Tuesday, March 06, 2012

CAIR this is for YOU!


Anonymous said...

the big problem is that the Constitution has been perverted so much no one can agree on what it says.

dcat said...

I think it is simple and strait forward! It is still there!

It’s the fucking liberal ass judges with laws that are not tested! I say call them on it!

The court system are muddying it up we know! All we need to do is bring up the fact of the proof is the constitution not the law!

Test them all in violation of the constitution. Please identify! It is complicated.

Tell me an example Griper...I'll give you one: They tried to take the guns out of the parks here in Washington and a judge ruled unconstitutional to the second Amendment.

As if I was going to NOT carry just because they would have ruled other wise! I will protect myself and it is a good thing for them they ruled it to MY favor and others like ME!