Thursday, November 24, 2011

Occupy stooges support socialism!

Oh butthead is behind occupy Wall Street Here is a link

Thomas Sowell (born June 30, 1930) is a black American economist, social
theorist, political philosopher, and author. A National Humanities Medal
winner, he advocates laissez-faire economics and writes from
alibertarian perspective. He is currently a Rose and Milton Friedman
Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution at Stanford
Sowell was born in North Carolina, but grew up in Harlem, New York.  He
dropped out of high school, and served in the United States Marine Corps
during the Korean War.  He received a bachelor's degree from Harvard
University in 1958 and a master's degree from Columbia University in
1959.  In 1968, he earned his PhD in economics from the University of
Dr. Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities,
including Cornell and University of California, Los Angeles, and worked
for "think tanks" such as the Urban Institute.  Since 1980 he has worked
at the Hoover Institution.  He is the author of more than 30 books.

By Dr. Sowell

The current Occupy Wall Street movement is the best illustration to date
of what President Barack Obama's America looks like. It is an America
where the lawless, unaccomplished, ignorant and incompetent rule. It is
an America where those who have sacrificed nothing pillage and destroy
the lives of those who have sacrificed greatly.

It is an America where history is rewritten to honor dictators,
and thieves. It is an America where violence, racism, hatred, class
and murder are all promoted as acceptable means of overturning the
civil society.

It is an America where humans have been degraded to the level of
defecating in public, having sex in public, devoid of basic hygiene. It
is an
America where the basic tenets of a civil society, including faith,
family, a
free press and individual rights, have been rejected. It is an America
our founding documents have been shredded and, with them, every person's
guaranteed liberties.

It is an America where, ultimately, great suffering will come to the
people, but the rulers like Obama, Michelle Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy
Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan,
college professors, union bosses and other loyal liberal/Communist Party
will live in opulent splendor.

It is the America that Obama and the Democratic Party have created with
willing assistance of the American media, Hollywood , unions,
universities, the
Communist Party of America, the Black Panthers and numerous
foreign entities.

Barack Obama has brought more destruction upon this country in four
years than
any other event in the history of our nation, but it is just the
beginning of what he
and his comrades are capable of.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is just another step in their plan for
annihilation of America .

"Socialism, in general, has a record of failure so blatant that only an
could ignore or evade it."

Thomas Sowell


Mike's America said...

One thing is for sure: with all those idiots from Occupy this or that running around there will be no shortage of Turkeys this Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

dcat said...

Mike's America,

That they are!

Good to hear from you and you do the same :+: Just getting breakfast here on the West Coast. We will put the bird in at around 10 am.

LOL I see you on facebook I still like blogs the best!

Always On Watch said...

The Occupiers are really "showing their tails," as my grandmother used to say. Of course, the Occupiers are LITERALLY showing their tails. Sheesh.

I hope that working and patriotic Americans see these Occupy freaks for what they are!

And vote Obama out in 2012(goes without saying).


A blessed Thanksgiving to you, Dcat. Here's to good memories carrying you through the day.

dcat said...

And to you as well AOW!

If I see it I am sure more will.

RG said...

Happy Thanksgiving Dcat and Tom Cat.

Didn't take long for several city halls to get tired of these squatters. The Police rounded up their little Tee Pees and piled them up for disposal. Hope they didn't get lice.

But if they decide to show up again, nothing like a good ole out of control cattle drive (stampede at 2AM) right through the middle of their encampment with an unusually large amount of cow paddies/cow piss left behind to make the place smell better.

Now for once, that makes for a nice thought.

dcat said...

Thank you RG! I hope you and your woman enjoyed Thanksgiving too!

These little swer rats call us names like racist right wing bs every time they show thier ass! Yep it is out there so it must be true about the left! Throwing false acusation at us even when we support folks like Col Allen West! I guess he doesn't count because he is conservative. We are only raciest when we pick on pisslamic thugs and ali o butthead over in the White House distroying this country!