Wednesday, March 19, 2025

I Got To Join In The Chat Today.

 I love listening to this show.  Full of good times and information all in one place.  

ENJOY!  "In The Litter Box" 

It's also the last day of winter!  Well here in Florida we look forward to  the 80 degree weather.  Up North though it is cooler and yes the Gulf of America where the astronauts came down is close to us.  They were way off from shore though.  The dolphins are really active in that area!  We love seeing them too!

Monday, March 17, 2025

Cry More Commie Leftists!

 I voted for all of it!  I actually prayed very hard for it!  

Thanks Be To God!


Finally getting the country back on track slowly and the left are getting more nuts, than they already are!  We need a Satan be gone to happen!  They are destroying property, thinking they can just damage a car, businesses, or call 911 on a President Trump supporter, thinking they can just get away with it?  WRONG!  You can now be facing 20 years in prison!  
We are fed up with you people on the left!  Oh and the FBI is working on all those swat calls!  It's not a joke!  You planned for something to go wrong and hoped to have, the person killed!  People took this seriously!  You are now a domestic terrorist!  You will be put away for many years!  This act is attempted murder!  

Hope people that need to see this, will understand, if that is even possible of the left!

Many podcasters were also targeted.  Enjoy todays episode of 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Elon Saves The Astronauts!

 Joe Biden just left them up there!

We have a competent President now that delegates to very intelligent people now!  Thank you again Elon!  First he finds waste in the government now he saves stranded astronauts!  👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻


Friday, March 14, 2025

The Leftest Dems Show Their Ass's Daily

 They destroy property, burn cities to the ground, threaten MAGA, hate on conservatives and worse!  They are against Elon Musk, President Donald J. Trump...  and conservative posters.  

This is what they do, divide, cause fear, and destroy property.  Asshats aren't going to win!  I'll tell you that much!  No wonder, why they wanted our guns!  BTW the police around our place know!

The left keeps piping J6 what about ....blah de blah....  YOU MEAN THE STOLEN PRESIDENCY?  BLM?  ANTIFA burning cities down with the summer of BS?  Or was that love?  Just like the make believe joy, right? 😂😂😂

I guess we have to keep on exposing them, for what they are.  It all had to happen for a reason.  Never mind people died because of them!  Fake news, will be losing more viewers soon!

Now!  I call this terrorism, "SWATTING" someone?  Yes they call the police saying you are harming people and have an AR...  When the swat team comes they hope that you are shot dead!  They call 9-11 on you!  

Everyone knows us here in Florida already.  We have had block parties and the police will check first.  How do I know?  Let's just say I know!  I made sure to know people when we moved in.  We had a party and even the guy we bought the house from was invited and came.  He now lives in another state.  His parents live nearby.  But I digress.

I guess they all know that Dan Bongino, starts soon with Kash, in the FBI.  They will be targeting many, that are causing harm to people.  Count on it!  Including the ones calling 911!  

They are trying to inflict fear, by trying to harm conservatives, that post on line and have podcasts.  News flash!  We aren't going to shut up we are only going to get louder!  I plan to keep this blog going like I have been!  No I'm not a journalist!  But I can share and give my opinion!  YOU CAN'T STOP ME!  

 Enjoy the show!


This in Florida...

Chuck Schumer did something right?  Must be because he knows he is finished!  Along with the rest of the swamp!

This Week In Jihad

The title is This Week In Jihad With David Wood and Robert Spencer (Suit-Wearing Jihad) 

These two remind me of the old days!  Here we are over 20 years later and these Islamic idiots are still going strong!  We have to keep exposing them just like we have to with the democrat leftist crazies!  Well done again Robert and David!

Since we can't trust Youtube or this blog side with asshats that think they need to censor here is a "LINK"  however, I had information go poof too!  You know it's ok for the asshats destroying Tesla dealerships but don't you DARE talk about Islamic terrorists!  The left never did make sense.  It's what they are... NUTS!

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A New Tesla!

 Love the rich color of red!  This was great!

Sad how the left act!  They hate America that much maybe they all need to move to another country!  

Destroying property is definitely a terrorists act!  Oh but don't you love how they bring up J6?  Yes, they fail to see the truth was the corrupt CIA and FBI, ANTIFA, BLM...  Soon you little losers!  SOON!  Destroyed cities and ma and pa businesses!  I know, because we were still living in commie Washington State!  They destroyed Portland too!  Asshats!

Monday, March 10, 2025

No, You Don't Get To Honor A Druggie!

 I'm happy to see the BLM plaza being taken out!  What Benny said on his show, was the same thing I knew!

Good show Benny!  "LINK"

The Chinese are dismantling a masque too!  God is indeed wining here!  Islam is Satan's ploy to take society down!  AWWWW  didn't work!  Too bad! 😂🤣😂🤣  "The left tried that same ideology, with 0bama!

I'm hoping all this damage, that somehow, we will be able to confiscate any money donated to the "blue" organization, to pay for all the damage that they caused!  It's an idea of mine, that we sue for it and get every cent back from those thugs!  Go after that link!

These people on the left are sick, they are twisted and mental!  

This is what we left back in Kirkland Washington, the divide and conquer indoctrinated idiots!  All they have, is a bowel movement at this point!

Yup!  Just down the street in Kirkland WA.!  President Trump was right!  It was coming to a community near you, out of Seattle the summer of bullshit!  We have enjoyed Florida now 4 years!  We don't see this stupid going on here like we did in Kirkland!

Good riddance to you BLM!  We The People Are United!  Maybe y'all can move out of the USA now!  The commie Marxist fascists tyrants are all afraid, now that their divide and conquer failed.  

All together as ONE!  The democrats and RINO's lost!  

This picture scares them!

Should Al Green Be Expelled from Congress?

Well we know what the left loons are now.  Pathetic imbeciles as they always have been!  

Thank you Tom Fitton.  I think I killed X with my comments again, so we know the rejects are still out there.

Since we can't trust youtube either here is the