We all know what they are!
Do you know what these are? It sure fooled me till I took a closer look!
The flower is the lantana. Pollinator's all love it!
We all know what they are!
Do you know what these are? It sure fooled me till I took a closer look!
The flower is the lantana. Pollinator's all love it!
Weeping Bottle Brush Tree! They Just came put it in and left! The guys were happy with the hole I dug and said "easy day!" LOL
I can't wait for it to bloom now! It's taller than me right now. Which isn't very tall. BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you God for this man of mine! Only he really knows me! We did climb the highest mountains together! Literally! You never trust just anyone, on a climb! Happy Birthday to my REAL MAN! I wouldn't be with any other! They could not survive! We are a team, blessed by God!
We just love this wonderful place! It's our third time since we moved here. We live in Hicksville with a wonderful chief in town! A bottle of wine, green fried Tomatoes, he had grouper and I had duck! It's way better than the gourmet place back in commie Washington State!
We are constantly blessed! Evil can't stand it! Evil is losing! BADLY I MIGHT ADD!
Word salad Kamala, was very appropriate! She makes me look good! LOL..... Good Show Jewels and Cat! It was raining, I got to see a live show!
Not only do the democrat RINO commie marxist destroy the country, they are all warmongers!
You just watch how the turnip brain in the White House fumbles and drops the ball again! His goons will be busy destroying Tucker Carlson. Well, they will be trying to. They hate the truth and Tucker isn't going to be silent. Neither will I. I don't give a shit who you are! I know what happened in 2004 in commie Washington State's election. Also what was done after that time! Washington State was once considered Conservative! Commie California was too! Arizona... Y'all see the pattern? Kari Lake WON! TRUMP DID TOO!
We haven't had news on for like, I can say 10 years or more. I read up on people and see what lies are out there. Who wants to be better than the next guy, on and on. It's a toxic time for some that buy into the lies.
I'v been so busy I haven't seen anything, yet when I look on line I already knew. It's amazing! Let's just put it this way, I'm pretty scary to some. Here are these people, that are suppose to be smarter than me, somehow, seem to show me how really dumb they all are. God knows what he is doing. I'm very sure of it.
Thats why I do a never mind the idiots out there, and plant 4 more trees! Yeah, I'm what's called free associating again. Because why? This is my blog! I get to say, and do whatever the hell I want to! I never took on advertising, or took money. I have promoted others. I had a real job and invested. Next year will be 20 years of my incoherent to some, blog. Let's see, did I use enough of these,,,,, I don't really care and don't pay any never mind!
Yeah no, you won't stop me ever! Just get over yourself, because you will lose! You can't stop what is coming! Truth always finds a way to the surface! That's what they are all afraid of! Thats the reason they have banned many of us! Funny how some never got banned. That too will come out! Just watch what they try and do to Tucker Carlson. Prove me wrong!
Enough of the stupid in D sleazy and failed media... I'm going to talk about my trees now!
These are Nellie Steven Hollies.
Can "The Trash" be any stupider! Ok it's called the view... yawn! Then the imbecile AOC had to open her mouth. These are the dumbest people out there. Nasty and so are the people in that same camp they're all in. They are definitely, the stupidest, godless goons, and nothing more.
Smart Patriotic people are on to them and leaving all the control commie marxist out there. They are the ones that will be losing revenue.
They are all voting for dummies, that don't know how to debate! Then they all look for ways to cheat. Thats the only way the current administration is put in office. Vegetable brains!
I'm a God loving MAGA, so I know what will be happening to those satanic mongrels. I can't wait!
Like my neighbors I'm in good shape! We do know who really is in charge. The crazies out there don't! They only mention God to fool the hoard too damn dumb, to know better.
I'm going to go to a better place now... I mentioned good people around me always. It's going to be a very busy time for me! We have several engagements coming up! It's never a dull moment here! Parties, gatherings, and good times! All with good folks! Thank you God once again, for removing me from that toxic place in Washington d-sleazy State, that was itching to take my, God given rights away! They are the control freaks! Some are just too dumb to see it!
I have plenty of wildlife around me right now, just to calm me down. The hummingbirds are all over the place! Also many bluebirds, cardinals, and butterflies! The Jasmin scent is in the air, telling me good always wins! ALWAYS! I'm up to 5 different area's filled with this perfume! I also put in a Carolina Jasmin and an Angel wing Jasmin. Seven all together! The peaches and cream are in 4 different places. Those peaches and cream honeysuckles, will be blooming all season! That scent will take over once the Jasmin is gone! OH YAY!
I got three new plants from a neighbor in the area. Pagoda Clerodendrum. Is the name of the plant. It cost about 35 dollars for just one starter! They are great for pollinators, and another good thing is they spread! We have so much property now! This one area I put them in, is huge!
I had a cat just like this one on the package. He had a nice long life!
I call it bitches brew! I'm a bitch if you disagree! Well Satan, you can kiss off back to hell! Take all the commie marxist with you! Can't pray for those that already sold their souls to you!
I'm happy I'm making a break from the psychopaths I had to endure! I don't have to worry about losing my job. Just saying. Talking on line isn't going to save anyone. You have to be an independent mind to see the clown show going on. You also need to pay attention to history! Especially Hitlers time! Most of Germany's people had no idea till they were shown the mounds of bodies! All the idiots thought he was just wonderful and a good speaker... Sort of like zero was "Obama". The greatest organizer running rampant with the Clintons and Soros! You have to also ask yourself who really started that global bullshit?
Well you can't educate some people unless you show them. Don't you worry, because I know God very well! I know I will be just one of the many persecuted. I'm good with that! Not without a fight though! That is, what the candy asses are afraid of! Thats why they want your guns! Ain't that right insanely Inslee and loons of Washington State! You know I am watching from a distance!
Wow! The garden is telling me quite a bit this morning! Thank you God!
Where the hell's all my people I liked? I guess it's just me and President Trump now....
WARNING my tweets are meaner than his are. TWITTER
God! I'm back! Now what? LOL...
The NRA! Fight harder! There should be no signs with no gun area!! F'n retarded criminals don't pay attention to signs! This is why we need the death penalty for someone taking REAL AMERICAN innocent lives while robbing!! HELLO!! YOU STEAL YOU WILL DIE! THATS IT! BTW I always carried even in high school! Hell we even had a rifle club! Archery too!
NO MORE LAWS AGAINST MY RIGHTS! MORE LAWS TO CONVICT CRIMINALS! Send them all to their final breath as far as I'm concerned! I don't want to hear about their stupid mental crap either! TOO BAD! YOU DON'T GET TO HARM ME!
Did I just move here? We already found so many fun places to go to! Also, great people around here makes freedom even more fun! If you are a miserable left loon, fleeing the cesspool you created in a blue state. Please don't come here! You are not welcome! I'm the conservative always voting against your crap! We don't need you here! I know that I'v had enough of your filth!
Going to my favorite nursery yesterday with a friend. Then we went to lunch! What a fun day! It was her second time there with me. She went for the first time with me, after we settled in. I needed plants! She asked the first time she went, how did you know about this place? I said, that I did a search. I know where people live that I like, I know my favorite places here already! It's important to know what is around, before you even move someplace.
At lunch, we sat there discussing what we would do to a man, that would dare to pretend they are a woman. I mean we had that thing drawn and quartered! The things we would do to it! Me with my Miami vice, her whit her adult beverage from the tiki bar! Oh and the calamari was delish! The alligator bit's were yummy too!
When I was in the work force in my thirties, I always said that social security would be just enough to go out to lunch with friends, that would still alive, after I retired. Well that seems to be coming true! I was educating my co-workers back then, in the eighties. They would say, It better pay for more than that! I smiled and said you have to work for yourself and have investments. They are stealing from our paychecks!
I told my friend I was with having lunch, I feel like I have been here forever! She asked, how long have you been here now? I said a year and a half. She said is that all? I know right? I have already put a fortune into that yard! Enjoying the fruits of my labor literally!
Still working for myself I guess. The people I said that little phrase of going out with friends, when I was retired are gone. Some never collected on their slave labor. On our calendar I have stated "stolen money" for each month! Just to remind us. That is exactly what it was! It was stolen from people! That single mom with two struggling, at my job could have used that cash! I helped her get a car. I was surprised she paid me back. She was conservative too. She passed at 52!
The thing that made it more hilarious to me about social security, was that, "Ooh if you wait till you're seventy, you will get more!" Some of the people I worked with only made it to their 60's! Some died in their early 50's! Great you made it to 70 but you didn't really enjoy the benefits of being retired at 60! That is ten years of your life!
I fell back on some of my money I saved that wasn't invested and didn't have to touch my investment money. The money stolen from my paycheck, wasn't given to me till I was 62! I feel I beat the system so far!
These hacks in government are all crooks!! Tyrannical treasonous crooks and my grandmother was right about them! She passed in sixty nine. The other grandmother, born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Passed away in seventy seven. I didn't care for her. I wonder why? I know what it was! She never worked for it! She went back to Europe, because it was free for her to get medical and die there.
I don't want anything to do with commie socialism! I do deserve what was stolen from my check! All my life's work too, from the cut throat commies here in the USA! They don't give two shits about me or YOU!
They all have dark souls! I'm going to be very independent in my world, because I know what God has done for us! I know what is to be expected with him. Everyday I say, dear Lord the people are still stupid down here! Not only in your time, but in our time now! At this point, I no longer care what I leave behind! I hope the treasonous satanic commies all choke on it!
While I'm here, I will always be happy with what I still have. I plan to enjoy it to the end! Watch how those idiots destroy themselves on greed and power. It was that way all through time Lord! They just don't get it! I don't think they ever will.
How many does Ben Stein heart?
God loved us so much, that he gave us his son! He then bought our souls with his blood. The blood of everlasting life!
On This day I'm baking! We would get our baskets blessed at the church on Saturday. Everything we were to eat on Easter, we would have blessed. It was a tradition.
Now that I'm no longer with the Catholic church, I feel he never abandoned me. I have his good book and plenty of good folks on line and in my God fearing community of conservative people. In fact I took a basket to my neighbor. The first one I met! She is even younger than me! I knew I wouldn't come home empty handed either! I really love this place, that God sent us to! A very good move!
Her husband passed away. I prayed she would have someone really good in her life. Now, she has a very nice man that came into her life. Served in the military! A year or two older than me and my hubby. Very good at working on old classic cars. As I was told good at everything. A real man! Not some woke shit off the street!
Funny, she comes up to me the other day and said, 'he is really good! Of course he is! I said! I didn't pray for anyone bad to just come along for you! I am happy for them both! Like I have said testimonials after testimonials in my life.
Last night I dreamt about a tree full of cardinals. Just covered with them! Ok Lord, what are you telling me now...
This neighbor is the one that gave me the white bird of paradise a year ago. It made it through the cold snap and is coming back! God is good! He gives us so much when we acknowledge him, and invite him into our lives!