Friday, February 28, 2025

A Big News Day!

My take on Zelenskyy, was he didn't allow the people of Ukraine to vote for him.  Sort of what happened here in 2020... He just put his sorry backside in!  Just like a commie dictator does!  

Zelenskyy is just as dumb, as our last administration was!  When he was talking it sounded as incoherent, as something Kamala, AOC, and a few others would spew.  Listen to how he was answering.  He has a drugged out head!  Does quit a bit of sniffing.  I notice these things.  He is also a dictator!  Dictators don't know how to negotiate peace talks.  This was obvious!  He couldn't care less about people.  A real opportunist hungry for money, power and in his case drugs!  

The snake disrespected us! Yet we will have fake fascist news calling Zelenskyy, the victim?  Oh please!  We are the news now!  I can't wait to see more firing going on at the fake news agencies, along with their demise.  No one watches them except the influencers with the real news.  They expose them all!  Brilliant people!  

I just share and do research of my own.  I support what President Trump did today, with VP JD Vance.  Good job!  No one gets to disrespect our country, when we are trying for a peace agreement!    Zelenskyy is the true war monger!  Don't forget that!


BYE, BYE War monger Zelenskyy!


Thursday, February 27, 2025

What Do You Know A Dummy From Washington State!

 Some poor fool, had the opportunity to attack me on X.  The candy ass blocked me, but I took screenshots and was able to go to their page.  I blocked them, after I saw what they really were....  Yes a libshit from Washington State.  I posted any way and warned others.  Now I get to post this too!

These are the coward dummies we are dealing with!  This person was a commie...  Told me to stop?  Who died and made you God?πŸ˜‚

Only 21 followers?  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Ok the real news...

Thank you DC Draino!  "LINK"

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

I Pray The Victims Stay Strong With God's Help

 Tomorrow the Epstein list!

These people are sick and I pray for the victims, however the people marinated in the fake news need to look at the people they were supporting.  We already knew President Trump was a playboy.  However he didn't want anything to do with the ones that took part in this sick lifestyle!  Donald J. Trump in fact had Epstein removed from his property once.  

Remember when President Trump said these people were sick.  

President Trump was right about everything!  I was too!  I prayed back in 2008 and God heard my prayer.  Who knew the one picked was going to be Donald J. Trump!  You never know who God will pick!  All you have to do is look at the apostles lives before they went with Jesus.  

They will be exposed and need to be.  It needs to end!


The Rain Is Gone!

 It's time to open everything up!  We have 3 pocket door areas to have that open concept, like being in the Caribbean.  One by our master bedroom to the right, and the other side in the gym area.  77 degrees today.  We are set on acreage of forest.  I thought I heard the coyotes last night in the distance.  It's so peaceful here!

Wonderful things are happening right now.  To think they tried to kill him!  I'm waiting for that Epstein list to come out Friday, I'm hearing.

I was watching a podcast with Malinda Gates.  Bill loved going there to rape island, as I and others call it.  Not that I care for Malinda or Bill, but she did state she met Epstein once, and told Bill not to go with him.  I'm sure we will be hearing more disgusting stories.  Malinda did feel for those young girls.  "Not of age!"  Meanwhile I'm thinking sick people!  

Trump was right about everything!  

Another Very Good Conservative For Florida!


We are so relieved!  I was worried who was going to run for Florida after DeSantis!  Byran has a good track record and shown support for President Trump.  A very good man!  Also Byran is a Floridian!  

Thank you Byran Donalds!  You have my vote and my husband mentioned you as well!  X2πŸ‘πŸ»❤️


Monday, February 24, 2025

Investigations NOW!

 I'm ready for it too!  Sick of the socialist, commie, fascists, Marxist traitors and tyrannical treasonous tyrants in this country!  DONE!

It needs to happen otherwise it will happen again!  You want to live like what I mentioned?   MOVE!  We shouldn't have to put up with you, in the USA!  Furthermore YOU don't deserve to live here!  

X is on fire this morning!  Look up Ivan Raiklin, he is one of the good guys!  He put this out and yes Dan Bongino had a show I listened to.  Now he is going to be busy working with Kash to get er done!  Thank you Lord, I know your hand is in all of this.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Thank you for Posting this Ivan!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

But We Were Registered Republican!

 Wow!  Desperation?  Look who called and left a message!  A democrat!

I should have said, we were registered Republicans in Washington State.  Now that we left, y'all can go f it up even more now!

I see she is @RepDelBene with a gray check mark good!  I text the number back ...  and I posted all this on X and will at TRUTH social.  

It's true our vote never probably got counted and now that a democrat called, even more so!  It's all on X but also here is my message...

Saturday, February 22, 2025

It's Coming!

Retribution is coming take it away Benny
"LINK" Just in case it won't play here, you know youtube....  They hate TRUTH!

Rest In Peace Laken Riley


Friday, February 21, 2025

Swearing, The Good Swearing In.

 It's done!

What a week It has been!  "LINK"

I never have to watch fake news.  I get it straight from the government "WE THE PEOPLE" elected!

This is wonderful news too!  I was wondering how the corrupt got law degrees?  Now these corrupt judges, will be finding out how we hold them accountable!  By our constitutional laws!  

They were never above the law!  That is why they crowed so much "no one is above the law!"  Because, indeed, they were the ones that were abusing the law and system!  GOTCHA!  Your fear just got handed to you!  Nice job Pam Bondi!  

Thursday, February 20, 2025


 Congratulations KASH!

WON!  Ha ha!!!  IT's TIME!

Yep, Roseanne Barr, you are correct!  They are going down!  Every stinking one of them including RINO's Mitch, Murkowski, and Collins...

Call to activism... Say hi to your new cell mates!  Some of you need the gallows for TREASON!


 Again remember, I was blocked constantly for calling this out!  I will NEVER EVER allow, people into my life that went with this criminal "OBAMA"

SHAME ON YOU!  ALL OF YOU!  If you voted for this criminal don't you DARE come to me saying anything!  ALL YOU HAD TO DO IS LOOK AT HIM!  You are too f'n stupid to be called my friend!  You hurt me and you are not American, you are stupid!  This country doesn't deserve to have you in it!

YEARS!!!  Since 2008!  I stayed true to my country!  I play by the rules paid my taxes TO FUKING CRIMINALS!!!  THEY STOL from the American people!  TO TOP IT OFF THEY PUT A CRIMINAL IN MY WHITE HOUSE!!!  OBAMA!

They ignored many of us looking into information and they shut us up, by blocking us!  Just as they did with COVID!  FUCK YOU ALL TO HELL!  Is where I am at right now!

If you were never blocked, I'm not sure I can trust you either!  Stop with the way you word things.  I had enough of that nonsense too!  

Watch and weep!  But of course many of you will still make up something to think you are just fine with it!  GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY THEN!  These people, are so afraid of what is coming they came clean!  They knew, they were finally backed up against the wall!  The rats in a corner!

It's a glorious day for people like myself today!  "LINK"

Now they need to kick Omar out of her position and out of the country!  


Wednesday, February 19, 2025


 If you are a liberal give this a listen...  Ah but I agree with Jean, you won't believe it!  "LINK"

We get Kash tomorrow now.  They must be really scared....  First it was going to be Tuesday, then Wednesday, now tomorrow?  Thursday?   It's coming whether you like it or not!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

KASH Tuesday!


Get em all Kash!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Presidents Day!

 We finally have the best President ever!  I will stand by his side!  

The real criminals had no idea, how badly it would all backfire on them! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ»

We have cool weather here on the Gulf of America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έtoday!  But the banana trees are in the ground and the Carolina Jasmin are in bloom and they smell wonderful!

To think they were once this size over a year ago!  18 months this June they should be producing bananas!  πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒ

I sat out this morning and enjoyed the fragrance!

☀️A glorious morning!

Love the fragrance of the sweet olive trees too!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

Spring Cleaning Time!

 Well, I know all too well about the Washington State, the hub of criminals!  I call the skank city "sanctuary".   There are some Hamas infiltrators there.  People there, are so unaware, it isn't even funny.  If it doesn't affect their life, they don't seem to care.  Really dumb people!  

Seattle, was always sleazy at night.  I was still safe there in the early 80's at night.  I would even buy food for the bums, or have a conversation at night with them.  As I would enjoy taking a midnight stroll, along the Puget Sound.  Some of them even worked for Boeing, the year they said, the last one turn out the lights.  Many lost their jobs.  

I stopped taking summer walks at night there, in the late 80's.  It was getting dangerous.  Good ole pier 70!  Ah, but I know aikido and I carried.  I did play volleyball at the armory, for many years with the Seattle Mountaineers.  "A strange group, that I never climbed with."  I didn't trust them with my life.  A few of us stayed away from the groupie "club" type people.  They really were odd.  "Liberals" We independent climbers, would plan our climbs at a pizza place on Rosevelt, in the university district.  The others were never invited.  One always tried to be one of us.  Didn't make the cut.  

Funny how every time I hear Ice, I think of Ice, Ice, Baby.  Time to clean up America!

I'm all about safety and happy they are cleaning up the country, dot by dot!  I'm thinking by now they know who they are.  Amazing technology!  With intel from people that care about this country!

Enjoy the show!  I'm sure there will be more to come!  "Link"

Thursday, February 13, 2025

KASH Is Next!

 Let's GO!

Congratulations RFK Jr.! πŸŽ‰


I think they should have 30 days and no more to remove toxins from our food!  

I'm thinking he is not wanting to even wait that long!  Like President Trump will start now... 



Flunkies Still Working At X!

 People in the swamp, do deserve the death penalty!  

Notice how Ivan can say death penalty!  

Look what happened to me when I just said death P....  

Butt hurt flunkies hate me!  I'm over the target and I am not violent but the butt hurt that blocked my comment are, I take screenshots and I did go off all over the place, with the pictures now!  They think they won?  Isn't that cute!  No, they just showed what they did to me and now maybe more will be out of a job!

Friday, February 07, 2025

WATCH: President Trump Meets With Japanese Prime Minister Ishiba - 2/7/2025

I have that signed book too, by President Donald J. Trump!❤️

As They Cry, I Will Swim.

 Crazy good times happening.  Glad to see it, finally!  Someone that can get America, back away from the corruption of the left loon commie, Marxist, Fascists!  The idiots, that took my freedom of speech away!  Paybacks are hell!  Truth always wins!  Thanks be to God! 

Good show Benny "LINK" Just goes to show who the real criminals are!

As it was snowing in the Pacific North West.  We were enjoying our pool!

Thursday, February 06, 2025

"Meltdown at USAID"


Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Who Is The New Attorney General?

 Why it's Pam Bondi of course!  

Congratulations Pam! πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ»

Monday, February 03, 2025

Real News That America Needs Right Now...

Thank you Benny!  What a wonderful podcast!  God Bless you!

Yes, It Was The Flu, However...

 Using the flu coming from China as a weapon against the people, was part of the deep states weapon.  President Trump letting Fauci and that hag in the scarf, go on and on about it, was the wrong thing to do!  Many of us were screaming on line and we were silenced!  I know I was for life on Twitter!  A week before they silenced President Trump!  Also fakebook didn't do me any favors either!  THEY FEARED US!

Now people have health issues and they won't still, say it is from the jab!   I seriously think Fauci is a criminal and so is deep state!  I do want retribution for what they did to our country!  They let hundreds of criminals through our borders, (who knows with what disease, they didn't get the jab!)  They weaponized the justice system against us, the fake news is still going off at the mouth!  

The liberal mindset is sick!  They are marinated in so many lies, they are blind.  Well, at least I never bought into their demise of American people.  Look at the crowds we had at every rally for, President Trump!

You have to ask yourself, why did Biden pardon certain people?  Fauci was one of them.  Now we have Hakeem Jeffries, pulling a hateful Maxine Waters, inciting violence in the streets, or where ever you find them?  That isn't America and this is definitely high treason!  Especially, what they did to President Trump!  They are afraid of his cabinet pick too, I see.  Interesting!  I'm happy to see Chuck Schumer, being investigated now.  He is another one that threatened others.  Boy, if I said anything on line, I was gone!  BTW ivermectin does work!

The fake news media, should be ashamed of themselves, for what they put the people through!  Only some of us were able to see.  That in its self was interesting.  That's how God works with his people though.  I am not worthy Lord, but thank you, I will pray more and try to put you first.  I'm seeing it all now, even more clearly than ever!  God uses people and I am really seeing it!  The devil is going down!  This is a fight I only thought was in the bible.  Nope it's real!  The stories of the past show what man is, along to what the perverted devil is doing to people now!  Trump was not a praying man, he is now!  Sometimes it takes a bullet to wake you up!  He is hitting the deck and running!  He is doing everything he said he would!  Thats why we all voted for him!  Or at least I did!  Three times in fact!  

TRUTH will set you FREE!

Sunday, February 02, 2025

J6 Jake Lang speaks!

Retribution is coming!  It's our turn losers!  

People will see that soon!  I see the fake news are twisting things and scaring Americans.  Just like they did with COVID! Well, they are pissed because the truth will be out on every corrupt piece of crap out there!

God is working, it will be happening!  Thank you Silk!

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Love Me Some Twin Show!

Hey, maybe the Twins can buy NPR!  Wouldn't that be a hoot!  

Guest was Ivan Raiklin "LINK"