Thursday, May 07, 2009

Dear Israel

Ignore the jackass behind that curtain!

Israel you can take them out so JUST DO IT! You don't need approval most know what is going on is all!

Just go to Jihad Watch:
Melanie Phillips: Obama preparing to throw Israel under the bus - The incomparable Melanie Phillips analyzes the "moral sickness of the West" as it plays out in Obama's looming betrayal of Israel. "Obama prepares to throw Israel under the bus...


RG said...

You got that right. Obama is an Anti-Semite. Won't take long to the rest of the world to see what we already know.

Mike H. said...

The only problem is that he's in agreement with over half of the world. We need to get rid of him before everything explodes over there. What are High Crimes and Misdemeanors? And how do we enforce them?

Out of town on a rail!