Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Of Course The DOJ Wants To Seal Truth

 They have been caught and numbered.  I hate to tell you, but Liz Cheney and many other RINO's out there are finished!  Satan's minions, are having fits.  We the people know anyway, but we will push for ALL to see it!  Rub noses in it, sort of speak.  People are in denial, because they trusted the government so much.  They lost the ability to see corruption.

My God, they are even attacking the Rosary?  I have several, even though, I no longer trust the churches, I do read the bible.  The news is all in there.  They want to erase God.  Um, you may want to rethink that, before he erases you!  Eternity in hell is a very long time.  It's like forever.

I know by the bogus emails I get, how desperate Satans minions really are.  Not going to happen with me.  Yeah, I'm that stubborn!  The armor of God is with me always.  Satanic stooges, out there can't stand it.  I will never walk alone, no one can harm me.

You will hear attacks even if they don't speak your name.  Such as yesterday at a podcast:  "They don't know how to speak to people, and they are like robots, regurgitating the same lines."  I know how to ignore evil.  That's a true statement, however, I am done with engaging.  I don't have the time.  I have been there before, only to be shown my time being wasted.  They aren't friends.  Never will be.  I am very picky.  It takes quite a bit to get close to me.  I may not show it, but my guard is always up.  I won't be hurt.  

When you do ignore some, you will see them all unravel.  Turn to God before it's too late.  You can't talk to someone that won't listen.  After all, they think it's all about them.  

I'm seeing the money issues coming in too.  Not making enough talking?  Work for it!  Stop begging people, you are doing a service for humanity, you need to have that second job to support it then!  I do this blog for free and never wanted a cent.  In fact if just one reads it, I am happy.  I see when I check there are many who do lurk.

I know something big, is about to drop!  

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