Tuesday, April 16, 2024

WAHCA Are Dumbasses!

 I'm so happy that we moved from the feeble state of Washington!  Did you know, that they have dumb bitches working in the State Health Care department?   They couldn't make it as health care professionals, so they took on a job that they think makes them look all wonderful. 

They only made work harder for those that were already doing a fantastic job!  These little maggots in State authority, they love to inflict and persecute health care workers.  It's a known fact by me!  You see these little bitches couldn't do the work of real professionals!   

They all knew they lost when they came against me!  They had to wiggle themselves out of their own pathetic statement each and every time!  Sad how the state would try and wiggle money from facilities with hard working people!  It's actually criminal activity by the State!

If I was working during the jab...

The only other satisfaction I would have had was to walk off my job when told I needed the jab!  I was already retired.  But oh, it didn't stop there!  Nope!  They hate so much that they went after volunteers!  Talk about shooting yourself if the foot twice!   Needless to say they lost many good people, because they are that f'n stupid!  Right up there with the dumbasses of NYC and other liberal ass hell holes!  You see I was raised conservative in Indiana!  Unlike the Rino's of Bloomington Mike Pence!  Such a loser!

My revenge like so many of us will be the good life!  They can't touch that!  Godless little nothings will be miserable, because that is all those people know.  They are godless!  Satan's spawn!  

I can say that I am happy to be rid of them in my life!  Nope!  Done actually.  

Trump will be back in the White House and these little nothings, will have nothing to do about it!  There are younger people that are seeing what's being done.  The ones reciting like parrots will be finished!  Maybe we can round them up for treason!  That will be a good day!

Meanwhile back to my beautiful life, I'm standing firm for Donald J. Trump!

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