Like the corrupt swamps motto is, 'do as we say not as we do! While every corrupt attack on the citizens, for supporting President Trump, were unjustly held, without representation! Their rights were waved and ignored! Yes boys and girls, they did weaponize the justice system! I call them all corrupt! Actually treasonous!
Please remember, just to rub salt in the wound. Real criminals that actually did murder in cold blood and were convicted. They were recently released, by Biden. Yes, he is just Biden to me! He released murdering thugs! This isn't about two wrongs don't make a right! There is a difference. The J6 were held without due process. Even the grandmother that just peeked in and walked out. Or if you were even on the capital stairs.
People that did nothing, that were arrested, some even after the rally, later on. Media that were there, were also part of the problem. I hear they scrubbed the real footage to show the people. CIA, FBI acted as bait, said come on! We are going to the capital! Dressed in MAGA hats etc... Of course once they got there, all hell was breaking loose.
I'm even thinking they used ANTIFA BLM "We really don't know who the hell they all are, either!" Just saying. I believe it was a nice little ambush. As Ashli Babbitt, was trying to hold people back. She was shot and murdered by an officer. She was unarmed. They all were.
I'm thinking Trumps life was on the line that day as well. "Staged coup by the deep state." We have Pelosi on tape stating to her daughter it was all her fault. That will be coming out as well. I'm pretty sure of it. They didn't want a peaceful transition, to their stolen election. They wanted President Trump out of the picture. They already created fear through COVID (the flu was real) the control was their power. I noticed that right away. We didn't comply, my family refused the jab or to mask! They also ran smear campaigns. Tried to divide people. Blocking you from speaking on line. "Hello? I live in America and have a right to speak!"
What a mess! "The art of war" to create confusion and kayos. Divide the people. Who knows that better than General Milley! Gee Biden pardoned him? Hmmm? Why? OH YEAH! I don't think it worked! He wasn't convicted yet of a crime. Now he will be! If not then America is lost.
I have a feeling, Americans when they find out the truth, won't back the criminal! I won't! BTW, they couldn't convict President Trump, because they had nothing but innocent. They really tried to destroy him, because they're that scared!
Meanwhile we had shady stuff going on in the White House with the Biden's... How did Epstein die? Cameras broke in the ward? 'Don't worry we fired the guards.... yeah right! These people are sick! I know President Trump is right about that! There is a lot! People are going to be shocked! We had and still do, we have a government acting like the mob! They work against the American people, only telling them what they want to hear and making sure the media, brainwashes them all! I noticed how quiet media got when President Trump answered all their questions.
This is what they were all afraid of. People knowing the truth! Mike Pence is another back stabber, I feel. I watched the sneers at that Carter funeral. Interesting, I'm betting we will be seeing more. Treason is a very serious crime. What has been done to this country and the American people is awful! Including indoctrination practices in schools and even Churches! WOW! Dummy me saw it, yet we have people with degrees that didn't? I'm feeling pretty good about myself right about now.
Republicans hated President Trump, dems hated President Trump. Even so called friends went against him, when they found he was running. They all thought it was a joke! Well I did for a day, but that night, I knew something wasn't right in our government. I turned to my Republican husband and said, we are voting for Trump! I actually had to convince him! What was funny is the leftists on media, saying republican men are telling and convincing their wives to vote for Trump! I can't even write well. Yet, I brought up key things that I noticed, that was very wrong. Don't forget! 3 of my ballots went missing before I got the 4th one in 2004! This was in Washington State! Of all the people to do that to. They think I am stupid! They did away with voting places. Damn I missed the bake sales at the school!
They are doing so much to tear the fabric of our country down! Americans are fed up! We had people in both parties voting for President Trump. This is definitely going to be biblical! We are living it!
We went out to a fancy place tonight for dinner. The mood was definitely positive! People looked happy and they were friendly! I started a wonderful conversation with strangers at a clinic, that I went to in the morning! Yes, I'm color blind always have been that way. I will talk to anyone in public. Just not on line that much. God helps me with that. Sometimes I just like what they post. I'm getting off track... Ah but no I'm not! We are ment to come together to save this country! Starting with justice for innocent people wrongly accused! That would be the J6 Americans, many military vets!
Here is a link for y'all! Enjoy!
Well Satan is an asshole so the video has issues of course! That is google for you! Just go look up Ivan Raiklin on X The address is there by the blue check. Pay attention to the address because, we have people with wet dreams wanting to be like someone when they are not that person. If you come across those types report them! BTW I do have a blue check!
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