Well said commander and Chief George W. Bush!
Otherwise where would our nation be? In chaos I’ll wager! Just like the Arabs in Saudi. They don’t have chaos you say?! Oh no your right! They just behead anyone that takes initiative to speak out against them.
Did you hear about the "rape victim" that not only was jailed but lashed 200 times? She was the victim of a dismissed humanitarian justice system in Saudi Arabia. She was denied justice. The rapist you ask 6 months and a slap on the wrist? Well he is strutting around like a peacock or a cock, untouched and free as a brainless imp! We don’t have that nonsense here in the USA! And why is that little Timmy? For one we don’t tolerate that abuse on anyone and we have laws. And we have women like myself that you don’t dare mess with!
To my readers:
Who is Timmy you ask? Timmy is a candy ass that tried to post a comment at my blog. Good thing that I moderate. I’m sure he is not from our country and it was all about him and the hell with everyone else!
was the topic this little looser went to attack. As you see the
8 comments you will notice that prominent people like Mikes America comes to my domain. That is right this is my place! I decide who comments. Now I think I should show folks what losers like the little Timmy's out there scream about:
timothy has left a new comment on your post
If you think having your own thoughts is free will, you are grossly mistaken. Your too old for this to affect you, but when I get drafted and im in some shit country ducking in bunkers while muslims pick off my peers with machine guns and homemade grenades, i will need much more than the comfort of my own thoughts on how much it sucks, in order to quench my desire for "free will". Ok Timmy what country are you from? I advise if you live in the USA that you move the hell out of a country of folks that are willing to die to protect little pot heads such as yourself! We are the ones that are willing to up hold our freedom something you are too young to know anything (obviously) about! Think of it as someone taking your computer away from you because they don’t want you reading Razorsharpclaws because then you might be supporting freedom of speech. There now you can be without the outside world! You won’t know how everyone else lives in other countries and you can then be a happy little idiot. Oh wait you already are. Hmmm let me think of another example…

I think I spent too much time on the little jackass so let’s move on folks…
DCAT, I don't know where you got this, but it's impressive. Thanks! [I just read it as I've been out-of-town and am catching up on e-mails.] I'm forwarding this 'cause my daughter's fiancé [in the Army Reserves] recently learned he's likely to be deployed to Iraq in the next several months - -even tho' he already served there a year [after graduating from college] and even tho' he graduated from JAG school in May. The reason for his probable deployment is that the Reserves have too many lawyers and not enough fighters. So their wedding plans are on hold... again, and they're both so upset they don't want to talk about it any more. Their experiences have made this e-mail all the more meaningful. The freedom we enjoy is taken for granted by many, but freedom is definitely not free. It comes at a huge cost, personally, financially, and more. At this time of thanks-giving, I hope more people thank and appreciate those who sacrifice so much - - even their all - - to preserve freedom for the rest of us. Nancy
I hear you Nancy loud and clear. It’s our first week back from Jamaica. My heart goes out to
the couple. I will be using this letter from you in my Thanksgiving post. Glad you enjoyed the email however folks out there need to realize the sacrifice that is being made by our men and women. I think the world needs constant reminding. Some we have to pull their heads out of
the sand and stick their noses in it to make them appreciate what freedom means. And how humanity is so unfair for others that we the people want to do something about it instead of turning our backs! The ones that don’t turn their backs are the true heroes!
Here we have two people putting their life on hold for our country! May God protect and keep them both safe.
Now for The Budweiser Story:
This is how Budweiser handled those who laughed at those who died on the 11th of September, 2001...Thought you might like to know what happened in a little town north of Bakersfield , California .After you finish reading this, please forward this story on to others so that
our nation and people around the worldwill know about those who laughed when they found
out about the tragic events in New York , Pennsylvania , and the Pentagon.On September
A Budweiser employee was making a delivery to a convenience store in a California town named McFarland.He knew of the tragedy that had occurred in New York when he entered the business to find the two Arabs, who owned the business, whooping and hollering to show their approval and support of this treacherous attack.The Budweiser employee went to his truck, called his boss and told him of the very upsetting event!
He didn't feel he could be in that store with those horrible people. His boss asked him,'Do you think you could go in there long enough to pull every Budweiser product and itemour beverage company sells there? We'll never deliver to them again.' The employee walked in, proceeded to pull every single product his beverage company provided and left with an incredible grin on his face.
He told them never to bother to call for a delivery again. Budweiser happens to be the beer of choice for that community.
Just letting you know how Kern County handled this situation.
And Now The Rest Of The Story:
It seems that the Bud driver and the Pepsi man are neighbors. Bud called Pepsi and
told him.Pepsi called his boss who told him to pull all Pepsi products as well!!! That would include Frito Lay, etc.Furthermore, word spread and all vendors followed suit! At last report, the store was closed indefinitely.
Good old American Passive-Aggressive A$$ Whoopin! Pass this along, America needs to
know that we're all working together!