Putin, and many more who have corrupted their governments in order to give themselves monarchical powers over the people. America is in very serious danger! The Patriot Act, the NDAA ... our nation is under assault from within. Meantime the Department of Homeland Security is loading up with millions (billions?) of rounds of ammunition.

The President violates our Constitutional First Amendment right to exercise our freedom of religion. You have voted to destroy our Fourth Amendment right to be secure in our persons and property. Now, you all are gathering together to "infringe" on our Second Amendment right to defend ourselves from your tyranny.

Don't tell me that it is for my own safety. I've lived where people named themselves "President for Life". Please don't try to feed me those same worn and tired excuses of all usurpers. We are not a monarchy, and many of us will not stand by idly while you attempt to destroy America from within.
Well put and I sure as hell won't either!!!

I love Zo Nation Enjoy the clip: 



Always On Watch said...

The Left wants nothing less that the completing discarding of our Constitution -- and our individual rights. Damn.

dcat said...

You know I will always have you on my list AOW!

The left that think that need to leave our country!

I am ready to face off and don't care what the left think! I'm getting older and don't need them in my life and we don't need treasonous people here!

They hate it so bad let them go live someplace where they stone or kill folks for less then just a sneeze! Let's see how they like that!!!

dcat said...

The fox is definitely in the hen house!!! Letting all the criminals out too!? WTF!!!

Liberal=peace love kill the conservatives!

The hitler syndrome all over again!