Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hah! A bouncing baby bomb!

Should we have a baby shower?

A warning out from DHS about prosthetic belly bombings. Oh joy! It's a bouncing baby bomb! I am just surprised they didn't think of this sooner. Hell they couldn't get catheters so...

We’ve seen terrorists use children and individuals with Down syndrome as carriers of bombs.

The link below will take you to a news report and video about the latest – women wearing suits that make them look pregnant, but actually hold a bomb inside.
Clearly, no low is too low to stoop for those intent on wreaking havoc and destruction in the name of their ideology.


Anonymous said...

Was only a matter of time...

Also note that I've moved my blog from Tom's Fireside Chat to Tom's Place. Please update your blogroll. Thanks!

The Griper said...

i wonder how the bad doctor gives that baby a good whack on the bottom to get it to "go off" into a crying spree when it ready to explode into this world? lol

dcat said...

LOL Oh hi guys ;)

Yeah Tom it's like the media is in shock. OMG!!!

How long did it take em since 9-11.

Now is the time to invent that little cast iron booth that all pj women must enter for a complete scan and if it is a bouncing baby bomb deliver it right away in the cast iron booth!

I can see it now everyone running from pregnant women of the clad black cows taking cover while the police take em out!

Show us your belly or we will kill you on the spot! :D

Indigo Red said...

They are an imaginative bunch. Ya gotta give them that.

The Griper said...

hey, just because they are arabs doesn't mean that they can't think and exploit our weaknesses, indigo. that is why i never have considered a lot of these things that libs calls mistakes in this war, mistakes.