Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween!

 Found a place for my Panther!  I love the high ceilings!  We had cathedral ceilings in our old home too.  This is more of an open concept.  Never thought of living in a street of dreams type home!  It's very nice!  Work hard and you too can have a nice life!  That is, if it doesn't go socialist, totalitarian marxist commie land!  Then the government takes care of you all right!  They don't really care about you!  Be prepared!

Now, this is my kind of fall colors!


What Woke Men Are Like

Saturday, October 30, 2021

How Many TV's

 It's amazing to me when looking for a home, just how many TV's some people have.  I don't get it and neither does my spouse.  

The old TV we had once, at our old place was in the oak cabinet.  It was an antique!  It was our only TV, one that was in the now oak dinning cabinet.  It had a dinosaur of a TV in it.  I liked the cabinet because it hid the TV, when not watching and looked nice in a sitting room appearance.  Now we have a media room.  Perfect!  A Theater room with nice chairs and only for movies.  

It was funny when the woman, at the nursery said to me.  You have to watch the news for the cold snaps on some tropical plants!  I said no I don't!  I have a weather station.  It's cooler at night but very nice in the day time, in the winter.  I also stated that the TV is part of the problem.  People are zombified!

We came out here looking at homes I was amazed!  I was half way surprised there weren't any TV's in the bathroom!  As big as the master suite bathroom is, it could be a handball court!  Why not a sports bar TV too!  How about a fireplace... lounge chairs...  

We love our spacious home!  Without the TV's!  So yesterday we pulled out the unsightly 2x4 boards with 2 to 31/2in. screws.  Where the TV was displayed in the family room.  We patched and painted and now today we hang more pictures.

This is outdoors by the outside bar, sink & counter.  The clock from my greenhouse, I had at the old place.  The clock looks good here!  Hides the hole!

This looks fantastic in my dinning room area now!  I almost didn't take this.  Glad I did now!

This was during the showing.  All the while thinking WHY? !!!  Also how much damage to the wall to repair it!  Well, at least the place had no carpets and worse!  Like my pet peeve, WALL PAPER!  ICK!

OMG, right?  We have this beautiful picture that is going here, with a low black good looking speaker for music.  Below that will be the wine cooler.  Off to the side we have another dinning area, looking out three huge windows to the pool area.  We put in a low table we already had and two leather club chairs.  Having hors d'oeuvres with drinks before dinner, music in the background.  Very relaxing!

AHHH...  Looks much better!

This was a TV area in the Master bedroom.  Can anyone tell me why you need a TV in a master bedroom?

This was totally nuts to me.  This TV, was on the outside door of another good size bathroom with a walk in shower and toilet, sink counter, to use before, during, after swimming.   It has a nice size closet for towels too.  They did leave us the Boise speakers though.  TWO TV'S OUTSIDE?  The music will be nice for my water aerobics!  

Having two TV's OUTSIDE?  WTH?  I guess they didn't want to miss anything!  Now I need a tropical picture or something over this door.  

You do what makes you happy!  Make sure to thank God every day!  

Friday, October 29, 2021

Moving to Mexico

I'm The Winner!


I can live my life!  All information it comes to me for free...  Lucky one...  Only the lucky ones who really get to know.  Only the lucky!  Thank you God you do run the show!

What was said to me made me chuckle!  "If you don't come back to Facebook, they win!"  No, sorry but I am the winner.  I am driving them all nuts even now.  Some of us aren't a slave to social media.  Real friends are the ones that stay in contact with you.  The fake, fade away.  I don't want to stay on watching everyones life.  There is something better than social media and that is human contact.  Or reading a good book.   

Ah, so she was married to the attorney covering the Clinton foundation....  How about that!  I thought so!  You see I get my information regardless.  It's all in who you know.  

I don't feel bad for Baldwin!  Plan on more guns and ammo!  They are playing at stupid again and someone of consequence DIED!  The tyrants are failing miserably.  

As for the mental condition of Biden.  I would like to look at the mental condition of all who voted for Clinton, Obama, and any other commie including things like insanely Inslee governor types!

Thursday, October 28, 2021


 It's easy to understand that tyrannical marxist, dictators, are in fact wicked to the core!  They are the nightmare!  

You know where Biden can stuff his treats don't you boys and girls!  Hell, the smart kids want to stay away from the pervert anyway!  Only satanic fools, still like sleepy Joe!  Brain dead buffoons, that still watch the lying media!  


Meanwhile the rest of us are making plans, enjoying others company, going to homes and celebrating, life and the pursuit of happiness.  Celebrating our God given freedom!  No one can take that away!

So it's party on LIKE YOU MEAN IT!

This ghost is flipping off this current administration!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

This Is Just One Recipe

Nothing was ever wasted and you made soup too, with rice left over from making the stuffed cabbage.  I always add my own family recipe.  This one was close to mine.  Easy and delish!  Hint: "Wrap them in  bacon!"

Keep Them Isolated?

 Am I not?

I live in the land of freedom and opportunity.  Not some dictatorial marxist full of tyranny state!  I believe, I removed myself from that lunacy!  

If I run into anyone that feels that way here, I will send them your way though!  Fair enough!  

It would be even better, if these tyrannical, ungodly, nut jobs, would just go and leave the USA!  That would be even better!

Ahh, but even Hungary didn't want George Soros!  It's no WONDER!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

God Is!

 ...and always will be!  Thank you heavenly father for all you give us!

Jim Caviezel “The Storm is Upon Us” - The Sound of Freedom (Juan O Savin...

Monday, October 25, 2021

Rock Solid!

 I have a yuge project!  It may take me a while with all I plan on doing. 

Ripping out grass two days ago, for the path and blue rock stepping stones.  Getting some landscaping fabric soon, with the stepping stones.  I am glad I started on this two days ago!  Not getting everything I need till near the end of the week!  I think I have an area or two, where I can start with a couple of bags.   

Yes, I am doing it all!  I love having projects!  It's going to be fun!   

Why NFTs Are Valuable - Explained By An Idiot!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Fall Treat!

 Yes, I do indulge!  Especially when helping out a ma and pa operation!  

Since I live in a warmer climate now, they pack it all on ice for me!  I highly recommend this place!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

He's YUGE!

 Maybe a female?  I don't think I can pick it up to see!  Not to mention all that sand all over the shell!

I took a walk on our property.  I said hey babe, take a walk on the wild side...  

I love the wild nature roaming around the thicket by the tall trees! 

Drug Companies Don’t Fund The Media! Stop Asking!

Friday, October 22, 2021


 This gave me a chuckle.  How subtle?  Or am I being skeptical?  

So I planted Madison Jasmin in Washington State.  Never heard of Confederate Jasmin.  Hello!?  Madison is a highbred?  Huh!  Sweeter fragrance and the flowers bloom longer.  

Ok so I sent the poor nursery person to call me when they get the Madison Jasmin now.  I planted the two Confederate Jasmin, I bought.  Lets hope for the best!  

The soil is sandy so I did mix in some potting soil and added Miracle grow.  Filled the hole with water and plopped them in.  I will get some good mulch, soil to mix in on the top.  Also getting stone to do some landscaping, in the cooler months ahead.  Here I go!

For a laugh, I must tell you that I did look up Madison.  Yes, he was a Confederate!  Good to know history. 

God's grace is all around me.  This place is only a tool in life just like money is.  This is how I look at everything.  Don't let Satan win! 

                   The new Confederate Jasmin.

This was my Madison Jasmin in WA.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

"For the greater good"




 You know you are my neighbor now!  I know where you live!  Do we have the best or WHAT!

I have been banned for life on twit!  A week before the greatest President EVER!  Trump!  So I can only lurk.

Yeah no not putting up with it either!  "PATRIOTS"

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

What Another Fantastic Day!

 Oh is it fall?  Really?  LOL...  

All this is a stones throw away!  I loved hearing what  DeSantis is doing for Florida!  Now there is a leader, unlike dictator, commie, marxist, treasonous loving insanely Inslee, over in WA! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Next 4 Mandates Coming Your Way! Totalitarianism is Great

Something For Everyone

 A tragedy tonight!  

New complications, corruption brewing, Biden naked in a hotel!  OH MY!  Comedy is over, tragedy awaits!

Let the show begin!


What about the 2020 presidential election? 

This current administration is so satanic!  So diabolical!  Media runs with Satan too!  

Conservative people aren't as stupid as you my think!  Corruption, greed, payoffs are in both parties now!  FBI, CIA is on the payroll!  

I know who is working behind the scenes.  Watch out your stupid plan doesn't back fire on ya now!  Oh and it will!  Honey!  The good always win!

Reflect Only On The Good

 Remember, that the devil only wants you to look back on misfortune.  God wants you to reflect on happiness.  Good memories are the best.  You can never go back, but you can thank him for the time you did have.

Always remember that he always has even more to show you.  

Monday, October 18, 2021

Who Do You Praise?

 Who do you put up on a pedestal?  If it isn't God you are in really big trouble.  Our God is a jealous God!

Stop with putting others above the creator!  Stop with the praising of MLK, GANDI, BUDA or others.

The only important being is God!  Turn to him before it is too late!  

Only God is perfection!

Day's That I Feel Blessed

 Are always passed on to others...  

God works in mysterious ways.  Know that you are never alone.

Prayers go out to all who need them.  May you be healed, may the Lord walk with you.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Life is GOOD!


I realized that our storage shed is bigger than some peoples homes.

Hell YEAH!

 I would have quit over this too, if I was still working!

Always Has Been About Money!

 A "Whistle Blower" in Orlando Florida knows!  As I do!  

Working in healthcare was never about human care!  It's always been about the almighty dollar to so-called survival...meanwhile, CEO's and people doing basically NOTHING for others, they get to have a big paycheck with raises!  

When the peon that is doing good work and caring for people starts making more...  Well the CEO's, they think about the budget and the peon is the one's that are GONE!  Let go!

Human contact is not a necessary thing it is a lie!  Thank you for standing up for FREEDOM!  Thank you "NURSE DANI"  I never got support however I know some will see this post.  I worked with stupid selfish people.  God removed me from that toxic area too!  I am sure of it because he knows I won't shut up!  Now I support folks like "NURSE DANI" Sharing is from God!

I am retired and my only support was always GOD! 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

What Southwest DOESN’T Want You to Know…

I Know

 This cold hard truth and the way I bring it usually pisses people off.  I am a danger to the enemy.  A place in hell awaits all that follow Satan for all eternity!  This is why I am not worried and I am fine.  I know Gods will, will win in the end.  No one can harm me on Earth, for I have the full armer of God.  Nothing can ever change what I know, due to his gifts to me.  

SHOCKING DOCUMENTARY?  Not to God's people.  This is what angers most even more.  Life is a gift from God.  What happiness you have, is what God intended.  All the factors to destroy that happiness, is Satan.  You can rebuke Satan.  Try it, then you will see truth.  Stay with the hate, you will be further away from God.  This is why I say the things, I do harshly.  If that upsets you, maybe you better look at yourself, instead of pointing at me!  I have seen manipulation, domination from people all my life.  The ones that feel they can dominate me, will soon find out, that they are the ones being dominated.  Not by me though!  

I am enjoying all of Gods gifts given to me.  I await his calling when the time comes.

Know that the rainbow is God's promise!  Nothing else!