I think God thought I needed another chance, at getting a better picture. This time he put it right over our house! Thank you God! That was a pretty good reminder! The RAINBOW IS FROM YOU and IT MEANS YOUR PROMISE! Nothing more!
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Evil Is Being Exposed
A reminder to those who try to steel truth! The rainbow is God's promise and means nothing else!
Remember me as he broke bread with the apostles at the last supper.
I do remember you, each and everyday and I see your promise in the sky.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
I'm Having Way Too Much Fun!
Too busy to be on line all the time, but really? It's getting crazier and crazier with the left socialist commie marxist loons!
I feel like going back out to work on our property! I have to water baskets, so what the hell more can these idiots do, by the time I get back from watering! Unbelievable made up stories about the greatest President ever, "Trump" I wish all those socialist commie marxist would just leave the country. Miserable nasty things, making up stories, because they are all trapped like rats into a corner! Trump lives in their heads! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Love that someone else is going to jail! Who is R. Kelly, 30 years in prison and he is 55. You do something to someone and yes, I want to see justice against those criminals!
Truth social is pretty comfortable for me and I am enjoying it with all the littermates. 😎
Everyday it's another shit show! Jewel's and Catturd did a great podcast to keep me entertained... LINK
Something We Knew
Yeah if you didn't think it was invaded by the real terrorists, you need to do your homework. "LINK" Thank you Gateway Pundit, but most of us knew that! The idiots that didn't see it happen, need their noses rubbed in it!
Oh and don't forget to see the voting theft with the mules....TREASON and we will keep talking about it!
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
I Wonder If Ghislane Will Commit Suicide
Maxwell's silver hammer.... You know the song. If she makes it 20 years, she will be 80. Will she make it to the end of the week? Things are happening to the thugs one at a time!
Now they are making up stories about Trump, because they are like cornered rats! That's what I'm seeing. Just watch for more lies coming from the criminals.
Crack head sex addicted Hunter Biden is such a saint right? BWAHAHAHAHAHA like father like son! Corruption to the max! Russians sent a prostitute for Hunter! They all knew him so well! Democrats should have seen that! Still heads up the ass I'm assuming! One of their own! Dan had the clip in his show... LINK At Rumble.
Meanwhile I am getting two new plants! I had the honeysuckle back at my old place and happy to have it in my garden once again very soon! I believe it's called peaches and cream honeysuckle.
The Passion flower, will be the first for me. Same for my Plumeria, which is still alive! It's doing really good actually. When I was in Cairns Australia I ate passion fruit. Yummy! Now I will be growing that too! I'm still thinking about getting the Ice Cream Banana plant. We shall see.
Rino Mark Brnovich Needs To "SHUT THE HELL UP"
Thanks Gateway Pundit "LINK"
I won't shut up! Little pathetic rejects like yourself, need to leave the USA! Rejects like you need to be reminded who you work for! We The People, are your boss!
Will these little asshats ever give up? Obviously not! Neither will we! I see that AZ, is having a bunch from the left going nuts again as well. Gee isn't Clarence Thomas a black man? I also noticed the little rejects that were, out in droves with the BLM were, definitely not black. Do y'all see what they are playing at now? Conservative family value and Christians are truly their enemy. People like me are hated and talked about. Be careful who you friend. They could have been democrats with those same values at one time. I see it still rising up in some. That truth is shown to me full bore!
We are so blessed. I am happy we didn't move to AZ. Too damn close to California lunatics!
I feel you have to be raised with conservative values before you can ever understand. Democrats did to a point, but not really. People were duped and never realized what that democrat party was before. Now we have pathetic RINO's like Mark Brnovich running around causing problems. He was never a republican and far from the constitutional republicans like myself! I will not accept them, I will keep talking against them!
BTW you dumb ox's out there! Roe was never constitutional! It was a really bad law to KILL BABIES! Oh and I feel MY TAX DOLLAR shouldn't go for MURDER! Another thing you stupid pathetic asswipes! WE ARE A REPUBLIC! Take your screaming hoard of idiots, screaming democracy and leave our county PLEASE! You are way too dumb to be living in the greatest country ever! Take this administration with you because, obviously they don't belong in this country either! We don't tolerate liars, cheaters, suppressors of REAL freedom! WE THE PEOPLE!
The hippies of the 60's were COMMIE MARXIST AND YOU WERE STUPID TO BUY INTO IT! Democrats = SLAVERY! Looks to me you don't need to be black anymore to be enslaved by that pathetic party of losers! RINO's pleas go back to your pathetic party! We all know what you are!
Monday, June 27, 2022
Watch Me Get Slammed For Saying It
I'm calling out evil. Look, I went to a catholic school. I know first hand! If you did and don't see the issue, I feel sorry for you. You have been had!
I see that the catholic church, is in fact the wore of Babylon! Many churches will follow across the nation. As for LDS? I still have my question about a bunch of people that followed a pedafile! How many wives? You might as well be a muslim! They all like screwing little boys too! Every religion is fallible to fall to Satan. People are fallible.
I guess this is my calling! I will call you out! Not personally, you will do that on your own. The scales will be removed and when that happens y'all will be shocked.
Make sure you do your research. I have done mine. Man will be easily manipulated. This is why you should ask God to be in your life. It's amazing what you will see and know. I'm also thinking people that are famous will be taken for a reason. The wicked will be stepping down. That's right, you can try to prolong your life, doing the right stuff, but if God calls, you will be going regardless of what you do. Think about that.
Also pride is the biggest sin to God ever!
All the glory to God and God alone, you will be powerless unless you have him in your life completely now. Don't give in to evil! EVER!
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Thank You SCOTUS
Finally justice for someone! Now for the states to turn their backs on Satan! You women out there should have been upset with the guy competing in the swim match and the weight lifting competition. If I was there I would have grabbed his junk and called FOUL! Could you see that? I can! Competing in a women's sport makes you a wimp! I don't hold much reserve, for the women that remained silence on it either! WTF?
The only ones destroying women, are the pathetic idiots out there, too scared to say anything! You think you have power just, because you don't wear a bra! That was the 60's trash I grew up with. Those women were deranged potheads! I saw them caring signs for abortion in DC. Friday, LOL what would go to bed with those skanks now LOLOLOL... Oh and no wonder Pelosi's husband drinks!
Maybe I come across nasty, because I am fed up with these idiots in our country. I do say what the hell I want to. Then soon as you become a little bit popular the skanks don't like it, have you banned and talk behind your back with their loony tune friends. It's like that is when I come out and say, "Beat it bitch! I have a good life and you can't take it!" I can also smell a false prophet. We will be seeing more of that now too. It's all in the bible. People will turn to money instead of him. Yup! Keep selling yourself. Thats what whore's do.
Again The Supreme Court of The United States did the right thing! Thank YOU! You're finally doing your job! Not f'n mob rule! God will be putting more people in place very soon. Satan will be losing the battle. Those that will appose God's creation of man will be in for an eternity in hell. That's just how it goes. He doesn't care if you don't like it! By the way, he knew you before you were created. Gave you free will. The issue is, will you honor his glory now. The world is watching.
His beauty for us will be grater than on Earth. It will to be ashamed, if you choose Satan over God. All good people like me hope you choose wisely. However I am human and I do have an issue with evil. I will have to let you know about it and call it out!
His is the glory forever and ever! Amen
Saturday, June 25, 2022
As The Liberal Tears Flow
So do the days of our lives!
Such miserable pathetic people on the left! Are there any cities, left unscathed? I wouldn't know. We are really far from any major city. I always loved small towns! Indiana was my home and it was always illegal to get an abortion there. All the skanks went to Illinois.
You know I always say it. The men are much to blame. I know what I saw with many. However these women were not raped and they needed to put down ground rules ahead of the game. If the asshat bolted then he is a scumbag, be happy you didn't take it to bed!
I was known at my school as the last of the virgins. Guys were friends with me however they found comfort in whore's. Yes, disease ridden I figured and had nothing to do with any of them. I shot better than they did too! Real men are hard to come by. Especially the ones that never served our country! They don't know the constitution and are easily molded into stupid.
The best was at Truth social. I'm betting the commies Waters and Pelosi, AOC and co. won't get indicted for insurrection! The socialist marxist commies are above the law!
Enjoy the TRUTHS...
Friday, June 24, 2022
BOOM Roe Overturned!
Another win for babies, but now what about the liberal disgusting states? I guess baby steps on finishing the job, will take a little more time from the God fearing people.
Seems people have the means to have sex, but if they want an abortion my tax dollar has to pay for them being stupid? NO! I feel that is a sin! I don't want to support it. My rights my choice, my money! You don't get to benefit for Satans plan!
Funny how they are blaming Trump. Unbelievable! This is why they also want to remove God. Funny thing is, that God will always put people in place and he always will win!
I will have a moment of silence for those that didn't make it.
All About Rights
Soon we will see what the SCOTUS will be saying today about murdering unborn children. Yesterday was good! They know there will be an all out war in the country if they went against the constitution! That is why we have the second amendment! Corruption in the government that our forefathers saw too well! We the people have to defend that constitution with our life!
Like Representative Marjorie Taylor Green said to a reporter after the reporter spouted, what they do, in England. "Your from England? You need to go back there then, if you don't like what freedom here in the USA is! This is America! Go back there!" LOL Not in those words but similar to what I would have said! She stayed TRUE to the Constitution of the USA! May I suggest to the little rejects in our country now to go join that reporter in England!
Oh bother, the control freaks running with Satan himself. Thank you God for your protection from evil!
Such another enchanted evening last night and we also discovered milkweed growing from seed in the forest on our property! Birds ate the seed that floated off my milkweed and what a wonderful fertilizer they gave to that seed! Now it will feed the butterflies!
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Heat Advisory
It's going to be a hot one! Good I'm not doing anything! I am going to take the day off! Pool and shade, pool, and shade repeat. Maybe with a frosty drink in there, somewhere.
As for being on line? This is it! It's like talking to the wall! Didn't I say Oz was shit? I know I did! Not in those words, but I didn't trust em!
I think someone owes my friend Pamela Geller an apology! I have a memory like an elephant. Things just don't go away! I hold things against people and watch them, when I know I have been wronged. Obviously he can't seem to have the gifts I have. Trump was the best! These treasonous clowns should be convicted, on what they are doing to people! Lies after lies and denied a second term to Trump! Ah but Trump needs to up his game and know, of the people that back him! Pamela Geller spoke well of Trump and threw, what he said about her to the side. May I suggest others do the same. BUT WHY IN THE F OZ? I wouldn't have voted for him, just because Trump endorsed him! Please you fools out there! Wake the hell up!
I have been on the internet way back in the 90's. Actually took fortran in high school in the 70's. Sigh.
The best social scene for me is going out with friends. I really can't stomach on line BS. People trying to outdo each other, beating their chest of how wonderful they all are. I see everything and I don't have to be on line to know. Call it another kind of gift. I can be, or am a pain in the ass to some, too bad. By the way did you ever read a story of 101 cats and the old lady? I'll tell you the end. One survived. I'll never forget that story for as long as I live! I got the book from a school library, to read in first grade I think. I was really young and won't forget that story.
You know what the bible said about God and pride. It's the worst! I ask for his help, every single day. All my projects, has his hand in it. Right down to the plants, that I put in the ground. It's amazing how energized I get after asking for help! Sometimes, I get these messages, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALL IN ONE DAY! ENJOY WHAT YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH ME! Then I say ok I will, thank you! I also feel after I go, someone else can enjoy it. Just like I felt about my Kirkland home. It's a good feeling.
Then you get the rewards! This is my newest Hibiscus. It's gorgeous!
Yep they all can go play with themselves on line all they want to. I don't care! You have to take care of yourself first and NEVER let them win over you. Yes, you have God's given rights! If anyone tries to take that away you will have to fight! Fight I will, in his name!Wednesday, June 22, 2022
The Path Is Completed
I see the dems and the republican RINO's will get what they asked for very soon! Between you and me, they ain't going to like it! Neither will their hired antifa/blm thugs!
Meanwhile I am making my surroundings beautiful! Now the rocks and the mulch won't go all over hell, when I mow!
Same Wavelength
I guess I'm on target! He saw my TRUTH! That's a Gemini for you!
See This Is What Happens
Looks to me some firing is going to take place at TRUTH. This is what happens when you get the wrong IT person doing a job!
How interesting how some of my comments didn't get posted. I thought maybe they think I was one of the commies? Then I saw it happen to a well known poster that I was on with at twitter way back when. Till I was banned for life of course. hmmmm...
You can't trust the walkaways either. I'm pretty much done giving money to the GOP and the rest of the clowns out there. DONE! Like I said in a post I need to use what I have to survive. Making new gun laws, letting perps go is not how to run a country! I'm seeing treasonous behavior. McConnell is just one of these treasonous behaviors!
I'm not talking to the left! They are stupid! You can't talk to someone with marxist, socialist viewpoints! Only till stuff starts happening to these people will they wake up. They're pretty dumb.
Fun stuff I grabbed with screenshots. I got banned for screenshots too. After all they don't like when you capture truth, truth they don't like!
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The One Responsible For Having Me Banned For Life On Twitter
Shifty Schiff is anti American and can't answer a question! It's obvious! Never a strait answer from the treasonous scumbag! McConnell is another idiot!
I'm in the Litter Box With Jewels an Catturd is another good podcast.
I really don't miss much. I know all.
It's good to disconnect from the social scene. I won't let anyone get to me anymore, actually never did. Time for a report about my garden marathon workout today! It's 90 degrees out! This morning was only 76, started getting up to 79 by 9 am. Quitting time was at 12:30. That was pushing it at 88 degrees!
I got about 48 4ft rubber border. The pallet wt at 350 pounds. I have a big area of the yard to do. My big thing is the paths I put in. I only got one side finished. This was after using the electric push mower around the edge. I had dug up the grass around the path when I put in the stone last fall. I put off putting a border because, I didn't know what I wanted to put down. I like this stuff I got. It made the path look neat and will keep the bark in one place.
I have the other side to do and right in front of the pool, there is another path. Then along the patio to our pergola, to keep the bark neat in one place. Mowing will be easier. When you use lots of mulch, it will brake down to give you that rich, black gold. Should be good at keeping the weeds back, as well. Tomorrow is another day.
Monday, June 20, 2022
How Pitiful Are They
Now that we can track them right back, they don't want it? This is the funniest sh*t yet that I saw this morning! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Warren is scared now. Mind you they all need to be! Let's sit back and see what happens next, shall we. Will Brandon fall rock climbing next? How about horseback riding? Has he done that yet? Meanwhile, while he is out there having a nice summer, many, many people are suffering. They are having trouble putting food on the table. They can't afford to work, because they can't afford to live in high priced areas, making them commute on gas prices. They barely make enough at their jobs, to cover costs. They are the people that won't get to afford vacations as luxurious as what that idiot in the white house gets to do, along with the entourage of tyrannical, commie stooges! Do you get it yet? They don't care about me, you or anyone else!
BTW... Did anyone out there hear how that teen from tic-tock, died yet? Yeah! Sharia or was it the vaccine? Family pulled it all from the internet. How interesting?
I'm really hoping people are realizing what is going on here. It's really sad. I was fortunate, to have a nice home when I worked. I never had to go far. I filled my tank up maybe twice a month if that. When we retired we went down to one car for 5 years. I'm glad we bought brand new. Took a few trips to the coast and then it got us here to Florida. No thanks Kerry! Take your green new deal and shove it! We bought a low milage like new fully loaded 2019 Mustang! You people will be tar-feathered soon! Many can't afford your bullshit! Stop lying to the people! Having an electric car and then they cut the power. Think about that! Also Kerry has a private jet. It's not electric!
I'm going on to more pleasant things now. I have some different plants coming up at my little island. The folks before had them. I rocked the area in and left space around what they had. I'll add more mulch in the fall to those areas. I learned to do a hard weeding in the winter some spring add mulch and you will have less weeds. It's too hot to do yard work in the summer. I do because I am still learning. Early in the AM for only two hours and maybe a little in the evening, but you still need to peal your wet cloths off from sweating. Thank God for the pool!
These are some of the plants I acquired. The one in the pot was from the real estate person we had. It's blooming all over the place! It's a rose plant but not really a rose. A desert rose.

As you have noticed no, I don't miss the PNW at all! I love having 60 degrees in the day time in the winter! Our salt water pool is heated. Once in doing aerobics and doing laps you warm up anyway. The 3rd bathroom is right by the pool, convenient to hit the warm shower. Why would I miss the PNW? I do feel sorry for my plants that I left behind. I was happy to know they are gardeners wanting to add to it, so I'm good with that.