Update: 6/11/06Here is to: Further adventures of Indigo Red for the great reporting on our special forces!
The Untouchables, The 007’s license to kill “Green Berets” And who ever else had their hands in it! WELL DONE! AND THANK YOU! Update: 6/9/06Mike’s America did another bang up job!
Nice one Mike's America! Click here for the video!Update 6/8/06 Ding dong the dip is gone!
Al Zarqawi Killed! Good!
Thank You to all our brave Soldiers!
Iraq the ModelHe is in hell now! And more will join him along with any body that tries to take his place!
I will not give any news to coward that is against the Iraq war! Can you say court martial? Oh but this is liberal land and we won’t hear of that! ^,,^
Update 6/4/06 at the end...

They try to tell me my religion is wrong
They try to tell me to follow Islam
They said their prophet was a righteous dude
But I found out none of their words were true
I read the Quran and I read the hadith
And the sickness of Muhammad was apparent to me
He justified perversion in the name of Allah
When he married a girl too young for a bra
She was playing with dolls when the prophet came
Her childhood was stolen in Allah’s name
Aisha was nine when he took her to bed
Don’t tell me that fool’s not sick in the head
Ain’t gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, prophet pretender.
Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
The sickness of the Islamic mind
Has caused the Mullahs to be blind
To justify their prophet they would justify sin
So the sins of the prophet are repeated again
All over the world in Islamic states
9 year old girls suffer cruel fate
Sold into marriage to twisted men
And Aisha’s sad story is repeated again
Ain’t gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, prophet pretender.
Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Do you care about women all over the world?
Do you care about those little girls?
Then stand up and fight for human rights
Speak out against the laws of Islam
Ain’t gonna follow no child molester, sex offender, prophet pretender.
Ain't gonna follow no child molester,
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Islam is not for me.
Soon my faithful readers soon ^..^
Pictures of how real life should be like!
Here is my fave from the site...
IRSHAD’S CRITIC: "Do you think that just because you have a mind, you should use it? Desist and apologize for your blaspheming ways while you still have a chance. People like you should not exist. It is no wonder there is a hell. Enjoy your short stay in this world for God only knows what is coming to you, Irshad Manji." - Basit
AMY'S REPLY: "People like you should not exist." Basit, are you questioning God's creation? Because He's the one who chooses Irshad to be here, alive and kicking. You must be a kaffir if you're saying that God made a mistake. What should we do with you, dear Basit? Maybe hang you?!
Amazing! I bet that left a mouth open in freeze mode. LOL!
More FYI: