Monday, January 14, 2013

Colin Powell is Colon Powell!

Yes from the bowels of his mouth he spews "All GOP" are racist!  Hey colon you know Allen West is more a Republican then you are and it is time to shed that cover!  You sir are finished as far as this Conservative is concerned!  How dare you insult the GOP!  I am sick and tired of the race card!  Get over yourself you loser!  You Colin, you are obviously on the side of the rest of the shifty leftist!  "Shifty" huh you bet all of Chicago is shifty and Obama is shifty and he does have "his inflections" more and more know what that is!  We saw the movie before it was yanked!  But I really didn't need to see it "I already knew"!

I don't trust Obama and I know he is NOT for America!  Gore is playing the same game!  I heard Obama's speech and he went around and around the circle of a kind of brainwashing technique!  Same ole same ole over till he thinks he has everyone fooled again!  I am aware of the technique!  Anyone with any sense at all knows the truth of the matter being spewed!  I can't be hypnotized!  The leftist in office are all thugs, the "followers on left" are all brainwashed into thinking they are working for some kind of utopia that will never be!  Pot heads of the sixties don't have the brain cells to do the work or run the country!  All they can do is run it into the ground, just like they are doing!

No Obama is too damn lazy to even chuck!  The slaves of the South had more back bone then he will ever have and to me made very good Americans once it was over!  They persevered just like the persecuted Jews and POW'S that were jailed by the enemy "that is war for you"!  It is the offspring with a chip on their shoulder that can't seem to move on!  Never forget but move on and make yourself a better human so people can stand to be around you!  If you made yourself a better person, I would not have to have my attitude!  Touch my rights and you will get attitude!   

I look to folks like Allen West and all the other fine American "GOP'S"!  The GOP'S are the ones stopping Obama from destroying the Constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!   "We The People" need to make sure that the Government works for the people and never ever get too big that they forget who is keeping them in office to do their job!  They need reminding that their job is not to change the Constitution or any of our freedoms to pursue the American Dream!  Also the right to defend it if need be!


Always On Watch said...

I remember when so many people, including myself, respected Colin Powell. No more! He's a whiner and a liar.

Anonymous said...

Colin Powell!

dcat said...

To me he is shit so colon is correct!