This is a comment well writen by a Conservative member of my family and needs to be posted:
I’m really quite tired of giving you all the verifiable data over and over on every subject I’ve posted and having you come back with your liberal tirade of calling everything lies and radical right wing propaganda. I’m desperately worried ...
about saving our nation from despotic communists and muzscums that are trying to force their satanic sharia down our throats. I will continue to fight this battle. Your failure to comprehend reality and ignore every verifiable form of data then turn around and post crap like Romney hates dogs and it’s all Bush's fault, war on women, occupy Wall Street, etc, ad-nauseum, is your problem. I’ve researched and responded to all of your ridiculous claims and your response is more ridiculous left wing ignorance.
You support the far left agenda of Obama yet you claim to have some reverence for God. The leftist agenda has its roots in and is but a watered down version of Soviet and Chinese communism. This is a philosophy that denounces God calling religion the opiate of the masses and attempts to replace Him with the religion of the state. This is a political system that has murdered hundreds of millions of people worldwide and has sought to force its murderous brutality in every third world country in the world.
You somehow believe your Americanized version of this totalitarian system is a kinder, gentler version of this heinous system and will show the true compassion of the totalitarian state towards its citizens, if only they had the absolute control they so desperately want, so that they can fix all the perceived injustices of our American political system. This can be accomplished if only we could murder more unborn babies and take more money from the wealthy who have earned it and redistribute to those that haven’t.
Now your political party is an overt supporter of the religion of islam, the religion of peace, that is the most heinously brutal satanic religion ever devised. While Christians are murdered and even crucified you lavish praise and accolades on a fraudulent president that has stated ‘I will stand with the muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction’.
You are truly deluded. Go live in your utopian stupor of disinformation and reap the rewards of your misguided devotion and worship to your baby murdering party and to your despotic political leaders from hell.
You support the far left agenda of Obama yet you claim to have some reverence for God. The leftist agenda has its roots in and is but a watered down version of Soviet and Chinese communism. This is a philosophy that denounces God calling religion the opiate of the masses and attempts to replace Him with the religion of the state. This is a political system that has murdered hundreds of millions of people worldwide and has sought to force its murderous brutality in every third world country in the world.
You somehow believe your Americanized version of this totalitarian system is a kinder, gentler version of this heinous system and will show the true compassion of the totalitarian state towards its citizens, if only they had the absolute control they so desperately want, so that they can fix all the perceived injustices of our American political system. This can be accomplished if only we could murder more unborn babies and take more money from the wealthy who have earned it and redistribute to those that haven’t.
Now your political party is an overt supporter of the religion of islam, the religion of peace, that is the most heinously brutal satanic religion ever devised. While Christians are murdered and even crucified you lavish praise and accolades on a fraudulent president that has stated ‘I will stand with the muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction’.
You are truly deluded. Go live in your utopian stupor of disinformation and reap the rewards of your misguided devotion and worship to your baby murdering party and to your despotic political leaders from hell.