Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Very Cute However


They eat the monarch caterpillars!  That's nature for you!  Somehow the butterfly still survives.  Regardless of the nutcase greenie weenie's BS!

It's summer and it's supposed to be hot!  Are these people for real?  You know we will have an ice age again someday, and man won't be able to do anything about it!  Just like they won't be able to stop a meteor from hitting our planet!  

 Funny how Klaus Schwab wants to block out the sun.  Guess what dumbass, the sun will burn out on its own!  Of course you will be dead already!  Why aren't you and your goons gone yet?  

There is not one day that passes by, that I don't see more stupid commie, socialist, marxist, democrat dumbass, people!  I'm getting sick of these idiots!

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